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Old 04-01-2011, 08:09 PM
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Margies3 Margies3 is offline
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Unhappy My 14 year old niece needs your prayer

Almost 2 years ago Cara was found to have a form of lymphoma that is usually only ever found in very old people. They did surgery and radiation and at that time said that it was gone. However, they also told my sister and her husband that this type of cancer typically comes back. And that it comes back with a vengeance and goes quickly. So for 2 years now, things have gone well.

Until today. The doctor called Sally and let her know that he is almost sure that the cancer has returned and this time it is in the bone. He said that her hemoglobin levels are very far down. He made an appointment for Cara to see the oncologist again on Monday at 10:30. Please pray that he is wrong!! And if he is not wrong, pray that the cancer can be cured.

On top of this, Sally's mother-in-law passed away at 2:00 in the morning last night. So they're already facing a major loss.

I appreciate all of your prayers, friends!!
Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of a battle ! ! ! !
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