Originally Posted by mfblume
Yeah, why repent? Why pray? The cross is good enough, isn't it? Why believe? Why own a bible?
The point is that the cross provided everything we need to be saved. Anything we do can NEVER be considered salvation by that deed. There are things we need to do. But by the way you are talking about the cross in contrast to anything else you are implying, purposefully or not, that one need do nothing -- not even repent, pray... nada.
So were people "saved" in the Old Testament? Will they be in heaven with us? The major "selling point" of the New Testament is that it's much easier than the requirements of the Old Testament, correct? I mean, we've got all these laws, all these rules. But if one obeys them, if one follows the requirements, one is justified with God.
But here we have, now, the New Covenant which is much more accessible, much easier, much less difficult. But suddenly one runs into this insurmountable obstacle.....one is told one must speak in tongues! There's one group saying this is the initial sign of the infilling of the Holy Ghost which mush be acquired in order to be saved, while another group will proclaim you "saved" without it, but continually tells you that you don't have all God has for you.
But, this person tries and tries and tries....to no avail. It just seems easier to go wrestle a bull, cut his throat, drain the blood, burn him, and head back home. It's dirty, ugly, gruesome work, but hey....at least it's achievable.