Thread: I'm Jealous
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Old 03-30-2011, 07:34 AM
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Re: I'm Jealous

Originally Posted by supertone View Post
I just found out that a friend of mine got promoted. That is great news for him; however, I can't help but feel jealous at the moment. I believe that we are comparable in skills and knowledge etc and I wasn't personally expecting to get promoted so I am not upset that I wasn't also selected.

I know that it is not right for me to be jealous and there is no logical reason for me to be as this guy has obviously done well enough in his job and deserves it. It is a weird feeling to logically know that I have no reason to feel this way and to know that it is wrong but I still feel jealous.

Any good scriptures off the top of anyones head to HELP!
In lieu of scripture... can I offer a story of experience?

While it was not jealousy that I was dealing with a number of years ago my wife and I had been burned pretty bad at a church we attended. We were angry and resentful. I remember praying and saying "God... I know I should not feel this way. This is wrong for me to have these feelings but it is what I am feeling and I can't seem to "turn it off".

I had these feelings and I knew I should get over them and move on but our emotions aren't a piece of clothing that we can simply replace with another.

So... to attempt to keep a short story short... A visiting preacher came into town and called us up during the service. He had several encouraging words for us and then he laid his hands on us and prayed.

I've never experienced anything like that before but on the way home I realized that all of my anger... all of my resentment was gone.

There are some things that we need God to heal in our lives. Especially things that deal with emotions. And most especially when we know that we have come to a logical conclusion that this is not the way we need to be feeling and yet... the feeling remains.

After I hit Submit Reply I am going to pray for you and I hope others will join me. I will pray that God will heal these emotions within you and give you freedom from what you seem to be unable to free yourself from right now.

These are the things that God can do in our lives. I think you're halfway there... the realization that this is not a way we should be feeling is half the battle. If, upon realizing that, the emotions are still a battle then the rest is the Lords. These are the times we go to God and say... I can't help myself... if I could... I would. Please help me put this behind me.

My experience has been... He is faithful.

Last edited by Digging4Truth; 03-30-2011 at 07:37 AM.
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