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Old 03-29-2011, 11:02 AM
onefaith2 onefaith2 is offline
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Re: Killing Bulls & Goats Was Easier Than Grace

Originally Posted by Socialite View Post
Let's put it this way: Why did God elect Israel, separate them and call them to be His people?

(BTW, eternal life, rescue from death is different than "to spend forever in Heaven" -- I don't think your answer is wrong, I just don't think it's complete)
Because of the response of Abraham, the Father of faith to believe the promises of God. That is why the convenant was formed. God desired a relationship with his creation that was broken by sin. Abraham was willing to believe God in a pagan land and accept his promises.

Then God and Abraham made an agreement, a covenant, that his people would be blessed and that they would follow God in all they do.

Eternal life is different to spending eternity with Jesus? Please do tell. I need to hear a different opinion about eternal life.
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