Re: Killing Bulls & Goats Was Easier Than Grace
I can tell you all right now. Salvation is by faith in the shed blood of Jesus and nothing else. If a person of any church is claiming to be a christian then they must have undergone a spiritual transformation or they are not like Christ and can't claim to be a christian. If someone is teaching that your are saved by keeping the commandments then PAUL SAID.Having begun in faith are you now made perfect by the law,? he then stated, I fear that you have fallen from grace[ Fell out of favor with God} In other words they are not in alignment with the mind and plan of God.
If someone is claiming to be saved it has to be in past tense. That is what faith is. Know you have something even though it has not appeared.Anything outside of that is confessing to being saved at some point in time. If that is the case of a believer then they are not saved at all. I wish people could understand the true doctrine of sanctification instead of misleading people into a hard yoke that they who teach it do even follow>