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Old 03-29-2011, 10:28 AM
onefaith2 onefaith2 is offline
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Re: Killing Bulls & Goats Was Easier Than Grace

Originally Posted by Socialite View Post

All the cute little tag lines we say, but when viewed in how they are practiced it is not so.

I also believe it's a promise. So what that means is, Spirit Baptism is something Jesus would love the Church to have for mission, and there's no use being anxious about it, saying Acts 2:38 is a command (but then qualifying the Holy Spirit part despite pleading people to "get saved" and come to the front and receive the Spirit)....

We say so many things to smooth this out, but it's like one of those shirts that come pre-packaged... some of those creases just aren't coming out.
Yep you apparently don't understand God's promises in the way I'm seeing them. He never fails on his end, NEVER. Tongues or not tongues yet, you are going to get everything you need to be ready to enter heaven, if you continue to trust in Him.

Sort of like the disciples saying, JEsus show us everything NOW.. Jesus says you are not able yet. Or the believer saying, I want all truth now, yet Jesus says the Holy Spirit will lead you into all truth.

Amazing what patience and trust in this book would actually do if apostolics would practice it in these situations.
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