Originally Posted by Charnock
Here's what's more than ironic.
You cry foul because I mentioned a situation that is real, and verifiable, but I only spoke in vague generalities. You take issue with the fact that I have expressed such a low opinion of specific websites, because you believe I am somehow damaging somebody's (who is as of yet unnamed) rep.
But on the other hand, you are cajoling for more specifics.
Which is it? Do you want me to shut up, or spew facts?
I have facts, but when, and if, I spew them you will scream even louder. Secretly you're appetite for gossip will be sated, but publicly you will wail and moan because I've given you exactly what you wanted.
This ain't my first rodeo, gents.
I think that you have manage to impugn the good name of every preacher who has participated in forums, accusing members of preacher's forums of collusion in a cover up. I'm a member of three of them (CAF would never have me), and I still think you are blowing smoke with your charges of cover up for adultery and perversion.
Do I think that the names of those who have failed God and their families should be made public - no.
Your charges are that ongoing adultery and perversion are being covered up and the perpetrators are allowed to continue to post with the full knowledge of other members. I'm saying that you are wrong and besmirching the reputations and character of into the hundreds of ministers.
Spew if you want to - just make sure you have the absolute proof.