Thread: Closed Forums
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Old 03-17-2011, 08:17 PM
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Re: Closed Forums

Originally Posted by stmatthew View Post

I am sure every preacher would have their own reasons for posting on a closed forum. I have heard that some felt it was better to post with other ministers least they be seen "pastoring" someone elses saints. Some are just more comfortable in a closed environment where other preachers are posting.

I honestly think that many of the conversations would be the same type we had here when many of those preachers posted here regularly. They bickered and fought then. That hasn't changed. What has changed is they now do it outside of the sight of saints. Not that they are "better", but that it is a little unsettling to see a man that preached at your church last night tell another preacher on a forum the next day that he is gonna bust hell wide open for what he believes.

I am not sure I have any major reason, other than it was what was open to me to fellowship when I backed away from here.

Hope this helps.
I believe that's a very reasonable explanation.
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