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Old 03-17-2011, 05:47 PM
DAII DAII is offline
Freedom@apostolicidentity .com

Join Date: Dec 2009
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Re: Big Brother's Syndrome: They Shall Know You By

Well, well ... if you turn over enough stones you'll uncover more than expected .... and some things just fall on your lap

The following attachment is being dubbed a manifesto of sorts by his ministerial peers.

.. an article sent to Headquarters written by Thomas Wynn Drost ... last year that was "dealt with internally" as it is highly critical with how Foreign Missions Division operates.

(Seems he's on a roll!)

Although I agree with a lot of the sentiments expressed in the letter especially as it deals with the increasing centralized power of St. Louis, the original intent of the formation of the UPCI and some great ideas about moving forward ... There is quite a bit of dripping irony permeating from it as the nationalists in other countries, such as his native Colombia, have expressed some of sentiments decades ago.

One has to wonder what exactly is floating in TW's mind when he in one breath accuses the UPCI of having a "controlling" and " colonialist" mindset while alienating a large segment of the Latin American Apostolic Oneness movement by making them out to be "pirates", "thieves", and "imitators" ...

I can't imagine this sat very well with the FMD director, board or the General Board

What the end game in all of this ... is very puzzling.

Here is a brief excerpt:

What I am seeking is that we improve our Organization; that we seek better structures and better mechanisms so that we can enlarge our Work and make it more efficient and more productive. A lot has been accomplished, but we can still do a whole lot better. I believe we can strive to improve our effort so that we can better fulfill the Great Commission of taking the Gospel “unto all the world, and to every creature”.

I ask that the labor and accomplishments that have been attained in the various countries around the world be respected, especially, where the Church has grown and developed. That the leaders be treated as mature and responsible leaders - as adults, and not as children, nor as nobodies. It’s like sons who grow up and become adults: mother has to quit changing their “baby’s” diapers, she has to potty train him; eventually let go of his hand so that he can walk alone; allow him to go to school by himself and; some day, that he marry, form a family and live by himself; and that the parents respect him as an adult!

We must reject that colonialist and controlling mentality that is deterring the growth and development of the Church of God in so many countries of the world today; that is only causing indignation, and the humiliation of capable and responsible leaders who continue to be treated as “second class” citizens. That is not biblical, for the Bible says we are not to Lord it over anyone: 2 Peter 5:3.
There is also a section that deals with his thoughts on the term "United Pentecostal International" ... and some history that I will seek to verify.

But really TW ... you act like Big Brother in your letter slamming other Oneness believers and then turn around and essentially call the bureaucracy that has covered you for so long, "Big Brother" ... *scratching my head*.

(Note to Admin) Please read TW's own disclaimer about the distribution of this communicatio

PS. Considering the means of communication that exists today, I know that this article will be shared with others. Therefore, I prefer to write something that might be a bit extensive, but seeks to better explain things, and not just a few short words - which have a greater possibility of being misunderstood, or miss used. We offer the present writing hoping to provoke dialogue. Therefore, we are not prohibiting the distribution, but only ask that it not be changed or edited.
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