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Old 03-17-2011, 01:19 PM
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Re: **preacher forums**

Originally Posted by bishoph View Post
My good friend, you are maligning good men with absolute false statements. Which is the case in the first highlighted portion of your post. The "unnamed forum" has a very clear doctrinal creed if you will, which one must agree to before becoming a member. If and when some have decided to make their doctrinal stance (which differs from the forum's clearly stated "creed") public knowledge and then debate for its acceptance......they are the ones who have been asked to either agree with the forum's "creed" or remove themselves from membership.......Personally I do not find that to be harsh nor hypocritical. In fact I have much respect for men who would leave an organization or a forum because their beliefs have changed, than to stay and essentially lie about what they really believe.

I have personally watched much heated debate over standards and other peripheral topics, and when the dust settled everyone went home believing what they had started out believing. No one was banned or "booted out," or removed from the forum just because their view of standards was different from the accepted "norm" of said forum. Heated, emotional betcha.......kicked out over it.......NEVER.

In response to the second highlighted portion of your post, all I can say is that it is amazing to me how life's experiences sometimes only allow us to see through the lens tainted by those experiences. Take off the glasses Bro. and see reality.

"That sentiment" that you referenced, the "Adultery is preferable, and entirely more tolerable than not preaching "the message"" sentiment was never expressed by me on this thread, nor has it ever been expressed by anyone I know. Adultery hurts everyone involved, and usually many who are not directly involved. No one has denied that, nor tried to cover it up, etc. No one has tried to diminish the sinfulness of it in any way.

However, if not bringing it into an open atmosphere where it can be discussed by everyone (and we all know that just because it is a "private preachers forum" does not insure the "privacy" of discussion, nor limit its scope on the WWW) and putting the offender on the whipping post so that all can take their best shot: if that means the unnamed forum is preferring adultery over not preaching "the message" then so be it.

In my earlier post which you are referencing, I simply stated that when a minister commits adultery they should be/usually are, and IMO must be removed from ministry asap. By so doing it will hopefully limit the harm done to those who have already been affected, and limit further ability to hurt others from a position of spiritual leadership. (Please show where that makes adultery preferable to _____________)

I went on to say that a person who is preaching/teaching false doctrine, (whatever that may be) usually remains in their position of spiritual leadership for umpteen years and may be doing grave harm to those they lead with potentially eternal consequence. So the question is not "is adultery preferable to false doctrine," but rather the question is which one may have the greatest overall impact or present the greatest danger overall? Both must be dealt with IMHO! The tsunami in Japan killed approx 10,000 people because many were warned and were able to escape. However, the nuclear catastrophe may kill or significantly harm millions especially when you consider the long term the tsunami preferable? one is saying let's give safe haven to and promote the adulterer. But we are mandated by scripture to cover (not the sin but the sinner) and restore.

And finally, if the unnamed forum is a haven for all that you allege and for the reasons you state......then AFF is equally so, as this forum readily and openly discusses what people here deem as false doctrine, naming the perpetrators etc.......but I have yet to see an adulterer or fornicator named, skinned, beaten and left to die.

(As I stated in my earlier posts, forums IMO whether private "preacher forums" or public such as AFF, should promote thorough discussion of issues not people.)
Because it was handled behind the scenes and not discussed openly on NFCF or AFF.
Master of Science in Applied Disgruntled Religious Theorist Wrangling
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Last edited by rgcraig; 03-17-2011 at 01:23 PM.
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