Originally Posted by ILG
I can only speak for myself. My husband and I pastored for 10 years. For most of those years, I was a true believer. I was completely sold out and gave everything I had and then some. I didn't see any holes in the doctrine. In time, I began to see holes in the doctrines. The fact that people treated us like ........ the whole time we were in the UPC left no hard decisions. If the doctrine is incorrect, there is no need to put up with the ......... The grass is definitely greener. We don't attend church anywhere. I am much happier. I am not saying this route is for everyone, but at this stage in my life, it is the best thing I ever did. I may never return to anything. I do miss community, but since there never was a whole lot of that anyway, I probably more miss the idea or dream of what I wanted church to be more than what it really was.
ILG, I find your post sad. I am sorry you were seemingly faced with such difficult decisions.
Speaking for myself, I feel because I was a true believer and did not place my confidence in man-made denominations I was never set up for a similar departure from church and what you call "community".
Having to choose I may very well have made the same choice as you. Thankfully, it's not at all necessary for me.