Originally Posted by notofworks
About 6 weeks ago, AFF Admin appeared to stop speaking softly and start swinging a big stick. Infractions abounded, bans took place, posts were deleted, and argumentative threads were relocated.
So I was just wondering....did the crackdown work? Is the tone better now? Is there more mutual respect being shown? Is it "Mission Accomplished" or is it back to business as usual?
LOL! I really don't recall talk of a "crackdown" at all.
Furthermore, I am not aware of increased bannings, infractions, or deletions. If there was an increase it can simply be attributed to two things:
1. Better monitoring. The Admins are employed and donate their time to make this a safe and beneficial place to come for fellowship and discussion. Recently one Admin in particular had a break in employment and consequently has been able to donate more time in monitoring the forum.
2. Increased activity which required Admin attention. Again, I don't think this is the case, but it is possible. Sometimes it seems we go a week or two without issues, and then there are those days... Perhaps moon cycles have something to do with it, or someone forgets their medicine...
All is well backstage, NOW. But thanks for your concern and support.