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Old 03-15-2011, 10:48 AM
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Re: A Sense of Dread

Originally Posted by pelathais View Post
"Exploiting their deaths" is just what the news media is doing. The hype is so overblown now that people are reported to be "fleeing Tokyo in panic..." Yet no one has found dangerous levels of radiation anywhere outside of the reactors themselves and one particular used fuel storage area.
If the sufferings were not exploited by hype and news media, do you suppose that would in the least diminish the suffering, the loss and desperation? It matter not to me that there are media outlet that exploit it for their own profits. So what? The suffering lingers on anyway.

I wouldn't laugh about it. I'm just saying that life is better than death - especially the "dying" part of death. In particular, the drowning beneath a city bus trapped between a fishing trawler and a train car while being washed out to sea part of dying.

I prefer to think of these people as alive - when they were alive, and when they may yet be alive again in another place.
You are certainly free to think whatever you wish...including every happy thought that you can conger up in your mind. I would love to be assured that all 10,000 souls are now singing in glory. That would be a happy thought. Forgive me for being unable to bring myself to such a land of imaginary utopia. Even if they were all with the Lord at this point, the soul wrenching agony over so many lost loved ones are enough to make angels weep....including me. But, you keep all those happy thoughts.

Some folks either have such a miserable condition or maybe they simply perceive themselves as being in a miserable condition that "death" is preferable. That is, it's preferable until someone points out just how troubled their thoughts are. Your comment may have been a better salve than your prayers... if the dear lady catches on.
At least those 10K have no choice. The unspeakable devastation which affects will be painful for decades to come can be somewhat minimized by "happy thoughts" if they could but catch on to this philosophy. I would suggest you go there and teach them how to think and be forever free of all care. You could call your road show, "How To Think and Grow Happy and Cheery." I'm sure it would change everything.

hahaha.... Too much juice for one treatment, Dr. P.

Luffa ya, eeniehow.
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