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Old 03-01-2011, 10:31 AM
sandie sandie is offline
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Re: A Sense of Dread

Originally Posted by Apprehended View Post
Anyone else here feeling it?

A sense of dread recently came over me. There's something in the making. I have no idea what it is. Usually when this happens, it's not long before some big disaster. I felt like this shortly before 9-11.

Just thought I would ask...
Yes, I've been feeling like there's "something in the making". It's been my prayer that God would have us ready.
There seems to be something coming to a "head" (imo), for lack of a better term.
Look at the turmoil around the world and in our own nation. The middle east is rocking and reeling, people are looking for answers and expecting national leaders to come up with solutions...but quick.
I have no idea what the future holds, but I know God is in control and He can change any circumstance and or future outcome.
We need to pray and hold onto the Lord like never before.

I'm reminded of Romans 8:28.

I didn't feel any sense of dread before 9/11, but within a short time of it happening I did feel a deep sense of peace. I'm beginning to feel that same sense of peace in the last few days. So, God only knows if something has been averted, for the cries of mercy that have gone out from His people or if He will protect His own in the course of what lies ahead or if we experience every bit of it? Whatever the case, Jesus is our Strong Tower and the righteous run into it and are safe.
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