Originally Posted by Addicted
I've tried filters, ive used my wife to help me but nothing ever worked, the desire always found a way but now im tired of it. You said that you can't get rid of the desire but i believe you can. There were times that i could care less about porn, they lasted shortly but i really felt discust for it. At those times, i was so high on Jesus Christ and was very zealous. When i don't watch porn, i am very very zealous for the Lord but it only takes one time of watching porn to knock that all down. God is able to keep us from falling and able to present us faultless, i know i can't do this alone, i need Gods help and i need my brothers in Christs help as well. God Bless you for your encouraging words.
Thats exactly what I have went through. Your on high on something the Lord used you to do and BAM, down you go.. another failure.. another mistake.. another mountain to climb. Don't worry many have fought the same battle. There is deliverance and there is healing. We just have to use wisdom and set up boundaries that we won't cross.
I used to have the bondary of "as long as there wasn't nudity" I could view it. Thats disdainful. It doesn't work. The images in your mind push your futher, everytime. However when you put that standard higher, as say any immodesty at all (and you have to define that) it will help as you consciously will filter in your mind whether any film or picture or internet site has full acceptability for you to view.
I use Windows Vista filter. There are parental controls where you can list the only sites you want to be able to view or you can set a high filter and block sites you know you don't need to view.
My wife has the password and my account is user, not admin. Yes its frustrating when you cannot do something but thats where accountability comes in.
I tried quitting the internet, tried other things but they didn't seem to work. SO its best to have accountability and individual standards on what you view.
Late at night, when everyone is asleep was the WORST time for me. Be wary of his devices. You can do all things through Christ my brother!