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Old 02-03-2011, 12:29 PM
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The Mrs The Mrs is offline

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Re: Closed Thread Clarification

Hey, Guys...this isn't an 'air your grievances' thread.

If you have a problem with an Admin action, please send a private message to any member of the Admin Team, or to the Admin ID.

From our Forum Rules:

What to do if you have a problem with an Admin action

If you have a question about a ban, or any action of an Admin, discuss it in PM or email with Admin. Openly questioning or defying the Admins over a banning or other Admin actions will result in a ban. All actions viewed as seditious or anarchistic will result in a banning as well. Remember, the Admins are here to help make the board run smoothly and need your cooperation.
'Some folk don't understand that the middle "F" in AFF is the most important ingredient!' -noeticknight