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Old 02-02-2011, 02:10 PM
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Re: This forum needs a name change...

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
This forum doesn't need a name change; it needs an attitude change. And asking for an attitude change from one side of the coin doesn't give the other side carte blanche to take their place with name-calling and insults.

Here's a thought: Post your views with integrity sans personal attacks and disrespect and let the AFF admin address any bad behavior from your doctrinal and philosophical opponents.

A few posters in particular come to my mind when I think of those who can successfully present their views and argue a point without attacking others:

A.W. Bowman
(not that he posts anymore )

If you want to know how to post respectfully and still have a spine in regard to your personal views, read through their serious posts.

It all depends on your desired outcome. If you truly want to seek to understand the views of others with appreciation for what each person contributes AND present your views in such a way that others might be persuaded to agree, you'll follow some of these good examples. If, however, all you want to do is provoke people, annoy them, get a rise out of them, insult them or downright hurt their feelings, then you will insult, flame, name-call, deride, mock and scorn. I thought the thread about Rob McKee's post was a terrible example of flaming at its worst, and at no point on that thread was he shown respect by those who were questioning his views. It was shameful.

So which is it? Do you want to actually have respectful discourse with your brothers and sisters, or even those who aren't a brother and sister? Or do you only seek to hurt and tear down others?

There are PLENTY of Apostolics on this forum, so there is absolutely no need for a name change, IMO. I do see the need to draw some boundaries around conversations so that people can get back to respectful debate and discussion that allows people to remain friends at the end of the day.

That's just my 2 cents.
I know you posted that, but your name should be on that list!
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