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Old 01-04-2011, 11:56 AM
BroGary BroGary is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 303
Re: Book of Rev. mysterious.....

Mystery Babylon is a Luciferian belief system that has weaved it's way down thru history and plays a signifigant role in end time prophecy.

Here is an excellent source of info on the history of the NWO and how the "Mystery Babylon" belief system has continued thru to modern times, it has been cloaked with many cover groups to hide their real beliefs from the general public, but they are close to realizing their Luciferian New World Order (the antichrist one world government prophesied in the Bible)

Note: the speaker (researcher William Cooper) was not an apostolic, and these web sites I found his archived broadcasts on are not apostolic, so it is understood we will not agree with their salvation and Godhead theology, but as far as his years of detailed and verified research on the NWO he is a good resource as far as that topic, now I may not totally agree 100% with every little point he made, but overall he seems to be very accurate on the NWO, probally at least 90% or more from what I have read/heard thus far.

Note: when listening to his broadcasts, keep in mind that he oftens reads research that shows the "Mystery Babylon" beliefs from their point of view, it may sound like he is saying it as if he believed that way, but occasionally he will remind his listeners that he is saying what they believe, not his belief.

He did a lot of other shortwave radio broadcasts over the years (before the NWO had him killed) but these here focus on a series he did on the history of "Mystery Babylon" - a total of 42 broadcasts.

These first links have MP3 files you can download and listen to, there is another web site (I included a couple of the links further below) where people have transcribed those broadcasts
into written words for those who prefer to read rather than listen.

(a couple of the transcribed broadcasts, the others are available on the same site below)

Also: Here is a link to an interesting article titled:

"Brilliant Overiew from Henry Makow: The NWO Conspiracy Summarized in Two Pages"

(here are some other sites it is linked at also if the above link is not correct)

Also: Here is a link to an interesting article about who "THEY" are -

For a general overview of the history of the NWO written by an apostolic minister here is a link to that page:

There is a lot more info available, but the above should fill in a lot of the missing puzzle pieces of the NWO "big picture" :-)
Acts 2:38 is a must, not simply an option !
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