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Old 01-04-2011, 10:30 AM
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Re: Book of Rev. mysterious.....

Originally Posted by kerrywichteric View Post
there are those who teach that it (the Book of Revelations) was all fulfilled in 70 AD with the destruction of the temple by the Romans.
How could this be since Jesus has NOT returned to fight the "end time" world dictator (read Rev.17:12-14 and 19:11-21). In addition, it wasn't given to John until 90-96 AD, which was over twenty years after the Romans invasion of Jerusalem.
Not getting into another debate here, since we did this enough already. lol. But these points you make do not address what those who believe the bulk of Rev was fulfilled in AD70 are saying. Just so you know, our view proposes that the dictator you refer to was in effect at that time, as well. And internal evidence suggests Rev was written before AD70.

"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
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