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Old 01-04-2011, 09:24 AM
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Apprehended Apprehended is offline

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Re: Book of Rev. mysterious.....

Not mysterious at all.

Since it is a highly spiritual book, it is closed to the carnally, or what is the same, naturally minded.

First chapter is given to identify to whom the book is written...i.e., God's servants. Within the same chapter, Jesus identifies himself...just in case anyone has any doubt. He also specifies where he is found...walking in and among the churches, the seven golden candlesticks.

After the first chapter in which Jesus specifies who he is and where he is, he then, for the next two chapters speaks to the seven churches of Asia which are the whole of the church universal, for all time, in the complex. Every church that has ever existed can be found somewhere, in part, if not in whole, within those two chapters. All but one is called upon to repent.

After Jesus identifies each of their specific situations, he then calls upon them to repent, specifying to each of them both rewards if they will repent, and speaking specific consequences if they do not repent, the 4th chapter then opens up with prepatory judgment of the churches as to their reaction to the messages to each of them. The question is then; to repent or not to repent...that's the question. This preparation continues on into the 5th chapter.

The sixth chapter then opens up depicting the vital declension of the church universal and individually from the most vital condition progressively on to the most death-like condition after which hell overtakes the church by which it is destroyed totally.

From that chapter onward is the progression of the church either evolving into a harlot church or that of the virgin bride of Christ who, in the end will be seen with him looking upon his face.

So, it is really not a mystery. Like all the rest of God's Word, the enemy of the church would have our attentions diverted away to some fantasy land laboring in the factories of fevered imaginations, leaving the rest of us to wonder what the carnal, or non-spiritual mind will manufacture next.
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