Originally Posted by MissBrattified
Coming from the home of a father who only attended two of four of his daughters' marriages, I can tell you that I share his strong view on whether one should support a marriage and how that support is shown.
To your question directly: I don't know. I wouldn't recommend a large, celebratory wedding to begin with. I think it's inappropriate when the precursors are...less than respectable. I love my children unconditionally, but I don't confuse unconditional love with unconditional support and approval. In all fairness, my children aren't grown, so you really need to ask again in twenty years. I'm aware that we all have soft spots for our kids, but I haven't had any problem expressing disapproval so far, without making them feel that I hate them when they displease me. (Albeit, in small matters.) There are practical things to consider, such as not alienating my son by too strong a reaction, which might affect my decision.
Would you? Attend the wedding of your child if they were behaving badly and throwing propriety to the wind? Would you pay for it? Would you advise discretion instead? What do you envision?
To put my opinion in perspective, I would feel more comfortable having a homosexual couple to dinner than I would attending their wedding. To take vows *before God* to form a union that is a perversion of God's original plan is sacrilegious. I couldn't in good conscience offer any support.
You seem to be backing off....for which I'm happy.
The unconditional love you would feel for your children would be the identical kind of unconditional love I would show to friends. I am at a loss as to how attending a gay person's wedding would be approval of their lifestyle.
If it makes you feel better, the wedding was very awkward for me and I struggled profusely with it. But never in my life have I felt more like Christ than when I stood there that day. I know that will freak some of you out, but I have never felt like I was standing in Christ's stead than in those moments.
And don't worry....when Christians found out I had attended, they freely expressed their opinions to me and about me.