Originally Posted by TheLegalist
because clothing is a extension of attitude. To say we don't express ourselves by clothing is really ignoring the point.
Even saying as much as you are about something like clothing seems to me to e a bit odd. I mean, clothing?
To also say NO responsibility was placed in clothing is also ignoring the point.
No one sees NO responsibility.
GOd cares about every aspect of our life. Does clothing save? Of course not but that doesn't mean it doesn't matter and we just do whatever we want. Holiness is reflecting God's will and order for our lives. to say distinction in clothing does not reflect setting apart.... sorry but that ignores any common sense.
Clothing is such a minimal part of holiness, I cannot begin to describe it. Like I said, one has to be conditioned to place a high priority upon it to the degree it has been put in conservative circles known for standards of dress. How many times did the bible speak of it in any sense in contrast to the masses of scriptures in the bible? Indeed it is a point of common sense.
Originally Posted by Sandie
Clothing can reflect some things: one's status, income, culture for sure.
But, love from the heart. That's almost too silly to write.
Jesus said to love Him and love others. He never wraped that up within clothing and to say otherwise is truly "ignoring the obvious".