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Old 12-20-2010, 09:32 AM
Socialite Socialite is offline

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Re: Facts Found~The Early Church and Standards~

Originally Posted by TheLegalist View Post
correct but love for God flows to the other areas in which we separate ourselves according to his purpose. Clothing reflects many areas and to say it doesn't is simply ignoring the obvious. God desires order in all things and clothing reflects such order. clothing does reflect love from the heart!
Put your tape measure away, Legalist. You're missing it.

My clothing isn't separated to God -- my heart is. I may choose to respect myself and honor my brother, but that's a far-cry from the programmed minds of thousands of mini-legalists like you that only see in terms of clothing. It's hard-wired in your brains.

Regarding clothing reflecting order, and clothing reflecting love. I think you are taking liberties (ironic) there. The fact that we are talking about clothing in the context of one's relationship with God feels creepy to me. The fact is, heart problems can surface in clothing, diet, time spent on something, language used, attitudes felt, imaginations unleashed, actions taken, etc.... A heart issue is a heart issue. To single out clothing and make it as big a deal as Legalists like yourself have done is... well... legalism. It has suffocated the weightier matters. Elder brother syndrome.
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