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Originalist 11-29-2020 12:03 PM

Trump can't leave office
Delta Force/CIA shootout in Germany? We have the server?

The problem is, time is not on our side. December 12 is in the Constitution. The Electoral College must meet on that day. But if it takes until December 19, for example, to adequately compile and present all the evidence that Trump is privy to, then what? What if the SCOTUS declines to hear the case because "we don't have enough time?"

Perhaps they are actually trying to force Trump to take executive action so they can have an excuse for a forced deep-state removal. Time for millions of armed patriots to take D.C.

diakonos 11-29-2020 12:08 PM

Re: Trump can't leave office

Originally Posted by Originalist (Post 1596870)
Perhaps they are actually trying to force Trump to take executive action so they can have an excuse for a forced deep-state removal. Time for millions of armed patriots to take D.C.

So, when are you going?

Originalist 11-29-2020 01:00 PM

Re: Trump can't leave office

Originally Posted by diakonos (Post 1596871)
So, when are you going?

When a well-regulated militia announces plans to do so. Leaderless armies are not armies at all.

CC1 11-29-2020 02:14 PM

Re: Trump can't leave office
Insanity. The man lost the election but his ego won't let him admit it Sadly his rabid followers believe every wild accusation he throws out there. Courts are another story as they actually require evidence and proof and that is why the meritless lawsuits have gone nowhere.

Not to mention the recounts have only confirmed Trump's loss. Time to move on and work toward keeping control of the Senate by winning the two GA Senate races then concentrate on retaking control of the House in 2022.

Originalist 11-29-2020 06:18 PM

Re: Trump can't leave office

Originally Posted by CC1 (Post 1596878)
Insanity. The man lost the election but his ego won't let him admit it Sadly his rabid followers believe every wild accusation he throws out there. Courts are another story as they actually require evidence and proof and that is why the meritless lawsuits have gone nowhere.

Not to mention the recounts have only confirmed Trump's loss. Time to move on and work toward keeping control of the Senate by winning the two GA Senate races then concentrate on retaking control of the House in 2022.

The insanity is on YOUR part. Anyone who thinks Biden actually won this election is willfully ignorant or self-deceived. Recounts? Are you serious?

Originalist 11-29-2020 06:44 PM

Re: Trump can't leave office

Originally Posted by CC1 (Post 1596878)
Insanity. The man lost the election but his ego won't let him admit it Sadly his rabid followers believe every wild accusation he throws out there. Courts are another story as they actually require evidence and proof and that is why the meritless lawsuits have gone nowhere.

Not to mention the recounts have only confirmed Trump's loss. Time to move on and work toward keeping control of the Senate by winning the two GA Senate races then concentrate on retaking control of the House in 2022.

I would like for you to tell me, was this frivolous? Was this judge wrong?


MawMaw 11-29-2020 08:10 PM

Re: Trump can't leave office

Originally Posted by CC1 (Post 1596878)
Insanity. The man lost the election but his ego won't let him admit it Sadly his rabid followers believe every wild accusation he throws out there. Courts are another story as they actually require evidence and proof and that is why the meritless lawsuits have gone nowhere.

Not to mention the recounts have only confirmed Trump's loss. Time to move on and work toward keeping control of the Senate by winning the two GA Senate races then concentrate on retaking control of the House in 2022.

Mr. Trump has not lost the election. And, I am not a rabid follower that believes whatever's thrown out. I especially do NOT trust main stream media at ALL!!

The majority of Americans KNOW this election was rigged from the get go. No if, ands, or buts about it! Mr. Trump would have won by a landslide (and actually did) had all those fraudulent votes and voters not been allowed to get through.

I hope they fight continue fighting. Praying God's will be done.

Evang.Benincasa 11-29-2020 08:33 PM

Re: Trump can't leave office

Originally Posted by CC1 (Post 1596878)
Insanity. The man lost the election but his ego won't let him admit it Sadly his rabid followers believe every wild accusation he throws out there.

I totally understand this take away. Absolutely, but one must keep in mind a bigger picture. One that has the Donald having to fight off a media machine and liberals even before he was sworn in 4 years ago. Let's be objective, let's just stand back from the chessboard and ask, what is the point of this theatre? What is actually happening? Is it just the Donald throwing a tantrum? Did a man who is literally falling apart from dementia, or early onset of Parkinson's disease get the most votes of any president in history? Especially since his running mate was so disliked by her own party? I understand that there are they "as long as it's not Trump" voters. Who would vote for Satan and Mystery Babylon just as long as it isn't the Donald. I get that, but obviously there is something else going on? Brazil's President Bolsonaro even follows this whole idea of a rigged election. Is the president of Brazil also a rabid follower of the Donald?


Originally Posted by CC1 (Post 1596878)
Courts are another story as they actually require evidence and proof and that is why the meritless lawsuits have gone nowhere.

That's another thing. Where are you getting your information from? Where is Pressing On getting her information from? See what I mean?


Originally Posted by CC1 (Post 1596878)
Not to mention the recounts have only confirmed Trump's loss.

Again, says who? Listen I would love to light the fires to chase everyone up into the windmill with torches and pitchforks. But, there is just way too much going on. You may be right, Trump hands down lost fair and square. We may have Creepy Uncle Hair Sniffing Joe Biden for one year and kackling Kamala Harris with her vice president Hillary Clinton for three years. That could happen. But don't you think we should wait it all out until January? Wouldn't we have been able by that time to see that time proved all things? Instead of you coming on here and trying to do an imitation of me? Then have some poster snivel about how he or she doesn't like to post on here anymore? Because no one wants to talk about how Old Tyme Pennycost preached against them playing Scrabble when they were children?


Originally Posted by CC1 (Post 1596878)
Time to move on and work toward keeping control of the Senate by winning the two GA Senate races then concentrate on retaking control of the House in 2022.

Move on? :heeheehee

I'm real sorry CC1, but sad to say the United States is a political mess, and both sides are mentally bankrupt. Even Edward Bernays would be alerting us to wake up. But we don't mind what our politicians do to us, just as long as they are our favorite shade of blue or red. Hey, seriously, you and I probably won't even have to worry about any of this. It will all be dumped (as history always proves out) on our grandchildren's lap. They might even ask why we allowed it to all happen? History may just tell them "because when they saw what kind of ice cream Nancy Pelosi was eating? They ran out and bought the same brand!"


Evang.Benincasa 11-29-2020 08:35 PM

Re: Trump can't leave office

Originally Posted by MawMaw (Post 1596889)
Mr. Trump has not lost the election. And, I am not a rabid follower that believes whatever's thrown out. I especially do NOT trust main stream media at ALL!!

The majority of Americans KNOW this election was rigged from the get go. No if, ands, or buts about it! Mr. Trump would have won by a landslide (and actually did) had all those fraudulent votes and voters not been allowed to get through.

I hope they fight continue fighting. Praying God's will be done.

You tell him MawMaw!

Hope PawPaw is doing way better now! :thumbsup

MawMaw 11-29-2020 08:53 PM

Re: Trump can't leave office

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa (Post 1596891)
You tell him MawMaw!

Hope PawPaw is doing way better now! :thumbsup

Yes, PawPaw is sooooo much better now! Thanks for asking.

But, do keep Pop (PawPaw's Dad) in your prayers. He is back in the hospital.
Not, from Covid, but from horrible swelling in his legs. He's nearly 91 and he has congestive heart failure among other problems. :(

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