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Esaias 08-24-2019 04:35 AM

Lies we were taught
I remember it being beat into our heads in school: "Until the modern era, people hardly made it to old age, cuz diseases and everyone was dumb. A 50 year old was an ooooold person. But now we're smart, we got modrin medduhsinz and all, so now the average lifespan is 70 years old! Hur dur!"

Was reading Herodotus' description of Solon's dialogue with king Croesus. He mentions the average lifespan is 70 years. That was in what, 5th or 6th century BC? 2500 years ago? I think the Bible mentions something about people being expected to live on average 70 years (80 if they got some strength).

What lies were YOU taught?

Amanah 08-24-2019 04:45 AM

Re: Lies we were taught
the biggest lies we have been taught are in reference to health and nutrition
*micronutrient vs whole foods
*prevention vs pharmacology
*sustainable vs industrial farming
*relying on annual checkup to stay healthy vs lifestyle

Carl 08-24-2019 09:00 AM

Re: Lies we were taught

Originally Posted by Esaias (Post 1570382)
I remember it being beat into our heads in school: "Until the modern era, people hardly made it to old age, cuz diseases and everyone was dumb. A 50 year old was an ooooold person. But now we're smart, we got modrin medduhsinz and all, so now the average lifespan is 70 years old! Hur dur!"

Was reading Herodotus' description of Solon's dialogue with king Croesus. He mentions the average lifespan is 70 years. That was in what, 5th or 6th century BC? 2500 years ago? I think the Bible mentions something about people being expected to live on average 70 years (80 if they got some strength).

What lies were YOU taught?

This is a good one. Of course in times past infant mortality rates were high so that brought down the average life expectancy. If you made it through childhood you would usually hit that 70 years.

Carl 08-24-2019 09:02 AM

Re: Lies we were taught
Global cooling/ice age.
Global warming.

mfblume 08-24-2019 09:07 AM

Energy crisis in late seventies, Al Gore's repeat of the idea with added twist of the polar ice cap totally gone by 2013. Now same old lie that we must have no carbon emissions at all by ten years to save the human race.

Carl 08-24-2019 09:27 AM

Re: Lies we were taught
Implementing the metric system in the U.S. was the begining of the mark of the beast and thus a one world government. This was from the 1970's. That attempt has long since been abandoned. I still remember that being preached when some highway signs were changed from miles to kilometers.

votivesoul 08-24-2019 12:01 PM

Re: Lies we were taught
That communism, on paper/in theory, is the best form of human government.

Pressing-On 08-24-2019 12:54 PM

Re: Lies we were taught
Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny were real. :heeheehee

Esaias 08-26-2019 10:30 PM

Re: Lies we were taught
Artificial sweeteners were safe, WMDs were in Iraq and Anna Nicole married for love.

Apostolic1ness 08-27-2019 02:34 PM

Re: Lies we were taught
That, If your a faithful Christian you will be blessed with a great Job, nice house, plenty of money, and good health. Never have a bad day again.

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