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Truthseeker 05-07-2017 06:48 PM

Gospel assembly?
What you know about them?

Esaias 05-07-2017 07:56 PM

Re: Gospel assembly?

Originally Posted by Truthseeker (Post 1481533)
What you know about them?

Twoness. Generally very conservative (more than UPC). Open meetings, unstructured, you can go visit and stand up and testify, preach, sing a song, whatever. The one we used to visit in OKC had a fellowship dinner after Sunday meeting each week. Very nice people.

Have some strange beliefs concerning their org and their founder Sowders.

Brother Epley can tell you more.

Truthseeker 05-07-2017 08:05 PM

Re: Gospel assembly?

Originally Posted by Esaias (Post 1481536)
Twoness. Generally very conservative (more than UPC). Open meetings, unstructured, you can go visit and stand up and testify, preach, sing a song, whatever. The one we used to visit in OKC had a fellowship dinner after Sunday meeting each week. Very nice people.

Have some strange beliefs concerning their org and their founder Sowders.

Brother Epley can tell you more.

Do you remember some of the strange beliefs?

Esaias 05-07-2017 08:13 PM

Re: Gospel assembly?
Sowders was the last day prophet, only their org is the church. Something like that.

Evang.Benincasa 05-07-2017 08:53 PM

Re: Gospel assembly?

Originally Posted by Esaias (Post 1481536)
Twoness. Generally very conservative (more than UPC). Open meetings, unstructured, you can go visit and stand up and testify, preach, sing a song, whatever. The one we used to visit in OKC had a fellowship dinner after Sunday meeting each week. Very nice people.

Have some strange beliefs concerning their org and their founder Sowders.

Brother Epley can tell you more.

Have one of their churches up the block.

Jermyn Davidson 05-07-2017 09:39 PM

Re: Gospel assembly?

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa (Post 1481541)
Have one of their churches up the block.

The one that is up the block from you has videos of some of their worship services posted on YOUTUBE, right?

votivesoul 05-08-2017 12:57 AM

Re: Gospel assembly?
Is this them?


-We believe that the Bible, both the Old and New Testaments, was given by inspiration of God, and is our only rule in matters of faith, doctrine, and practice.
-We believe in creation; that man was created by the direct act of God and in the image of God.
-We believe that Adam and Eve, in yielding to the temptation of Satan, became fallen creatures.
-We believe that all men are born in sin, and thus the necessity for repentance.
-We believe in the incarnation, the virgin birth, and deity of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God.
-We believe in His vicarious and substitutional death on the cross as (the) atonement for the sins of mankind by the shedding of His own blood at Calvary.
-We believe that the atonement also provides deliverance and healing for those who believe in His name.
-We believe in justification by faith, and sanctification to be the way of holiness.
-We believe that grace and works as recorded in James, chapter two, are compatible.
-We believe that justification must be sustained by obedience to God's Word.
-We believe in the resurrection of His body from the tomb, His ascension to Heaven, and that He is now our Advocate.
-We believe the church to be a direct result of the first advent and that men are to be actively drawn into it.
-We believe water baptism to be scriptural when administered to believers only.
-We believe in the necessity of the New Birth, and that this New Birth is through the regeneration by the Holy Spirit as recorded in the second chapter of Acts.
-We believe that other tongues is the initial evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
-We believe in the restoration of Israel.
-We believe that He is personally coming again at His glorious premillenial second advent to judge the wicked, to resurrect the righteous dead, and to establish the Kingdom of God upon this earth.
-We believe that this statement of faith is a sufficient basis for Christian fellowship and that all born-again men and women who sincerely accept this, can, and should, live together in peace, and that it is their Christian duty to promote harmony among the members of the Body of Christ, and also to work together to get the Gospel to as many people as possible in the shortest period of time.

Steve Epley 05-08-2017 08:14 PM

Re: Gospel assembly?
They are "Pentecostal" JW's.
Two in the Godhead
No hell
144,000 is the bride
No Devil as a being only the flesh
Most are spiritual communion
Sowders taught to be in the bride they could not be having sexual relations
All organized religion is Babylon

Truthseeker 05-09-2017 05:59 AM

Re: Gospel assembly?

Originally Posted by Steve Epley (Post 1481662)
They are "Pentecostal" JW's.
Two in the Godhead
No hell
144,000 is the bride
No Devil as a being only the flesh
Most are spiritual communion
Sowders taught to be in the bride they could not be having sexual relations
All organized religion is Babylon

How do they have kids wth out sex?

n david 05-09-2017 10:40 AM

Re: Gospel assembly?

Originally Posted by Steve Epley (Post 1481662)
Sowders taught to be in the bride they could not be having sexual relations


Originally Posted by Truthseeker (Post 1481685)
How do they have kids wth out sex?

Hard to teach that when GA leaders are convicted of being pedophiles and accused of being rapists. Apparently only the leaders of the GA churches get to do that.

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