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John1:12-14 01-05-2014 12:10 AM

Hello I am in need of help
Does anyone ever feel like Elijah, or like Jeremiah, I can't find sound doctrine, the children of God are going astray, Trinitarians need guidance, I am perplexed I need the Lord and I know very well I cannot do this without Him. I am a lonely, depressed, anxious, and weakened child, who no one wants to hear!!!

Praxeas 01-05-2014 01:13 AM

Re: Hello I am in need of help
What's stopping you from trusting in the Lord?

John1:12-14 01-05-2014 09:13 AM

Re: Hello I am in need of help
I keep trying too win souls but the multitudes do not hear my voice they have rejected me and in doing so they have rejected our LORD. I am grieved by this generation and by the direction/approaches many churches are going/taking.

ILG 01-05-2014 09:30 AM

Re: Hello I am in need of help
Keep seeking. The Lord will answer.

Sister Alvear 01-05-2014 09:46 AM

Re: Hello I am in need of help
Said a prayer for you.

ILG 01-05-2014 09:50 AM

Re: Hello I am in need of help
Jeremiah 33:3

pacman 01-05-2014 12:37 PM

Re: Hello I am in need of help

Originally Posted by Praxeas (Post 1295597)
What's stopping you from trusting in the Lord?

so you are saying that if a person has not spoken in tongues. but believes in Jesus as personal Lord and Saviour,that they will go to Hell when they die? does Apostolic friends have a specific denomination they promote?

pacman 01-05-2014 12:45 PM

Re: Hello I am in need of help

Originally Posted by John1:12-14 (Post 1295595)
Does anyone ever feel like Elijah, or like Jeremiah, I can't find sound doctrine, the children of God are going astray, Trinitarians need guidance, I am perplexed I need the Lord and I know very well I cannot do this without Him. I am a lonely, depressed, anxious, and weakened child, who no one wants to hear!!!

But you see and hear. there is someone here listening. I:yourock am here listening! and. for those that Have Jesus as Lord. He is listening! If you are feeling alone. Are you a member of a bible teaching church? doctrine is a challenge. doctrine is sometimes created by man to make the Bible into what they want it to be. are you an orphan? if your parents do not care. you really need to plug in to a strong Christ centered congregation.

MawMaw 01-05-2014 01:31 PM

Re: Hello I am in need of help
Just continue to live for God and witness/teach/preach every chance you get.
His Word will not return void. Someone is really hearing. You may not see the results, but, they will happen. Trust God and be happy! :)

Praxeas 01-05-2014 02:06 PM

Re: Hello I am in need of help

Originally Posted by Praxeas (Post 1295597)
What's stopping you from trusting in the Lord?


Originally Posted by pacman (Post 1295634)
so you are saying that if a person has not spoken in tongues. but believes in Jesus as personal Lord and Saviour,that they will go to Hell when they die? does Apostolic friends have a specific denomination they promote?

So you're saying you believe in three gods and smoking crack are necessary for salvation. Does your church believe this too?

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