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-   -   Hello, new here, and looking for some guidance. (https://www.apostolicfriendsforum.com/showthread.php?t=42888)

ehendrix71 04-01-2013 06:23 AM

Hello, new here, and looking for some guidance.
As I stated this is my first time posting, I searched the internet and was blessed to find this forum, may God Bless those who work hard to keep it going.

A little background on me and my wife, we are both Oneness Apostolics and have been living for God in that each over 15 years + and have been wonderfully married for 3 years this April 24th, and we are in our early 40's.

Since moving to Knoxville, Tn from the Washington Dc area where I attended Pastor Libbys church for 12+ years, we have found only a couple of UPC church's here, and only 1 in Knoxville itself.

Since arriving at this church about a year ago, we have seen some serious transformation.

This church is now a non-holiness church, I will not mention the name out of respect, but the changes started small and then have grown over the last 4-6 months to full beards, makeup, jewelry, and on and on.

It actually started to affect me, not my wife me, I dressed down, didnt shave, really didnt grow a beard either but kept it stubble.

It was amazing how easily we slipped into this role of relaxation, coming to church in jeans more then dress slacks, usually no tie.

Then my wonderful wife checked me, and it wasnt like I did this on purpose, I just let myself slip.

We decided to look around and see what other church's were in the area, there are no UPC church's here, and a couple ALJC churchs, but the holiness is lacking.

The good thing about this is it has caused me to dive deeper into my bible about biblical holiness, and the utter seperation of the sexes, and being totally seperated from the world in ALL things.

I called the TN UPC district board in Jackson, TN, they were sadly aware of the direction my current church is heading.

But thank God they are making plans to start a new work in Knoxville, TN to reach 250k+ people that are starving for Apostolic Oneness.

The man to head this church will be Brother Jason Pearcy and his wife, they were to TN youth leaders but are now evangelising all over the US and abroad.

So in late April they are coming to Knoxville and begin work on a new church here, we have spoken to them at length many times, they are excited they have us ready to help them.

If it takes a few months to start this work, is it wise for us to stay put?

Which I finally have arrived at my point, do we leave and attend another church for a few months?

Some of our other dear friends have left already, and we have so many good relationships with couples that are young in God, but you can tell there is no transformation in them.

I appreciate any helpful words in respect to our situation.

God Bless You,

Brother Eric Hendrix

MawMaw 04-01-2013 08:45 AM

Re: Hello, new here, and looking for some guidance
Hello Bro Hendrix and welcome! :)
I will sure be in prayer with you as you and your
wife decide which direction you need to take in
the matters you brought up. God bless!

Ferd 04-01-2013 08:47 AM

Re: Hello, new here, and looking for some guidance
Call Brother Libby. Ask his advice. Pray a lot and DO NOT take any direct advice from this website too seriously.

This place if a meeting place for OPs, former OPs, non-OPs.... It is not a place where Apostolics congregate and talk.... It is a place where a group of people from a wide cross section of people with as varried a set of beliefs as the local mall come to talk.

seriously, call brother Libby. He will give you the best advice you are likely to get.

Praying for you my brother!

Cindy 04-01-2013 09:03 AM

Re: Hello, new here, and looking for some guidance

Originally Posted by Ferd (Post 1239394)
Call Brother Libby. Ask his advice. Pray a lot and DO NOT take any direct advice from this website too seriously.

This place if a meeting place for OPs, former OPs, non-OPs.... It is not a place where Apostolics congregate and talk.... It is a place where a group of people from a wide cross section of people with as varried a set of beliefs as the local mall come to talk.

seriously, call brother Libby. He will give you the best advice you are likely to get.

Praying for you my brother!

I agree with your advice for him to call Bro. Libby.

KeptByTheWord 04-01-2013 09:06 AM

Re: Hello, new here, and looking for some guidance
Welcome Bro. Eric. Will be praying that the Lord gives you the direction for this situation.

josh 04-01-2013 11:22 AM

Re: Hello, new here, and looking for some guidance

Originally Posted by Ferd (Post 1239394)
Call Brother Libby. Ask his advice. Pray a lot and DO NOT take any direct advice from this website too seriously.

This place if a meeting place for OPs, former OPs, non-OPs.... It is not a place where Apostolics congregate and talk.... It is a place where a group of people from a wide cross section of people with as varried a set of beliefs as the local mall come to talk.

seriously, call brother Libby. He will give you the best advice you are likely to get.

Praying for you my brother!

Outstanding, Bro Ferd!

I still come here occasionally to read, to see who I might still know, etc.

AFF has "diversified" over the years and is certainly a place to visit and discuss things...but, really, no forum is a good place for advice.

RandyWayne 04-01-2013 11:40 AM

Re: Hello, new here, and looking for some guidance

Originally Posted by Ferd (Post 1239394)
Call Brother Libby. Ask his advice. Pray a lot and DO NOT take any direct advice from this website too seriously.

This place if a meeting place for OPs, former OPs, non-OPs.... It is not a place where Apostolics congregate and talk.... It is a place where a group of people from a wide cross section of people with as varried a set of beliefs as the local mall come to talk.

seriously, call brother Libby. He will give you the best advice you are likely to get.

Praying for you my brother!

OK, well maybe I won't give my own unique brand of advice then. :foottap

CC1 04-01-2013 11:44 AM

Re: Hello, new here, and looking for some guidance

Originally Posted by ehendrix71 (Post 1239381)
As I stated this is my first time posting, I searched the internet and was blessed to find this forum, may God Bless those who work hard to keep it going.

A little background on me and my wife, we are both Oneness Apostolics and have been living for God in that each over 15 years + and have been wonderfully married for 3 years this April 24th, and we are in our early 40's.

Since moving to Knoxville, Tn from the Washington Dc area where I attended Pastor Libbys church for 12+ years, we have found only a couple of UPC church's here, and only 1 in Knoxville itself.

Since arriving at this church about a year ago, we have seen some serious transformation.

This church is now a non-holiness church, I will not mention the name out of respect, but the changes started small and then have grown over the last 4-6 months to full beards, makeup, jewelry, and on and on.

It actually started to affect me, not my wife me, I dressed down, didnt shave, really didnt grow a beard either but kept it stubble.

It was amazing how easily we slipped into this role of relaxation, coming to church in jeans more then dress slacks, usually no tie.

Then my wonderful wife checked me, and it wasnt like I did this on purpose, I just let myself slip.

We decided to look around and see what other church's were in the area, there are no UPC church's here, and a couple ALJC churchs, but the holiness is lacking.

The good thing about this is it has caused me to dive deeper into my bible about biblical holiness, and the utter seperation of the sexes, and being totally seperated from the world in ALL things.

I called the TN UPC district board in Jackson, TN, they were sadly aware of the direction my current church is heading.

But thank God they are making plans to start a new work in Knoxville, TN to reach 250k+ people that are starving for Apostolic Oneness.

The man to head this church will be Brother Jason Pearcy and his wife, they were to TN youth leaders but are now evangelising all over the US and abroad.

So in late April they are coming to Knoxville and begin work on a new church here, we have spoken to them at length many times, they are excited they have us ready to help them.

If it takes a few months to start this work, is it wise for us to stay put?

Which I finally have arrived at my point, do we leave and attend another church for a few months?

Some of our other dear friends have left already, and we have so many good relationships with couples that are young in God, but you can tell there is no transformation in them.

I appreciate any helpful words in respect to our situation.

God Bless You,

Brother Eric Hendrix

You would not like my advice as I commend the pastor of the church you have been attending for focusing on the word of God and not Pentecostal traditions and legalism.

However if your years of psychological conditioning proves too much for you to overcome as it appears is the case you certainly should find a church that lines up with the traditions, rules, and regulations you are used to and expect.

I think mature christians helping with a start up work is a marvelous thing. The only thing that would keep me from doing that would be if I had children old enough that I would want them to be part of a children's ministry or youth group that was large enough to provide friends and fellowship.

Praxeas 04-01-2013 11:59 AM

Re: Hello, new here, and looking for some guidance
Nothing wrong with beards or jeans. There is also nothing in any UPC official teaching that Holiness is a matter of jeans, beards or ties...for a guy at least..so I don't know why you are bothered over that

CC1 04-01-2013 12:13 PM

Re: Hello, new here, and looking for some guidance

Originally Posted by Praxeas (Post 1239456)
Nothing wrong with beards or jeans. There is also nothing in any UPC official teaching that Holiness is a matter of jeans, beards or ties...for a guy at least..so I don't know why you are bothered over that

My guess would be 15 years of psychological conditioning that it is a sin and wrong!

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