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samuelofisrael 09-13-2012 10:02 PM

Do They Really Believe This?
Mitt and Mormonism

Posted: 12 Sep 2012 10:46 AM PDT

There is no doubt that our country is between a rock and a hard place. Admittedly, it is politically incorrect to explain, much less to discuss, why. Religion has become particularly taboo when assessing candidates whether they’re Black Liberationists with Marxist leanings or spit-shined Mormons with magic underpants and a faith in a god who lives on the planet “Kolob.” We’ve become a nation where the First Amendment protections mean that it is now forbidden to question a man’s religion even when considering his qualification for public office.

Not that long ago there were genuine fears about electing John Kennedy as America’s first Roman Catholic president. As it turned out those fears were unfounded as it wasn’t the pope pulling JFK’s string. Even as recently as 1988, the same year Ron Paul first ran for president as a Libertarian, the Trinity Foundation was threatened with the loss of its tax exempt status because of John Robbins’ book; Pat Robertson: A Warning to America. Evidently questioning Robertson’s charismatic faith along with his “prophetic” visions during an election year can get your book banned.

Things have slid so far that I can’t even imagine anyone today, including those calling themselves “Evangelicals,” being even remotely concerned about a VP candidate who might actually be dancing his 6% body fat to the Vatican’s tune. Consequently, questioning Romney’s Mormonism is either a throwback to a less enlightened era or is just irrelevant. I mean, anything is better than Obama right?

In an attempt to assuage any remaining Evangelical concerns about his religious beliefs, Romney recently told a reporter with the Washington Post:

“For me, there’s no question. I believe in a Heavenly Father, I believe in his Son Jesus Christ, I believe in the Holy Ghost. These are features that are part of many people’s faith in this country; other folks have differing views”

Almost sounds Trinitarian, right? Perhaps, except for the fact that Mormon’s aren’t even remotely Trinitarian, and, according to the LDS website, “Latter-day Saints do reject the doctrines of the Trinity as taught by most Christian churches today.” While there are a number of good sites on the web that offer some excellent summaries of Mormon doctrines, including their rejection of the Trinity in favor of a form of polytheism, I thought the following was a particularly good list of Mormon doctrines from a group of ex-Mormons that might be helpful for some when deciding who to vote for … or if they should vote at all:

God was once a man like us.

God has a tangible body of flesh and bone.

God lives on a planet near the star Kolob.

God (“Heavenly Father”) has at least one wife, our “Mother in Heaven,” but she is so holy that we are not to discuss her nor pray to her.

Jesus was married.

We can become like God and rule over our own universe.

There are many gods, ruling over their own worlds.

Jesus and Satan (“Lucifer”) are brothers, and they are our brothers – we are all spirit children of Heavenly Father

Jesus Christ was conceived by God the Father by having sex with Mary, who was temporarily his wife.

We should not pray to Jesus, nor try to feel a personal relationship with him.

The “Lord” (“Jehovah”) in the Old Testament is the being named Jesus in the New Testament, but different from “God the Father” (“Elohim”).

In the highest degree of the celestial kingdom some men will have more than one wife.

Before coming to this earth we lived as spirits in a “pre-existence”, during which we were tested; our position in this life (whether born to Mormons or savages, or in America or Africa) is our reward or punishment for our obedience in that life.

Dark skin is a curse from God, the result of our sin, or the sin of our ancestors.

If sufficiently righteous, a dark-skinned person will become light-skinned.

The Garden of Eden was in Missouri. All humanity before the Great Flood lived in the western hemisphere. The Ark transported Noah and the other survivors to the eastern hemisphere.

Not only will human beings be resurrected to eternal life, but also all animals – everything that has ever lived on earth – will be resurrected and dwell in heaven.

Christ will not return to earth in any year that has seen a rainbow.

Mormons should avoid traveling on water, since Satan rules the waters.
The sun receives its light from the star Kolob.

If a Gentile becomes Mormon, the Holy Ghost actually purges his Gentile blood and replaces it with Israelite blood.

A righteous Mormon will actually see the face of God in the Mormon temple.

You can identify a false angel by the color of his hair, or by offering to shake his hand.

You can find more here. See also Mormonism 101 by Kevin DeYoung and Mormonism, Democracy, and the Urgent Need for Evangelical Thinking by Al Mohler.

Nitehawk013 09-14-2012 05:28 AM

Re: Do They Really Believe This?
Not that I am a fan of Mormonism, but we studied it in Cults class at Bible College. MANY of the things on your list were either renounced by the church as a whole except for the fringe members or were clearly stated as the opinions of certain leaders and elders, not official doctrine.

If you dishonestly butcher Mormonism, don't object when people dishonestly butcher oneness pentecostalism.

samuelofisrael 09-14-2012 06:01 AM

Re: Do They Really Believe This?

Originally Posted by Nitehawk013 (Post 1188206)
Not that I am a fan of Mormonism, but we studied it in Cults class at Bible College. MANY of the things on your list were either renounced by the church as a whole except for the fringe members or were clearly stated as the opinions of certain leaders and elders, not official doctrine.

If you dishonestly butcher Mormonism, don't object when people dishonestly butcher oneness pentecostalism.

What is the title of the thread? That should tell you what you need to know relative to this thread. Did I write the article?

Pentecostal ONENESS theology IS butchered by opponents of that particular persuasion. As far as I know, not a single building was attacked and burned by the opposing trinitarians, Tri-Unitarians.

I am not sure the "official" version is any less platable than the "unofficial" version. As each man stands on his own confession before God as an individual irrespective of his committment to a "group" sect, cult, organization, fellowship or denomination, his "official" version [for him] stands as "his" truth.

Thus, as you pointed out, "certain leaders and elders" DO in fact, endorse these fictions.

If Mitt is in fact, under these same delusions as those leaders and elders who hold to wholesale heresy, I wonder what mental balance the man might possess. Is not a man the measure of his mind [spirit]?

Mitt must be anti-trinitarian if the list is correct. Doesn't that give you some comfort concerning his grasp of Biblical issues?

Every man and woman has a"religion" if the philosophical term is to be received. It may be their business, their leisure activities, their house, car, family, church, pets, money, anti-anything and so forth. A few, very few relative to the mass of humanity have a TRUE FAITH based on the TRUE REVELATION of Holy Writ. But that "trueness" will not be entirely open to view in this present world [era, time frame] otherwise it is not "faith." The test of trueness is that one's name has been placed in the Lamb's Book of Life ere the world began. You may consider why that name was placed there as your personal understanding presently exists at this hour. There is only ONE true answer but many explanations, most center on man rather than the Sovereign God, Creator of all.

As for the Mormons and their "fantasia" theology, that even some elders and leaders would hold to such heretical nonsense give one reason to wonder how much of it resides in the mind of Mr. Romney, who by the way, is said to be lacking the support of many Americans if the polls are to be considered.

bbyrd009 09-14-2012 08:34 AM

Re: Do They Really Believe This?
Oh, please. What section is this obviously
political thread put in? Deep waters, for some
Weekly World News tripe. Tyvm.

Walks_in_islam 09-14-2012 04:08 PM

Re: Do They Really Believe This?
You are now saying that the hundreds and hundreds of years of bloodshed and butchery around the world in the name of the church never happened?

On what do you think this very country was founded? You believe or think the pilgrims who settled here did so because they were on vacation or just happened by?


Originally Posted by samuelofisrael (Post 1188217)
What is the title of the thread? That should tell you what you need to know relative to this thread. Did I write the article?

Pentecostal ONENESS theology IS butchered by opponents of that particular persuasion. As far as I know, not a single building was attacked and burned by the opposing trinitarians, Tri-Unitarians.

I am not sure the "official" version is any less platable than the "unofficial" version. As each man stands on his own confession before God as an individual irrespective of his committment to a "group" sect, cult, organization, fellowship or denomination, his "official" version [for him] stands as "his" truth.

Thus, as you pointed out, "certain leaders and elders" DO in fact, endorse these fictions.

If Mitt is in fact, under these same delusions as those leaders and elders who hold to wholesale heresy, I wonder what mental balance the man might possess. Is not a man the measure of his mind [spirit]?

Mitt must be anti-trinitarian if the list is correct. Doesn't that give you some comfort concerning his grasp of Biblical issues?

Every man and woman has a"religion" if the philosophical term is to be received. It may be their business, their leisure activities, their house, car, family, church, pets, money, anti-anything and so forth. A few, very few relative to the mass of humanity have a TRUE FAITH based on the TRUE REVELATION of Holy Writ. But that "trueness" will not be entirely open to view in this present world [era, time frame] otherwise it is not "faith." The test of trueness is that one's name has been placed in the Lamb's Book of Life ere the world began. You may consider why that name was placed there as your personal understanding presently exists at this hour. There is only ONE true answer but many explanations, most center on man rather than the Sovereign God, Creator of all.

As for the Mormons and their "fantasia" theology, that even some elders and leaders would hold to such heretical nonsense give one reason to wonder how much of it resides in the mind of Mr. Romney, who by the way, is said to be lacking the support of many Americans if the polls are to be considered.

samuelofisrael 09-14-2012 05:09 PM

Re: Do They Really Believe This?

Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam (Post 1188392)
You are now saying that the hundreds and hundreds of years of bloodshed and butchery around the world in the name of the church never happened?

On what do you think this very country was founded? You believe or think the pilgrims who settled here did so because they were on vacation or just happened by?

No, I am saying those who perpetrated those actrocities were as the Muslims fanatics are today. There is no valid reason to believe the misguided actions by the minions of Rome or of the Protestants in the name of their sect was in keeping with Godly virtue. But this does not excuse the current atrocities of Islamic dupes. This is today, what Rome or others did centuries ago is not the issue nor is it germane concerning the true teaching of Holy Writ.

I see no analogy between the pilgrims immigrating to the New World and Muslims flying into tall buildings or mindless hoards murdering diplomats.

Islam is NOT a religion of peace. There may be those among the Islamic brotherhood who advocate peace and there are, but this is not endemic in their deeper belief system. The Egyptian President eschews the recent violence because it is not good for business, not because 4 men were murdered as those
under the alleged protection of their diplomatic status. That makes the action of the mob even more cowardly.

But these are mere symptoms. The deeper root cause of their actions lies in human depravity and the mindset of those who have embraced the Muslim system.

I have no doubt the rank and file dues paying, card carrying, rug kneeling Muslim resident in the American Republic has ever seriously considered Jihad other than as a philosophical concept. I doubt they murdered their little girl for dishonoring their worthless name or planted a bomb in a public building. But despite that, they are still lost to the world to come. They have rejected the ONLY acceptable Sacrifice for Sin provided by the True and Living God. Not the Moon god but the real GOD, Creator of Heavens and Earth. The Muslims, like the religious Jews stand outside the pale of the Covenant. Simply put, they are on a dead end road. They have rejected the only means of salvation and now await their final doom.

Islam is a misdirection play and mega millions have bought into the feint.

Yeshua has said:
"I am the Way, the Truth and the Life ... no man comes to the Father except by Me." -- Jn. 14:6

Walks_in_islam 09-14-2012 05:37 PM

Re: Do They Really Believe This?
We were not discussing Islam. We were discussing the founding of our country in the context of the historical intolerance of the church. You have the bad luck of being the current poster boy for this. Do you believe your constant message of intolerance absent the message you are tasked to teach has place in paradise? If it did then Jesus would certainly have noted it and I do not recall it as noted.

I tell you this - you declare others lost while failing to recognize the beam in your own eye. In this there is a danger to you, as Jesus himself taught you.

With this in mind the topic was Mormanism. Did you forget?


Originally Posted by samuelofisrael (Post 1188404)
No, I am saying those who perpetrated those actrocities were as the Muslims fanatics are today. There is no valid reason to believe the misguided actions by the minions of Rome or of the Protestants in the name of their sect was in keeping with Godly virtue. But this does not excuse the current atrocities of Islamic dupes. This is today, what Rome or others did centuries ago is not the issue nor is it germane concerning the true teaching of Holy Writ.

I see no analogy between the pilgrims immigrating to the New World and Muslims flying into tall buildings or mindless hoards murdering diplomats.

Islam is NOT a religion of peace. There may be those among the Islamic brotherhood who advocate peace and there are, but this is not endemic in their deeper belief system. The Egyptian President eschews the recent violence because it is not good for business, not because 4 men were murdered as those
under the alleged protection of their diplomatic status. That makes the action of the mob even more cowardly.

But these are mere symptoms. The deeper root cause of their actions lies in human depravity and the mindset of those who have embraced the Muslim system.

I have no doubt the rank and file dues paying, card carrying, rug kneeling Muslim resident in the American Republic has ever seriously considered Jihad other than as a philosophical concept. I doubt they murdered their little girl for dishonoring their worthless name or planted a bomb in a public building. But despite that, they are still lost to the world to come. They have rejected the ONLY acceptable Sacrifice for Sin provided by the True and Living God. Not the Moon god but the real GOD, Creator of Heavens and Earth. The Muslims, like the religious Jews stand outside the pale of the Covenant. Simply put, they are on a dead end road. They have rejected the only means of salvation and now await their final doom.

Islam is a misdirection play and mega millions have bought into the feint.

Yeshua has said:
"I am the Way, the Truth and the Life ... no man comes to the Father except by Me." -- Jn. 14:6

Dordrecht 09-14-2012 05:52 PM

Re: Do They Really Believe This?

Walks in Islam:With this in mind the topic was Mormanism. Did you forget?
.....says the self appointed (muslim) moderator of this Apostolic Christian Forum?

Walks_in_islam 09-14-2012 06:21 PM

Re: Do They Really Believe This?
Charity work.

The gentleman appears to have stumbled in his excitement to have an opportunity to get to nail not (1) but (2) religions under the same topic

Someday the two of you will actually put down in print the value of what you DO believe. It will be a miracle LOL


Originally Posted by Dordrecht (Post 1188408)
.....says the self appointed (muslim) moderator of this Apostolic Christian Forum?

Dordrecht 09-14-2012 06:56 PM

Re: Do They Really Believe This?
You know exactly what we believe:
We believe there is only one way to the Father
and that's through Jesus Christ.

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