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Pastor Keith 05-22-2007 11:07 PM

Leaving for Singapore Mission Trip Tomorrow
Jeanie and I with baby David will winging our way to Asia tomorrow. We will arrive in Singapore on Friday Night. The Local Pastor has our agenda full with numerous speaking times.

Saturday to the Married Couples
Sunday-Pentecost Sunday, the entire church with visitors.
Sunday Afternoon-Youth and Singles

Wed and Thurs. School of Ministry 2 Sessions on the Gifts of the Spirit
  • The Gifts of Healing, and How to heal the Sick
  • The Gift of Prophecy

We covet your prayers, oh forgot to mention between the speaking times we will be able to relax/vacation on a island resort right outside the city. So pray real hard!

Keith and Jeanie

LadyCoonskinner 05-22-2007 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by keith4him (Post 123999)
Jeanie and I with baby David will winging our way to Asia tomorrow. We will arrive in Singapore on Friday Night. The Local Pastor has our agenda full with numerous speaking times.

Saturday to the Married Couples
Sunday-Pentecost Sunday, the entire church with visitors.
Sunday Afternoon-Youth and Singles

Wed and Thurs. School of Ministry 2 Sessions on the Gifts of the Spirit
  • The Gifts of Healing, and How to heal the Sick
  • The Gift of Prophecy

We covet your prayers, oh forgot to mention between the speaking times we will be able to relax/vacation on a island resort right outside the city. So pray real hard!

Keith and Jeanie

First, I'll have to repent of envy, then maybe I'll be able to pray about the other!!!:lol

Seriously, we'll be praying for ya'll!!

Thad 05-22-2007 11:10 PM

Again ????????

were'nt you just there a few months ago ???

what church is this that you'll be ministering at?

Pastor Keith 05-22-2007 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by Thad (Post 124003)
Again ????????

were'nt you just there a few months ago ???

what church is this that you'll be ministering at?

No that was India, now doing some stuff in Singapore.

I will speaking at an Independent Oneness Church in Singapore.

Lord Willing, next year India and Kenya.

Thad 05-22-2007 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by keith4him (Post 124009)
No that was India, now doing some stuff in Singapore.

I will speaking at an Independent Oneness Church in Singapore.

Lord Willing, next year India and Kenya.

you work a fulltime job,pastor a church,you have 4 boys, i think all this is just too much on you guys. traveling overseas takes a huge Toll. it takes weeks to get your strenght back

Trouvere 05-23-2007 12:40 AM

Awesome Brother Keith.I will be remembering to pray for you guys.Its not easy to be out.I can't wait to read the good reports.Have some "Hot Pot" while you are there.

Barb 05-23-2007 01:30 AM

Yes, I will certainly be praying for you all and may God bless the work of your hands...

Falla39 05-23-2007 08:06 AM

Leaving for Singapore Mission Trip Tomorrow

Originally Posted by keith4him (Post 123999)
Jeanie and I with baby David will winging our way to Asia tomorrow. We will arrive in Singapore on Friday Night. The Local Pastor has our agenda full with numerous speaking times.

Saturday to the Married Couples
Sunday-Pentecost Sunday, the entire church with visitors.
Sunday Afternoon-Youth and Singles

Wed and Thurs. School of Ministry 2 Sessions on the Gifts of the Spirit
  • The Gifts of Healing, and How to heal the Sick
  • The Gift of Prophecy

We covet your prayers, oh forgot to mention between the speaking times we will be able to relax/vacation on a island resort right outside the city. So pray real hard!

Keith and Jeanie

Bro. Keith & Sis. Jeanie,

May the Lord God go before you and prepare the way. May His Hand

of protection be on you two and little David and your two sons remaining

at home, in Jesus Name. May the Anointing of the Holy Ghost rest on you

both as you minister in word and song, in Jesus Name!



Thad 05-23-2007 08:38 AM

Who else besides the Willohgby's are in Singapore. they're are the only ones i know of. I'd like to know more about the other missionaries.

Carey, Do you know ?? I know Bro Stoneking is familiar with singapore. Let me know what you know

LaVonne 05-23-2007 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by Thad (Post 124237)
Who else besides the Willohgby's are in Singapore. they're are the only ones i know of. I'd like to know more about the other missionaries.

Carey, Do you know ?? I know Bro Stoneking is familiar with singapore. Let me know what you know

I only know of the Willoughby's and those working with them out of their church. Bro. Stoneking has heard of others, but I don't believe that they Baptize in Jesus' Name anymore.

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