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onefaith2 04-27-2011 01:11 PM

From Tim Downs..
Tim Downs
Top 4 Things that are ABSOLUTES for Great church Growth - (1.) Change your service to Sunday at 2:00 pm (2.) Quit playing the new carnal music (3.) Have daily outreaches (4.) Learn to love and disciple people. WHICH OF THESE FOUR ARE YOU DEAD SET AGAINST CHANGING and you will know why your not reaching your city.

He baptizes and witness to many people.

What to you think?

Carnal Music: I am a Friend of God, Dancing Generation, etc.

his new church plant


a related site

Justin 04-27-2011 01:19 PM

Re: From Tim Downs..

Originally Posted by onefaith2 (Post 1061566)
Tim Downs
Top 4 Things that are ABSOLUTES for Great church Growth - (1.) Change your service to Sunday at 2:00 pm (2.) Quit playing the new carnal music (3.) Have daily outreaches (4.) Learn to love and disciple people. WHICH OF THESE FOUR ARE YOU DEAD SET AGAINST CHANGING and you will know why your not reaching your city.

He baptizes and witness to many people.

What to you think?

Carnal Music: I am a Friend of God, Dancing Generation, etc.

his new church plant


a related site

Does that apply only during services or everywhere, (i.e, his website. :foottap)


MissBrattified 04-27-2011 01:20 PM

Re: From Tim Downs..
There's a disconnect when people take what works for them in their community and assume that it will work everywhere. The principles of a charitable, approachable, evangelistic, compassionate church can be applied everywhere, but the exact applications will (and should) vary.

I don't see what modern worship music has to do with anything. :blink

deltaguitar 04-27-2011 01:21 PM

Re: From Tim Downs..

Originally Posted by onefaith2 (Post 1061566)
Tim Downs
Top 4 Things that are ABSOLUTES for Great church Growth - (1.) Change your service to Sunday at 2:00 pm (2.) Quit playing the new carnal music (3.) Have daily outreaches (4.) Learn to love and disciple people. WHICH OF THESE FOUR ARE YOU DEAD SET AGAINST CHANGING and you will know why your not reaching your city.

He baptizes and witness to many people.

What to you think?

Carnal Music: I am a Friend of God, Dancing Generation, etc.

his new church plant


a related site

The church I go to sings doctrinally correct songs. They had to go to six services and had already outgrown the current building before it was finished. The services are at 5pm and 7pm Saturday and 9am and 11:15 on Sunday mornings. They usually turn away hundreds on Sunday morning. They do not advertise the church or any of the programs (in fact there are no programs), there is no organized outreach or church growth plan in place yet they have been deeded over 10 million in church facilities by two other churches who wanted them to take over.

The lead pastor is dead set against building a mega church but with 12,000 on the weekends they don't know what to do about space issues. As of now, the plan is to focus on church plants and seven have been planted so far.

Last month 280,000 was given to missions.

I really don't think church growth methods are the way to go. Preach the gospel and feed christ sheep and the people will show up.


unitedpraise10 04-27-2011 01:28 PM

Re: From Tim Downs..

Originally Posted by onefaith2 (Post 1061566)
Tim Downs
Top 4 Things that are ABSOLUTES for Great church Growth - (1.) Change your service to Sunday at 2:00 pm (2.) Quit playing the new carnal music (3.) Have daily outreaches (4.) Learn to love and disciple people. WHICH OF THESE FOUR ARE YOU DEAD SET AGAINST CHANGING and you will know why your not reaching your city.

He baptizes and witness to many people.

What to you think?

Carnal Music: I am a Friend of God, Dancing Generation, etc.

his new church plant


a related site

How is this song carnal, it's scripture. James 2:23

Aleks Fife 04-27-2011 01:32 PM

Re: From Tim Downs..
Reputation and popularity spoil a man.

When you think you can claim that YOU won thousands of souls to God, you start to feel like God?

I may be old school in many ways, but this talk about "carnal worship music" sounds like those PSR boys to me.

I planted, Apollos watered, God gives the increase. And it is the Spirit that draws all people to God. Let's keep our roles in perspective, stay humble and not feel like we are the Savior gurus.

Aleks Fife 04-27-2011 01:34 PM

Re: From Tim Downs..
Meaning: Play songs where we can manipulate the crowds into a fake experience that we convince them is real? Brothers, I'm sold out to an authentic Holy Ghost experience, not just this 1980's black choir stuff. Good music, bad music, contemporary, black gospel, or no music. It doesn't matter. He still is filling people with the Holy Ghost.

And those things are hardly related to "church growth."

I hate that our churches fight with each other over these things. Meanwhile, these charismatics and compromisers pick up the scrap and casualties from our infighting.

MissBrattified 04-27-2011 01:46 PM

Re: From Tim Downs..

Originally Posted by Aleks Fife (Post 1061577)
...I planted, Apollos watered, God gives the increase. And it is the Spirit that draws all people to God. Let's keep our roles in perspective, stay humble and not feel like we are the Savior gurus.


deltaguitar 04-27-2011 01:48 PM

Re: From Tim Downs..
I watched a video on this guys website. I see no difference in what he is doing and what many baptist and methodist do in proclaiming people saved after the sinner's prayer.

That guy on the video repeated a prayer, was baptized, and prayed and now he is supposed to be declared a won soul? Hardly any sigh of the fruits of the spirit or sign of conversion just a get out of jail card.

It is just not biblical.

People are saved by the preaching of the word.

onefaith2 04-28-2011 07:03 AM

Re: From Tim Downs..

Originally Posted by deltaguitar (Post 1061587)
I watched a video on this guys website. I see no difference in what he is doing and what many baptist and methodist do in proclaiming people saved after the sinner's prayer.

That guy on the video repeated a prayer, was baptized, and prayed and now he is supposed to be declared a won soul? Hardly any sigh of the fruits of the spirit or sign of conversion just a get out of jail card.

It is just not biblical.

People are saved by the preaching of the word.

Acts 2:38-42 .. many repented and were baptized, 3000 in one day

How is that not biblical? Because a sermon wasn't preached?

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