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-   -   Really... we're going to spiritualize clothes too? (https://www.apostolicfriendsforum.com/showthread.php?t=30479)

DAII 06-22-2010 05:44 AM

Really... we're going to spiritualize clothes too?
I think this blog encapsulates everything that has gone awry with the Apostolic movement after decades of isolation and spiritual inbreeding ....

Including her references to the Spirit of God as "my Holy Ghost spirit" ... as if He were an impersonal accessory ...

Help us, Lord. :grampa

From the" Spirit of Style" .... the Apostolic Fashion blog


When I was 14, I became infatuated with the Goth style. For those of you not familiar with it, Goth clothing is mostly black, and can usually make people feel like crossing to the other side of the street, because the wearer of said clothing looks scary, depressing, etc. Anyway, to continue my story, I began wearing a lot of black. I probably didn't strike people as Gothic, simply because I didn't own much black, and I was trying to be careful so as not to alarm my parents. When I put my black long-sleeved shirt and black skirt on (I still dressed modestly – perhaps it could be called “Apostoli-Goth”), I felt different. I felt a little “bad”. OK, I know you're probably laughing, but I was 14! I felt like a different person; almost as if I had put on a costume for a play and was going out to act like someone else. This “costume” of mine, unbeknownst to me, had a spirit attached to it... a spirit I wasn't prepared to deal with.

Thank God for godly parents that prayed and prayed for me during that rough time in my life! I made it out of that phase, only by the Grace of God! (so there's a little bit of my personal testimony). Just for the record, it was a very short-lived phase... Maybe a few weeks.

Now, do I still wear black? Of course; in fact, I have a super cute black suit that I love to wear with a big black hat. The difference? The spirit. For those of you out there who don't think there is a spirit involved with what you wear, you are dead wrong (no offense...)! While I at the time did not realize what it was, I was flirting with a spirit that didn't jive with my Holy Ghost spirit. Clothing is very much linked to the spirit world. Think about it. When I put on my Goth clothes, I was putting on something else – the spirit associated with it. I won't try to figure out exactly what spirit it was – probably the spirits of depression, anger, and rebellion – but I do know that the spirit wasn't Godly. When girls dress provocatively, they are putting on the spirit of a harlot; for men dressing in the metro style, they are putting on the homosexual spirit.

These spirits come with the outfit – you cannot wear the outfit without the spirit affecting you! Be wary of the spirits you keep in your closet!

Just as ungodly spirits can come with clothing, clothing can come with a bonafide Holy Ghost approval. The kind of clothing with the HG stamp of approval will help you keep your Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is our guide in all areas of our lives, including clothing. If we are full of His Spirit, we will notice a different feel in the clothing we pick out. That skirt may be long enough according to your church's standards, but sometimes you may not feel comfortable in that skirt. You may not be able to put a finger on why that skirt is not good, but your Holy Ghost will help you make godly decisions ...

Parodies of themselves.

DAII 06-22-2010 05:46 AM

Re: Jeez ... we're going to spiritualize clothes t
Metro clothing means putting on a homo spirit?

Black long-sleeved shirt and black skirt = Apostoli-Goth ???????????

Yep, it's officially ....


DAII 06-22-2010 05:58 AM

Re: Jeez ... we're going to spiritualize clothes t
From her friend, the Pentecostal Recessionista, who may want to take a cue from the Master who said:

"By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another" (John 3:35)

Not ... they will know you by your ornate bun, skirt with matching I-phone accessories and Coach bag:


It didn’t happen overnight for me, but after years of my journey with Jesus Christ, I finally realized what a tremendous blessing there is in “looking like a Christian.” I also realized that obeying the Word of God by dressing modestly and leaving my hair long does not take away from who I am, but it actually enhances my personality.

When people see me and know, before ever speaking to me, that I’m a Christian, they automatically approach me differently and expect me to live by a higher standard. Even those who don't immediately recognize that I look the way I do because of my relationship with God still notice that I look different and many feel compelled to ask. By looking different from those who aren’t living for God and filled with His Spirit, we are making a statement that we are His people and that rather than being led by the culture around us, we're led by God and His Word.

Once you realize that God didn't call you out of the world to live like the world and look like the world, you realize that looking like a Christian is one of the most precious blessings God has afforded us in this life.

“But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light;”
1 Peter 2:9

Maybe they feel compelled to ask and treat you differently before even engaging you because it's ... just that you look .... DIFFERENT AND NOT NORMAL?

"Looking like a Christian" was never His call ....

And when do the fellas "look like Christians" ?????

DAII 06-22-2010 06:04 AM

Re: Jeez ... we're going to spiritualize clothes t
We are entering the Post-Apostolic Reider Fashionista Age .... and its LIKE, SO SUPERFICIAL

but ....

I just gotta get me some of those new Power Before the Throne outfits!!!!

MissBrattified 06-22-2010 06:28 AM

Re: Jeez ... we're going to spiritualize clothes t
The only "spirit" was her attitude, which she accentuated (and revealed) with her clothing choices.

It bothers me that she interprets it to mean that there was a "spirit attached" to the black clothing. No, it was the attitude with which she put on the black clothing that was incorrect.


Clothing doesn't put a persona on us; it reveals the persona we already have.

DAII 06-22-2010 06:33 AM

Re: Jeez ... we're going to spiritualize clothes t

Originally Posted by MissBrattified (Post 926546)
The only "spirit" was her attitude, which she accentuated (and revealed) with her clothing choices.

It bothers me that she interprets it to mean that there was a "spirit attached" to the black clothing. No, it was the attitude with which she put on the black clothing that was incorrect.


Clothing doesn't put a persona on us; it reveals the persona we already have.

Annie, you nailed another one.


Timmy 06-22-2010 07:04 AM

Re: Jeez ... we're going to spiritualize clothes t
What can witches teach us about clothes? :hmmm

DAII 06-22-2010 07:37 AM

Re: Jeez ... we're going to spiritualize clothes t

*AQuietPlace* 06-22-2010 07:39 AM

Re: Jeez ... we're going to spiritualize clothes t

Clothing is very much linked to the spirit world. Think about it. When I put on my Goth clothes, I was putting on something else – the spirit associated with it. I won't try to figure out exactly what spirit it was – probably the spirits of depression, anger, and rebellion – but I do know that the spirit wasn't Godly. When girls dress provocatively, they are putting on the spirit of a harlot; for men dressing in the metro style, they are putting on the homosexual spirit.
The clothing doesn't carry a spirit. If so, what makes her black suit different than her black skirt and shirt? The spirit she already had drove her clothing choices, the clothing didn't drive the spirit.

If a woman has a lascivious spirit, she'll probably choose provocative clothing. Not vice versa. We choose our clothing because of who we are, the clothing doesn't create who we are.


Just as ungodly spirits can come with clothing, clothing can come with a bonafide Holy Ghost approval. The kind of clothing with the HG stamp of approval will help you keep your Holy Ghost.
That's just weird. If this is true, why have we had so many Apostolic people, dressed for the part, get caught in adultery, fornication, stealing, gossip, cheating, etc? Why didn't their clothing keep them safe?

I appreciate the fact that these girls are trying to live for God and support their culture. But they need to be taught a stronger foundation for their beliefs.

*AQuietPlace* 06-22-2010 07:40 AM

Re: Jeez ... we're going to spiritualize clothes t
double post

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