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MikeinAR 09-23-2008 08:18 PM

Wow! George Will questioned McCain's suitability
to be President in an article today. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/art...ils_again.html

He basically makes the argument that many other Republicans who know John McCain have made more privately, that his temperament is a major problem and would negatively affect his ability as President. He notes that McCain "is behaving like a flustered rookie playing in a league too high." He goes even further to assert that Barack Obama's lack of experience could be remedied but expresses doubt that McCain's temperament can be.

George Will is one of, if not the leading voice of conservatism in modern times. This is a huge story when that type of writer indicts the "conservative" candidate for President. This is certainly a headache the McCain campaign didn't need after their week last week.

I wonder how they'll blame the liberal press for a conservative writer's criticism?

I'm very surprised to see this kind of candor just over a month away from the election. Kudo's to George Will for calling a spade a spade on this issue.

rgcraig 09-23-2008 08:20 PM

Re: Wow! George Will questioned McCain's suitabili
Maybe anger is what is needed to stop some of the junk going on!

MikeinAR 09-23-2008 08:26 PM

Re: Wow! George Will questioned McCain's suitabili

Originally Posted by rgcraig (Post 596027)
Maybe anger is what is needed to stop some of the junk going on!

I think we've had plenty of angry, hot tempered blathering over the last 8 years and it's been a disastrous failure. Personally, I'd prefer someone with more reasoned, calm, non-knee jerk reactions and responses.

the Bishop 09-23-2008 08:48 PM

Re: Wow! George Will questioned McCain's suitabili
Actually I would like to know what temperment George Will would have today if he had endured 7 years of torture having all his fingers broken, and arms broken and left twisted for days on end having only a non medical fellow prisoner to try and help him get some ease. I could list a lot of other stuff but I spare you.

I think the likes of Mouthy journalists like Will would have broken under that kind of torture and we who can remember those years would have seen mister Will hob nobbing and seeking help from the likes of Hanoi jane fonda. Mr. McCain did not. whether you like him or not John McCain has more Grit and endurance and ability to deal with our enemies than any democrat in this country would be able to do.

As an old soldier and one who loves this nation, I shudder at the thought of a man like Houssian Obama becoming president of this country and carrying around in a container the codes for our Neucular weapons as all presidents do. especially since he is known to be a co-hort of the likes of America hating people like rev. Wright, mr. Farrakan, and the founder of the Anti American movement of the 60's Weather Underground. as well as declaring he wants to go talk to terrorists, on that note, I expect he does have a lot in common with most of them. :snapout

MikeinAR 09-23-2008 08:59 PM

Re: Wow! George Will questioned McCain's suitabili

Originally Posted by the Bishop (Post 596047)
As an old soldier and one who loves this nation, I shudder at the thought of a man like Houssian Obama becoming president of this country and carrying around in a container the codes for our Neucular weapons as all presidents do.

You make valid points about about McCain's service to the country and honor and decency that entails.

However, to many including one of the most respected conservative voices, it's not exactly comforting knowing that John McCain might "carry around in a container the codes" for nuclear warfare.

The most biting question of that article is can McCain's quick temperament be corrected at all?

Hoovie 09-23-2008 09:13 PM

Re: Wow! George Will questioned McCain's suitabili
BO is the one with a temperament not to be trusted. He remains a spoksman who favors the deaths of a million infants a year... the alternative in his mind being the "punishment" of bearing a child.

Pressing-On 09-23-2008 09:48 PM

Re: Wow! George Will questioned McCain's suitabili
Maybe McCain has a point?



5 Failures of SEC Chairman Cox

Almost all paths of incompetence in the current crisis run through the office of the Chairman of the SEC, Chris Cox. McCain’s solution to fire Cox isn’t tough enough. Exile is better. Fortunately for Cox this isn’t the Stalinist Soviet Union or his fate could be a lot worse.

Cox’s failures are too numerous to count. However, I’ll give it a try. Below are what I think are his top 5 failings.

1. Failure to enforce disclosure laws and regulations.
2. Failure to enforce accounting standards.
3. Failure to supervise the rating agencies.
4. Failure to investigate and prevent market manipulation, i.e., naked short selling.
5. Failure to protect small investors.

It is hard to think of how anyone could have done a worse job than Chris Cox (other than engaging in illegal conduct). But if anyone can think of things that I have missed, please feel free to tell everyone reading this by commenting. I doubt that my list is complete.


tamor 09-24-2008 06:52 AM

Re: Wow! George Will questioned McCain's suitabili

Originally Posted by rgcraig (Post 596027)
Maybe anger is what is needed to stop some of the junk going on!

Exactly, Renda!

TRFrance 09-24-2008 07:24 AM

Re: Wow! George Will questioned McCain's suitabili

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