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Mrs. LPW 02-12-2008 09:04 PM

Canadian Abortion Doctor...
Proof that Canada isn't perfect either...
Sent to me via email.


I have just learned that "Dr." Henry Morgantaler, the man who pioneered the fight for legalized abortion here in Canada, the man whose trial basically saw all laws pertaining to it's illegality stricken from the books, is being considered for The Order of Canada, a very prestigious Canadian award.

The National Post, a Canadian newspaper, is polling its readership, to ascertain their feelings about this. Please take 15 seconds to click on the link I'm providing and vote "NO".

I realize many of you are Americans, but there is no specification that you are excluded from taking part in the poll, so might I encourage you to do so.

Bad enough the man has personally murdered countless pre-born children, and has encouraged likewise of countless more - but to see him given such an award is simply appalling.

By the way, it is still shocking to many of us that this man, a proponent of death, is a survivor of the Holocaust.


And do feel free to pass this along to others in your address book.



Sometimes I shake my head.

Rev 02-12-2008 09:14 PM

Re: Canadian Abortion Doctor...

Originally Posted by Mrs. LPW (Post 388295)
Proof that Canada isn't perfect either...
Sent to me via email.


I have just learned that "Dr." Henry Morgantaler, the man who pioneered the fight for legalized abortion here in Canada, the man whose trial basically saw all laws pertaining to it's illegality stricken from the books, is being considered for The Order of Canada, a very prestigious Canadian award.

The National Post, a Canadian newspaper, is polling its readership, to ascertain their feelings about this. Please take 15 seconds to click on the link I'm providing and vote "NO".

I realize many of you are Americans, but there is no specification that you are excluded from taking part in the poll, so might I encourage you to do so.

Bad enough the man has personally murdered countless pre-born children, and has encouraged likewise of countless more - but to see him given such an award is simply appalling.

By the way, it is still shocking to many of us that this man, a proponent of death, is a survivor of the Holocaust.


And do feel free to pass this along to others in your address book.



Sometimes I shake my head.

voted! yes is way behind!

Cindy 02-12-2008 09:21 PM

Re: Canadian Abortion Doctor...
I voted No
Yes 15%
No 85%

Rev 02-12-2008 09:23 PM

Re: Canadian Abortion Doctor...

Originally Posted by cneasttx (Post 388323)
I voted No
Yes 15%
No 85%

Did you vote two times?

Cindy 02-12-2008 09:26 PM

Re: Canadian Abortion Doctor...

Originally Posted by Rev (Post 388326)
Did you vote two times?

No, and I don't know why that double posted. By that poll most people voted No.

Rev 02-12-2008 09:29 PM

Re: Canadian Abortion Doctor...

Originally Posted by cneasttx (Post 388332)
No, and I don't know why that double posted. By that poll most people voted No.


Mrs. LPW 02-12-2008 09:33 PM

Re: Canadian Abortion Doctor...

Originally Posted by Rev (Post 388326)
Did you vote two times?

I just noticed it seems to allow you to vote more than once at a time..

The people in my city are very familiar with this man...
We have one of his clinics.


I find it completely amazing that someone who survived the holocaust would become a champion for the cause of abortion.
It's fascinatingly horrific.

Ron 02-12-2008 09:47 PM

Re: Canadian Abortion Doctor...
He is a fruitcake!

Hoovie 02-12-2008 09:47 PM

Re: Canadian Abortion Doctor...

Originally Posted by Mrs. LPW (Post 388338)
I just noticed it seems to allow you to vote more than once at a time..

The people in my city are very familiar with this man...
We have one of his clinics.


I find it completely amazing that someone who survived the holocaust would become a champion for the cause of abortion.
It's fascinatingly horrific.

It may be his sick way of getting revenge.

Mrs. LPW 02-13-2008 04:33 PM

Re: Canadian Abortion Doctor...

Originally Posted by Stephen Hoover (Post 388364)
It may be his sick way of getting revenge.

Revenge on who though? It certainly isn't hurting Hilter or his goons. Just the millions of innocent babies and their families. And some women never get over it. I know a girl personally who had one and her nerves are basically shot. So if he's wanting revenge he's not really getting it.

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