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crazyjoe 10-04-2007 10:46 AM

Chester Hensley
...whatever happened to Chester Hensley from Nederland, TX and all of his posse?

Coonskinner 10-04-2007 10:48 AM

He died, and most of the posse went nuts.

Pastor Keith 10-04-2007 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by crazyjoe (Post 262881)
...whatever happened to Chester Hensley from Nederland, TX and all of his posse?

He did have one keen word of knowledge, according to those that saw him, it was one of the most accurate and deep giftings they had ever seen.

Sad to realize gifts don't save us, only a faithful relationship with the Savior does.

Neck 10-04-2007 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by keith4him (Post 262915)
He did have one keen word of knowledge, according to those that saw him, it was one of the most accurate and deep giftings they had ever seen.

Sad to realize gifts don't save us, only a faithful relationship with the Savior does.

If you have a faithful relationship with the savior you better have gifts.

CC1 10-04-2007 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by Coonskinner (Post 262882)
He died, and most of the posse went nuts.

ROFL!!!! That pretty much sums it up. You forgot to mention that they thought he was going to raise from the dead and didn't want to bury him.

I remember as a teenager he showed up at Louisiana Campmeeting in a beautiful balck Cadillac Limi with one of his saints dressed up in a Chauffers uniform driving him around.

It was pretty funny. I have always loved limos so I got a kick out of getting to see one close up (not to many of them in La. at that time) but thought it was strange a pastor would be riding a limo. I guess he was an early adopter of the prosperity message?

winklebottom 10-04-2007 02:14 PM

Wow, not a lot of compassion for a grieving congregation....shame on you.

CC1 10-04-2007 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by winklebottom (Post 263216)
Wow, not a lot of compassion for a grieving congregation....shame on you.

This happened several decades ago. They should be over it by now and realize that he isn't coming back to life.:killinme

winklebottom 10-04-2007 02:32 PM

I realize that....but obviously you remember every minute detail. Hope you've had your limo ride since then.

Consapostolic1 10-04-2007 02:38 PM

Who was he?

CC1 10-04-2007 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by winklebottom (Post 263254)
I realize that....but obviously you remember every minute detail. Hope you've had your limo ride since then.

Several limo rides. All quite nice.

Seeing a limo at age 14 in rural Louisiana was a big deal! Especially when a big ole Pentecostal Preacher was the owner. Very memorable.

He was a very eccentric figure and those we all tend to remember.

crazyjoe 10-04-2007 02:51 PM

....he could sing also...didn't he come out to a church in central california a lot?.....

tbpew 10-04-2007 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by Consapostolic1 (Post 263265)
Who was he?

could you share your understanding with regards to this question?

Pastor Keith 10-04-2007 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by crazyjoe (Post 263294)
....he could sing also...didn't he come out to a church in central california a lot?.....

As I understand it he caused some big stuff in the Tulare/Visalia area, so much that Pastors in the area still remember and shudder!

winklebottom 10-04-2007 03:25 PM


I attended a revival given by Reverend Hensley when I was a teenager. I don't remember limo's or eccintricy, but I do remember him being very kind, funny, a great preacher (to keep a teenagers attention) and a lot of people recieving the Holy Ghost. His church members seemed very loving and genuine, and being called crazy doesn't sit well with me. I understand that was years ago...but there is something to the saying "Rest in Peace"

Pastor Keith 10-04-2007 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by winklebottom (Post 263354)

I attended a revival given by Reverend Hensley when I was a teenager. I don't remember limo's or eccintricy, but I do remember him being very kind, funny, a great preacher (to keep a teenagers attention) and a lot of people recieving the Holy Ghost. His church members seemed very loving and genuine, and being called crazy doesn't sit well with me. I understand that was years ago...but there is something to the saying "Rest in Peace"

Where did he Pastor at?

Old Paths 10-04-2007 03:31 PM

When he went "nuts" he took a whole congregation with him.

The church split as LEAST 3 ways.

Here's a pic of the old church after hurricane Rita.


crazyjoe 10-04-2007 03:32 PM

...who is shuddering?....i only have good memories of him......
...nuts??? how did he go nuts???

tbpew 10-04-2007 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by winklebottom (Post 263354)

I attended a revival given by Reverend Hensley when I was a teenager. I don't remember limo's or eccintricy, but I do remember him being very kind, funny, a great preacher (to keep a teenagers attention) and a lot of people recieving the Holy Ghost. His church members seemed very loving and genuine, and being called crazy doesn't sit well with me. I understand that was years ago...but there is something to the saying "Rest in Peace"

thank you for sharing your memories of this person with us.

CC1 10-04-2007 03:42 PM


Your Avatar has to go. It is not fair flaunting the In-N-Out logo in front of those of us who don't have access to one!

It makes me crave a "double double" and fries just looking at it.

tbpew 10-04-2007 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by CC1 (Post 263379)

Your Avatar has to go. It is not fair flaunting the In-N-Out logo in front of those of us who don't have access to one!

It makes me crave a "double double" and fries just looking at it.

CC, just tell admin and they'll rip it out and not tell anyone why:hypercoffee

Pastor Keith 10-04-2007 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by crazyjoe (Post 263363)
...who is shuddering?....i only have good memories of him......
...nuts??? how did he go nuts???

You don't remember the guns and body guards?

crazyjoe 10-04-2007 10:24 PM

...aah, no!...........

.....by the way I enjoyed my double-double for dinner and watched 'My Name is Earl, The Office, and TIVO'd Survivor.....oh yeah, you guys have to download these programs into your Ipod to watch because sattlelite TV is baaaaaddd!!!.....................

crazyjoe 10-05-2007 07:33 AM

...no i don't remember any guns and bodyguards....i must go back a little farther.....

.....by the way, i enjoyed my double-double last night while watching My Name is Earl, 30 Rock, The Office, and I Tivo'd Survivor, oh yeah, you guys can't do that-you have to download the last year's programs to your Ipod or wait for the DVD and watch it on your monitor-or the most hypocritical-go to a hotel and watch it!! :)

winklebottom 10-09-2007 04:04 PM


Sister Alvear 10-09-2007 04:28 PM

I remember him...his singing and preaching...

winklebottom 10-09-2007 04:37 PM

Did any of his children go into the ministry?

crakjak 10-09-2007 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by crazyjoe (Post 262881)
...whatever happened to Chester Hensley from Nederland, TX and all of his posse?

I remember Chester coming to the Texas Campmeeting in Lufkin when I was a kid. He would get up on the stage during singing and alter service and call folks out. His bodyguards or aids would bring folks up for him. He would then speak prophetically to them about their lives. It was very interesting and different to most of us, he never called me up so I have no idea what he had to say. Oh, yeah he brought his limo.

That's all I know, have heard the "nuts" stories but have no good confirmation of any of that.

Sister Alvear 10-09-2007 04:50 PM

Let's remember the good...

Evang.Benincasa 10-09-2007 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by crazyjoe (Post 262881)
...whatever happened to Chester Hensley from Nederland, TX and all of his posse?

Pastor Hebert and His wife had a really good church in DeRidder.
Pastor Hebert's wife was practically raised by the Hensley family.
Pastor Daniel Booth is now over the DeRidder Church called Three Pine Apostolic Church (because years ago the property had three pine trees).

I've heard all sides of the Chester P Hensley story.

In Jesus Name

Brother Benincasa


CC1 10-09-2007 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by crazyjoe (Post 263720)
...aah, no!...........

.....by the way I enjoyed my double-double for dinner and watched 'My Name is Earl, The Office, and TIVO'd Survivor.....oh yeah, you guys have to download these programs into your Ipod to watch because sattlelite TV is baaaaaddd!!!.....................

Crazy Joe,

I have a Home Theater with a 92" screen. DISH High Def satellite receiver and HD DVR plus a HD DVD player, etc, etc. I don't have to download anything to an ipod or computer!!! (however when I was a kid growing up UPC in Alaska I would have loved to have had the internet and broadband access folks have today)

Old Paths 10-09-2007 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa (Post 268001)
Pastor Hebert and His wife had a really good church in DeRidder.
Pastor Hebert's wife was practically raised by the Hensley family.
Pastor Daniel Booth is now over the DeRidder Church called Three Pine Apostolic Church (because years ago the property had three pine trees).

I've heard all sides of the Chester P Hensley story.

In Jesus Name

Brother Benincasa


I've known Bro. Booth for YEARS.

He is originally out of the Pentecostal Church of Jesus Christ in Pensacola, FL.

The late Elder B.W. Adams was his pastor.

Here's their website


ThePastorsCoach 10-09-2007 10:43 PM

Dan Booth is a great guy - I am shocked that he moved from Florida to LA!

josh 10-09-2007 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by keith4him (Post 262915)
He did have one keen word of knowledge, according to those that saw him, it was one of the most accurate and deep giftings they had ever seen.

Sad to realize gifts don't save us, only a faithful relationship with the Savior does.

He definitely had...and lost it.

My dad knew him well. He reached the place where he would enter the church with the lights dimmed, he was dressed in a white robe and a spotlight would follow him all the way to the platform.

Sad, indeed.

Steve Epley 10-10-2007 07:02 AM

Another sad story of Pentecost. He was powerful at one time.

ThePastorsCoach 10-10-2007 09:17 AM

CH and his Holy Tie

Originally Posted by Steve Epley (Post 268201)
Another sad story of Pentecost. He was powerful at one time.

I had never heard of him and was preaching in Texas. I was walking the aisles and calling people out and some guy comes running down the aisle and screaming & speaking in tongues - "You have the spirit of Chester Hensley"!!! He wrapped a big ole wide neck tie around my neck.
After service the pastor told me a little about CH and he revered him. I gave the pastor the tie and went to my hotel and spent the night in prayer and rebuked the spirit of ANYONE that was on me! . I had no idea who CH was - but I sure did not want his spirit!

Evang.Benincasa 10-10-2007 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by Old Paths (Post 268156)
I've known Bro. Booth for YEARS.

He is originally out of the Pentecostal Church of Jesus Christ in Pensacola, FL.

The late Elder B.W. Adams was his pastor.

Here's their website


Brother Dan Booth is a friend of mine and I preached for Elder B.W. Adams (when he was alive) and also preached for his son. I love the Pensacola church they have a great group there and great worship.

Did you know Brother Stevens from Mountian View Arkansas?

In Jesus name

Brother Benincasa


Old Paths 10-10-2007 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa (Post 268806)
Brother Dan Booth is a friend of mine and I preached for Elder B.W. Adams (when he was alive) and also preached for his son. I love the Pensacola church they have a great group there and great worship.

Did you know Brother Stevens from Mountian View Arkansas?

In Jesus name

Brother Benincasa


Yes I knew Bro. Stevens.

Good man.

He married Sis. Booth's Mom.

Scott Hutchinson 10-10-2007 09:20 PM

Was this Brother Booth at the Spoken Word ALJC church at at one time ?

Old Paths 10-10-2007 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by Scott Hutchinson (Post 268820)
Was this Brother Booth at the Spoken Word ALJC church at at one time ?


That's him.

Scott Hutchinson 10-10-2007 09:26 PM

Was He also at a UPCI church in Foley also ?

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