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Christians and Politics
Looking for some info regarding history of believers in politics. Obviously, considering the atmosphere that where in today being Election Day. I’m looking to understand the role a Christian should play or not play in when it comes to world government.
Some of you scholars if you could shoot me some articles or books that maybe you have read or found useful, I’d be thankful. |
Re: Christians and Politics
Interesting topic and one worthy of discussion and researching.
I’m going to just throw out a conversation starter and I, intentionally will not provide supporting information. How about the Christian Nationalism and the KKK involvement in the “early” Pentecostal movement? Should we get into that? On a generic level, I know it’s controversial, but I do vote. I make my best attempt to support with my vote whichever candidate is least offensive to my Christian beliefs. |
Re: Christians and Politics
I don't care what pentecostalism or any other isms thinks or has done.
Government is ordained by God to promote good and restrain evil, as outlined in Romans 13. Its primary function is to maintain justice, uphold the sanctity of life, and protect property. Christians are called to: *Respect and Obey Authorities: Be model citizens, honoring and obeying governing authorities (Romans 13:1-7, 1 Peter 2:11-17) *Pray for Governments: Pray for earthly governments to promote peace, justice, and righteousness (1 Timothy 2:1-4) *Be Prophetic Voices: Speak out against injustice and call governments to accountability. Examples of serving in govt: *Joseph: Served in the Egyptian government, using his influence to benefit society (Genesis 45:9-12). *Daniel: Held high-ranking positions in foreign administrations, implementing policies that benefited society. *Queen Esther: Used her influence in the Persian government to save the Jewish people. |
Re: Christians and Politics
Re: Christians and Politics
Do you think there is a difference between the Old Covenant ways and the New Covenant ways. As far as how God used Joseph, Esther, and Daniel? |
Re: Christians and Politics
Proverbs 29:2 KJVRulers are required to be Christians, and Christians are not allowed to choose rulers who are not Christians. Rulers must also be of the same nation and stock as those whom they to govern: Deuteronomy 17:14-20 KJVGovernment is ordained by God specifically to punish evil and protect righteousness, and is to be the servant of God: Romans 13:1-7 KJVRulers, regardless how they enter into their office, are ultimately put in power by God Himself: Daniel 4:17 KJVIf we as a nation are unrighteous and evil, we will get unrighteous and evil government, usually foreign-controlled: Deuteronomy 28:43-44 KJV |
Re: Christians and Politics
Re: Christians and Politics
The church's role in government:
Matthew 28:18-20 KJV And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. [19] Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: [20] Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen. Mark 16:15 KJV And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. "Every creature" includes everybody in government, from the king or President down to the dogcatcher. The church is commissioned by Christ to be the teacher to all nations and everybody in those nations, including their governors and rulers. The goal is to evangelize not just the random people on the street or the random visitors to the church house, but every nation and everybody in those nations, from top to bottom and side to side. Our job is to be the hands and feet of God in converting the entire world to Christ. |
Re: Christians and Politics
Unfortunately, most professing Christians have bought into the satanic lie of "separation of religion and politics" to the point that Christians have now practically no impact on society at large. When we should be taught from day one of our Christian life that Christ is King and therefore there is no such thing as a "separation of religion and politics". Christ's kingdom is "not of this world", but that doesn't mean that Christ is not really and truly KING. The very title "king" necessarily invokes the political. He is "King of kings" meaning He is the rightful God-ordained authority over all "rulers" and governors, regardless of who they are or who they think they are. All governments must and ultimately will submit to Christ and His government: Isaiah 9:6-7 KJV Micah 4:1-4 KJV |
Re: Christians and Politics
Re: Christians and Politics
Re: Christians and Politics
Mormonism is nationalistic as well as the early Pentecostals. Yet, the LDS places themselves specifically into their eschatology. Where they are the ones who will save the United States at a time where the Constitution is threatened. The New Apostolic Reformation are also into Nationalism. Imagine being ruled by those nut jobs. But, keep in mind that not all Pentecostals or Apostolics pledge allegiance to the flag, or vote. Since voting for the lesser of two evils is still evil. Down here I found everyone from Eastern Orthodox to Baptists who refuse to vote for any level of government. Who believe that only through conversion (into their particular belief system) will anything be able to change. I spent a good hour listening to an individual tell me today how Donald Trump is the Beast because he was wounded in the head and is alive. I interjected and told him that Ronald Regan already had that title from his assassination attempt. DR D James Kennedy's old church in Fort Lauderdale are hard core Jesus is a Patriot believers. They have Jesus wrapped tight in the stars and stripes. Hey, if Hulk Hogan says it, it must be true. :lol |
Re: Christians and Politics
We always get the leadership we deserve. :thumbsup |
Re: Christians and Politics
Is it possible that he is not allowing his will to be done with some things? I don’t think I can wrap my mind around this stuff…hurts my brain…what all falls under “His will”, and if it’s accomplished even without the assistance of his body of Christ. Not intending to argue your point…just thinking out loud :) I figure he’s got it all under control know matter who gets voted in. |
Re: Christians and Politics
For 2,000+ years, the Church has proclaimed the gospel openly, as the Apostle Paul said, "This thing was not done in a corner" (Acts 26:26). Jesus desires none to perish (2 Peter 3:9), yet teaches the path to salvation is narrow: "Enter through the narrow gate... few find it" (Matthew 7:13-14). Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me" (John 14:6). People have to be open to an encounter with Jesus instead of rejecting Him and His commandments at every turn. I wonder how much of the big voter turnout is people wanting access to abortion and weed. In the Old Testament nobody got to vote and yet God moved Kings and Kingdoms around the chess board to accomplish His will at His pleasure. Alexander the Great conquered the world and God gave us the Septuagint and the Greek new testament to reach a Greek speaking world. The Romans conquered the world making roads accessible for missionaries to travel and preach the gospel. God is always making a way for us. |
Re: Christians and Politics
Re: Christians and Politics
Going to be an interesting 4 years. :lol
www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngph6pM2RDU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngph6pM2RDU |
Re: Christians and Politics
The body of Christ in the USA is going to see victory? Is that what he meant to say?
Re: Christians and Politics
Trump's campaign was so entertaining and innovative while Kamala was boring... I'm interested to see what role Elon will play and who else will be involved. How will RFK Jr implement health improvements. I woke up this morning feeling a little more optimistic, glad Kamala didn't win, cause I suspect she's the antichrist:heeheehee.
Re: Christians and Politics
:spit |
Re: Christians and Politics
So there is what people call "the permissive will of God", meaning there are things that God allows that aren't necessarily what He wants, in one sense, but He allows them to happen because in the larger scheme of things it is better. Thus God allows people free will, and allows them to choose evil, because to not allow them to choose evil would do more damage to His moral government of things than to allow them to exercise their free will. As for the election, it hasn't even happened yet. The President and Vice President are not chosen by Mr and Mrs John Q Public. They are chosen by Electors, appointed by each State. Those Electors haven't yet voted as far as I know. Thus, all the hundreds of millions of dollars spent on presenting the illusion of a "popular election", all the people involved in conveniently NOT emphasizing the actual election is not in the hands of Mr and Mrs John Q Public, proves beyond any possibility of refutation that the entire system is a racketeering confidence scam. |
Re: Christians and Politics
Nicodemus, did you bail on your thread?
Re: Christians and Politics
The video above is an interesting view of Christian Nationalism. I don’t necessarily agree with all of it but I do agree with the fundamental premise that Christian Nationalism is not the answer. It always ends poorly. Because Christian Nationalism basically (in my opinion) is really political in nature. It is not religious. It is really an example of using the power of religion to gain political advantage. |
Re: Christians and Politics
Another video that is focused on the influence of the KKK and on the “early” Pentecostal movement. By the way, the KKK was and still is a church that considers itself Christian, kind of like Christian Nationalism. You sure have to be careful what you endorse or accept under the banner of Christianity or even Pentecostalism or Apostolicalism. As Sister Amanah has alluded to, be cautious when dealing with the isms.
https://youtu.be/sEsqSRNyi7Y?si=XtueTPw4IFRiYywP |
Re: Christians and Politics
Here is an article that documents the common interests and even fraternity of leadership of the UPCI and others who were involved with the KKK and UPCI simultaneously.
There is no shortage of documentation. Remember that as an organization the UPCI beginning is traced to 1945. https://william-branham.org/site/res...ecostal_church |
Re: Christians and Politics
That guy Roy Davis was evil: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roy_Elonzo_Davis |
Re: Christians and Politics
By the fruit you will know them. |
Re: Christians and Politics
Re: Christians and Politics
I’m beginning to think that they may have gotten it from the LDS. Have you considered that possibility? |
Re: Christians and Politics
So the thread is about "Christians and politics" but has devolved into a discussion of Pentecostals, Branham, tithing, and the Klan?
Re: Christians and Politics
Re: Christians and Politics
As of right now, I do not believe a believer should be involved with any type of political atmosphere. However, not trying to make doctrine out of what I personally believe. Wanting to see how other people believe. |
Re: Christians and Politics
However in the atmosphere of the government, where does Gods will and man’s will come into play? Meaning, does the will of an individual or a nation fall to the will of God? |
Re: Christians and Politics
Re: Christians and Politics
Re: Christians and Politics
And what do you mean by "will of an individual or nation fall to the will of God"? |
Re: Christians and Politics
God commanded Noah to establish judges (governments) to bring judgment upon evil:
[Genesis 9:6 NKJV] 6 "Whoever sheds man's blood, By man his blood shall be shed; For in the image of God He made man. Yet, governments fail to do their job many times, and they themselves become workers of evil. But how the Sovereignty of God is manifested upon them? These are examples verses: * Doing miracles against their plans: Gen 11:1-9 * Frustrating their plans and council: Psalms 33:10-11, probably blurring their understanding or ability to see/consider certain things; or even causing events to make their plan fail. * Deciding the fate of wars: Psalms 33:13-17 * Miraculous intervention for his people: Psalms 33:18-19, Daniel * Influencing their planning, usually by causing events to make them do something, or by allowing spirits to persuade them in one direction: 2 Kings 24:2, Luke 2:1, 1 King 22:22 The people of God is currently dispersed among nations. Our relationship with the gov of the countries we are in is: * Working for them: Phil 4:22, Rom 16:23, Daniel * Prayer for them to be able to bring peace locally: Jer 29:7, 1 Tim 2:1-2 * Obeying them, as long as they don't make us disobey God: Rom 13:1-2, Acts 5:29, 1Pe 2:13-17 |
Re: Christians and Politics
Jesus was the literal heir to the throne of David, and the rightful ruler of all 12 tribes. Moreover, He was the rightful heir of God Almighty, and thus His inheritance is the entire world. He died. But He rose again from the dead. That means He is STILL the legal, lawful heir of the Davidic monarchy, in fact He is currently the reigning monarch over the 12 tribes and over the whole earth. When He said "ALL power in heaven and in earth is given unto Me" He meant exactly what He said. But most Christians today do not really believe this. They do not believe that Jesus Christ is just as much of a genuine reigning monarch as King Charles of England is. They do not believe that Jesus Christ is just as lawfully, legally, and actually, and personally the Chief Executive as much as if not more so than any current, past, or future President of the US. Somehow, in the minds of most Christians, when Jesus ascended into heaven He left the "real world" and ascended into the realm of "fantasy and myth". He is viewed as "Lord" only metaphorically, not really truly and actually. He is Lord of some nice morals and ethical behaviour for those who choose to "take the leap of faith" and adopt the "Christian religion". But the truth is He is Lord whether anyone believes in Him or not. He is the actual King of Israel. The real, legitimate, living, reigning monarch established by Israel's law and by God's decree. That means His kingdom is not just "a neat idea". It is a real, actual, lawful, legal, genuine, legitimate KINGDOM, with real laws and a real citizenship. When people realise this, it changes their entire perspective on the whole subject of "politics". Many try to say "religion and politics shouldn't mix" but that is silly. Politics is "how the nation should be governed." Religion is "how people should obey God". BOTH are "how are people to live"? The nation is the people, there is no such thing as a nation without people. Politics is always somebody's MORAL LAW being put into effect. Politics IS "religion" and vice versa. If men are to live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God, then men's politics are to be governed by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. Trying to stuff God into some cupboard of life separate from "politics" is an affront to God and a denial of His Godhood and His authority. It is literally treason against Christ. If you recognise the Federal government as the lawful US government, then if you decided that you will only listen to the Federal government when it comes to your setting foot on say a US military base or a US Post Office, but otherwise you shall ignore federal law and in fact promote the idea that the Federal government has no say so whatsoever outside of the limits of Washington, DC, would you not be considered an insurrectionist? An outlaw? A rebel? How much more so if you are a Christian, a citizen of the kingdom of Christ, and yet you think to let His enemies run everything outside of the four walls of your church building? It is the enemies of Christ who invented the very concept of "separation of church and state". Caesar didn't care that Christians believed they would go to heaven when they died or that Jesus pardoned their sins. But Caesar most certainly DID care about the idea that Jesus is KING, that Jesus is THE SON OF GOD. Which has always been a very POLITICAL title. When Christians discover that they have in fact enrolled in citizenship in an real actual kingdom, the Israel of GOD, and that Christ is REALLY KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS, they will begin to act like it, and begin to live as subjects of the King. They will advance the interests of Christ's Kingdom in all areas of life, including whatever "political life" they might be involved in. And the enemies of the Gospel are actually scared of THAT happening, far more than they give one whit or hoot about whether or not you "go to church" or what you believe about the "afterlife" or whatever other belief you may hold. Believe what you want, they say, as long as nobody else has to pay you any mind. |
Re: Christians and Politics
Thank you my brother for this post. :thumbsup |
Re: Christians and Politics
Yes indeed, that's the message. :highfive |
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