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diakonos 02-14-2022 10:20 AM

Valentine’s Day
Does your church celebrate Valentine’s Day?
Why or why not?

If so, what did they do this year?

I’ve seen posts where churches are doing banquets. Some doing mini marriage conferences.

Esaias 02-14-2022 01:28 PM

Re: Valentine’s Day
The churches of God don't celebrate pagan holy days or pagan rituals.

diakonos 02-14-2022 02:01 PM

Re: Valentine’s Day
Well, we have your answer.

diakonos 02-14-2022 03:33 PM

Re: Valentine’s Day
I knew I’d get that answer from you, or Benincasa.

And it’s a great answer.

Now, those of you who did celebrate, what did you do?

Come on, don’t be skeered.

Barb 02-14-2022 06:21 PM

Re: Valentine’s Day
Just because a church has a marriage seminar doesn't mean they are 'celebrating' anything other than marriage. Agreed? :nod

diakonos 02-14-2022 06:28 PM

Re: Valentine’s Day

Originally Posted by Barb (Post 1608022)
Just because a church has a marriage seminar doesn't mean they are 'celebrating' anything other than marriage. Agreed? :nod

The timing is sus…

Barb 02-14-2022 06:36 PM

Re: Valentine’s Day

Originally Posted by diakonos (Post 1608023)
The timing is sus…

Why? What does the timing of an event have to do with it? When the world is doing their thing in the name of love, why not bring the people of God together with godliness and truth?

And who is to say that an unsaved couple will not be invited to a church event where they will hear God's plan for marriage?

I think we make too much of nothing...

diakonos 02-14-2022 07:11 PM

Re: Valentine’s Day

Originally Posted by Barb (Post 1608024)
Why? What does the timing of an event have to do with it? When the world is doing their thing in the name of love, why not bring the people of God together with godliness and truth?

And who is to say that an unsaved couple will not be invited to a church event where they will hear God's plan for marriage?

I think we make too much of nothing...

Ok. That’s the same “logic” that now has maybe most “apostolic” churches celebrating Hallo… trunk or treat.

Barb 02-14-2022 07:47 PM

Re: Valentine’s Day

Originally Posted by diakonos (Post 1608025)
Ok. That’s the same “logic” that now has maybe most “apostolic” churches celebrating Hallo… trunk or treat.

Trunk or Treat is not celebrating Halloween, in my opinion and experience. Our church has done it for years, and with great outreach success. There is food and fellowship with the community. We pass out invitations to Sunday service, and with great response.

I personally know of couple of ultra conservative churches that have a Harvest Party as an alternative for their youth... no costumes or anything freaky. Just a fun time...

Churches have dramas each year depicting the crucifixion at Easter time; choir concerts at Christmastime because during those times the world is looking for something they know not of, and may not frequent the house of God any other time.

Again, I think we might be making more of these things than is intended. But this is just one old ladies opinion...

diakonos 02-14-2022 08:33 PM

Re: Valentine’s Day
And I appreciate your opinion.

I just never understood the “alternatives to” as if we’re replacing something, as not to miss out on something.


Barb 02-14-2022 09:08 PM

Re: Valentine’s Day

Originally Posted by diakonos (Post 1608027)
And I appreciate your opinion.

I just never understood the “alternatives to” as if we’re replacing something, as not to miss out on something.


I appreciate your kindness in this discussion...

It may not be so much the deal of missing out on something as it is providing them with a safe haven. The world and its system pull out every trick in their ugly book to entice and distract. To me, a Harvest Party is saying that we can have fun here without the junk from outside.

Sir, I don't know... it's late and it's been a trying day. Not sure if I'm even making sense, but I do thank you for letting me try to express my thoughts.

Nicodemus1968 02-15-2022 07:36 AM

Re: Valentine’s Day

Originally Posted by diakonos (Post 1608018)
Does your church celebrate Valentine’s Day?
Why or why not?

If eating anything constitutes as celebrating, I guess I'm guilty, I had pinto beans for dinner. My wife did make cookies yesterday, guilty as charged...


Originally Posted by diakonos (Post 1608018)
If so, what did they do this year?

My wife made cookies.


Originally Posted by diakonos (Post 1608018)
I’ve seen posts where churches are doing banquets. Some doing mini marriage conferences.

I understand why some congregations do conferences this time of year, or even banquets. Some believers think that because it's more widely accepted, it's a good time to promote the things that we know as truth. I'll leave that for them to decide how they feel the Lord is directing them.


Originally Posted by Barb (Post 1608022)
Just because a church has a marriage seminar doesn't mean they are 'celebrating' anything other than marriage. Agreed? :nod

You know sis. this "celebrating" seems to be a recurring theme, either because we have never come to a conclusion, or because we just like arguing about it.

What constitutes celebrating a "holiday"? Since the thread is about Valentines maybe that's a good place to start.

What is Valentines?

There was in Rome on Feb. 13-15 a festival in celebration to Lupercalia, this celebration was a, violent, bloody, and sexually charged festival. They celebrated to ward off evil spirits, and infertility. The festival included, (sorry for being graphic, yet this is history) cutting strips of goats hide that they used for animal sacrifice and men running around naked finding women that were naked as well and hitting them (women) with the hides to allow them to become pregnant. And then they would make sure that the ritual worked by sleeping with one another.

Sis. does your church celebrate Valentines Day like this?

Who was St. valentine?

Valentine was a priest in Rome during the reign of Emperor Claudius II. History has it that the Emperor believed that married men made lousy soldiers, Therefore in order to keep his soldiers with their mind on combat, he ordered all marriages and engagements to cease. Valentine was against this order and defied the order by continuing to marry couples in secret. He was thrown in prison and later beheaded for his belief in marriage.

Or, sis. does your church celebrate Valentines Day in a way to honor and promote marriage?

Barb 02-15-2022 08:47 AM

Re: Valentine’s Day

Originally Posted by Nicodemus1968 (Post 1608029)
If eating anything constitutes as celebrating, I guess I'm guilty, I had pinto beans for dinner. My wife did make cookies yesterday, guilty as charged...

My wife made cookies.

I understand why some congregations do conferences this time of year, or even banquets. Some believers think that because it's more widely accepted, it's a good time to promote the things that we know as truth. I'll leave that for them to decide how they feel the Lord is directing them.

You know sis. this "celebrating" seems to be a recurring theme, either because we have never come to a conclusion, or because we just like arguing about it.

What constitutes celebrating a "holiday"? Since the thread is about Valentines maybe that's a good place to start.

What is Valentines?

There was in Rome on Feb. 13-15 a festival in celebration to Lupercalia, this celebration was a, violent, bloody, and sexually charged festival. They celebrated to ward off evil spirits, and infertility. The festival included, (sorry for being graphic, yet this is history) cutting strips of goats hide that they used for animal sacrifice and men running around naked finding women that were naked as well and hitting them (women) with the hides to allow them to become pregnant. And then they would make sure that the ritual worked by sleeping with one another.

Sis. does your church celebrate Valentines Day like this?

Who was St. valentine?

Valentine was a priest in Rome during the reign of Emperor Claudius II. History has it that the Emperor believed that married men made lousy soldiers, Therefore in order to keep his soldiers with their mind on combat, he ordered all marriages and engagements to cease. Valentine was against this order and defied the order by continuing to marry couples in secret. He was thrown in prison and later beheaded for his belief in marriage.

Or, sis. does your church celebrate Valentines Day in a way to honor and promote marriage?

Great post! :nod

Whoop Harted 02-15-2022 03:19 PM

Re: Valentine’s Day
Cooking Beans, on St Valentines day?

Someone call me?

seguidordejesus 02-15-2022 08:58 PM

Re: Valentine’s Day

Yes, indeed.

Evang.Benincasa 02-16-2022 08:35 AM

Re: Valentine’s Day

Originally Posted by seguidordejesus (Post 1608032)

I guess we need to start calling you Οπαδός του Ιησού? When are you going to make your journey to Mount Athos?

seguidordejesus 02-16-2022 12:36 PM

Re: Valentine’s Day

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa (Post 1608036)
I guess we need to start calling you Οπαδός του Ιησού? When are you going to make your journey to Mount Athos?

There'd be no difference in meaning, just don't call me αργά για δείπνο

Athos trip maybe planned for next year but it's not a huge priority :D so that means it probably won't happen.

Evang.Benincasa 02-16-2022 03:53 PM

Re: Valentine’s Day

Originally Posted by seguidordejesus (Post 1608039)
there'd be no difference in meaning, just don't call me αργά για δείπνο

athos trip maybe planned for next year but it's not a huge priority :d so that means it probably won't happen.

Δεν φαίνεται ότι σας λείπει το πρωινό, το μεσημεριανό γεύμα ή το δείπνο.

Nicodemus1968 02-16-2022 05:50 PM

Re: Valentine’s Day

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa (Post 1608044)
Δεν φαίνεται ότι σας λείπει το πρωινό, το μεσημεριανό γεύμα ή το δείπνο.

That’s not nice.

seguidordejesus 02-17-2022 10:45 AM

Re: Valentine’s Day

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa (Post 1608044)
Δεν φαίνεται ότι σας λείπει το πρωινό, το μεσημεριανό γεύμα ή το δείπνο.


seguidordejesus 02-17-2022 10:47 AM

Re: Valentine’s Day

Originally Posted by Nicodemus1968 (Post 1608046)
That’s not nice.

He forgot about segundo desayuno and onces. Can't be hangry.

Esaias 02-17-2022 05:25 PM

Re: Valentine’s Day

Originally Posted by seguidordejesus (Post 1608059)
He forgot about segundo desayuno and onces. Can't be hangry.

He doesn't know about second breakfast...

seguidordejesus 02-17-2022 06:22 PM

Re: Valentine’s Day

Originally Posted by Esaias (Post 1608065)
He doesn't know about second breakfast...

Bruthaman's missing out :thumbsup

jediwill83 02-17-2022 08:04 PM

Re: Valentine’s Day

Originally Posted by Esaias (Post 1608065)
He doesn't know about second breakfast...

And Elevenssies????

Evang.Benincasa 02-17-2022 09:04 PM

Re: Valentine’s Day

Originally Posted by jediwill83 (Post 1608069)
And Elevenssies????

Hairy feet and all.

seguidordejesus 02-18-2022 01:28 PM

Re: Valentine’s Day

Originally Posted by jediwill83 (Post 1608069)
And Elevenssies????

La once is tea time in Chile.

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