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Dedicated Mind 11-11-2010 12:57 AM

Sex On Church Day
We talked about this a few years ago, but I wanted to hear from our newer posters. Is it wrong to have sex before going to church? Some have agreed with me and others have mocked. Is sex within marriage a carnal act, a spiritual act or neutral? I believe that a couple should be "in the spirit" on the day of a church service. How can you engage in sex, then hours later expect to be in the presence of God, praying for a move of the spirit or for miracles to happen? Shouldn't couples abstain from the flesh on church days? If you are having a weeklong revival then nights are open after church. What does "unclean" mean in OT terms? Doesn't unclean mean you cannot partake of the temple service?

Lev 15:2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When any man hath a running issue out of his flesh, [because of] his issue he [is] unclean.

Socialite 11-11-2010 01:24 AM

Re: Sex On Church Day
Your presupposition is that sex is less than God's ideal for us, a product of the curse and not the blessing of the Lord itself.

I'm not sure I follow any of the rest of the logic in this particular argument.

I'm not an advocate for sex before gathering together, but I'm not even sure why we'd oppose it. If you feel it necessary to collect your thoughts and composure before gathering together, then go for it. That goes for radio, reading, jogging, watching TV, eating, etc.

Nothing can make a couple feel more perfectly united, together and one, than having sex on the Lord's day! :)


Praxeas 11-11-2010 01:29 AM

Re: Sex On Church Day
Is this a joke? What happened to faith? Sex in marriage is not a sin

Praxeas 11-11-2010 01:31 AM

Re: Sex On Church Day
Maybe we need the same Holiness Police checking the couples bedrooms that checked to make sure little girls were not wearing pajamas.

jfrog 11-11-2010 06:01 AM

Re: Sex On Church Day
If it keeps them from doing it in the church bathroom.... then I say go for it!

Pro31:28 11-11-2010 06:12 AM

Re: Sex On Church Day

Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind (Post 986201)
We talked about this a few years ago, but I wanted to hear from our newer posters. Is it wrong to have sex before going to church? Some have agreed with me and others have mocked. Is sex within marriage a carnal act, a spiritual act or neutral? I believe that a couple should be "in the spirit" on the day of a church service. How can you engage in sex, then hours later expect to be in the presence of God, praying for a move of the spirit or for miracles to happen? Shouldn't couples abstain from the flesh on church days? If you are having a weeklong revival then nights are open after church. What does "unclean" mean in OT terms? Doesn't unclean mean you cannot partake of the temple service?

Lev 15:2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When any man hath a running issue out of his flesh, [because of] his issue he [is] unclean.

Where do you get the idea that sex is "in the flesh"? Sex is a beautiful manifestation of love between a husband and wife. My husband is my greatest gift from God, and I believe that sex a wonderful part of that gift. Maybe if fewer couples we "abstaining" there would be less extramarital activity in the church.
I think that when couples are not in synch, that gives place to the devil for temptation.

Besides, if God had anything against sex, why would he put the Song of Solomon in the Bible?

Aquila 11-11-2010 06:32 AM

Re: Sex On Church Day

Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind (Post 986201)
We talked about this a few years ago, but I wanted to hear from our newer posters. Is it wrong to have sex before going to church? Some have agreed with me and others have mocked. Is sex within marriage a carnal act, a spiritual act or neutral? I believe that a couple should be "in the spirit" on the day of a church service. How can you engage in sex, then hours later expect to be in the presence of God, praying for a move of the spirit or for miracles to happen? Shouldn't couples abstain from the flesh on church days? If you are having a weeklong revival then nights are open after church. What does "unclean" mean in OT terms? Doesn't unclean mean you cannot partake of the temple service?

Lev 15:2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When any man hath a running issue out of his flesh, [because of] his issue he [is] unclean.

Physical intimacy can be both very spiritual or just carnal... deepending on the frame of mind and objectives of the couple at the moment. Waking up at 6AM and waking your wife lovingly to make love to her isn't carnal. Many couples have actually prayed, thanked God, and worshipped while making love. It's loving. It's God's design. It's God's gift. It's God given joy and pleasure. However, there certain kinds of private "love play" that isn't really "loving" or "spiritual" that many if not most couples engage in on occasion. I'd say that if making love to your spouse on a "church day" hinders you personally, avoid it. Some feel more alive and blessed of God. On them, I'd lay no burden.

Is going potty #2 before church carnal? lol Making love is far more spiritual, tender, and holy.

The verse you offer is OT Law code. Abolished.

Also, there's a fundamental problem with the line of reasoning you offer. You know I'm an advocate of House Church. One thing I know and remember is that MANY, if not most, of those attending institutional churches view their Christianity in a way in which the day they attend service is their "day of worship". Biblically speaking... EVERY DAY is an equally sacred day of worship. Also, life in the home should be lived out just as sacredly as the few hours one might spend in an elaborate religious building on a given day. So the whole "church day" vs. "secular day" is just lost on me personally.

In my opinion, a couple should be able to worship, pray, have Bible study, grab a bite to eat, make love, and then worship God aftewards with hands raised and no shame should they choose. If they are centered on Jesus and happy, reveling in one another's love... I see no harm.

Howbeit, when engaged in prayer and fasting for a specific purpose... it is biblical to abstain from physical forms of intimacy.

rgcraig 11-11-2010 07:01 AM

Re: Sex On Church Day

Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind (Post 986201)
We talked about this a few years ago, but I wanted to hear from our newer posters. Is it wrong to have sex before going to church? Some have agreed with me and others have mocked. Is sex within marriage a carnal act, a spiritual act or neutral? I believe that a couple should be "in the spirit" on the day of a church service. How can you engage in sex, then hours later expect to be in the presence of God, praying for a move of the spirit or for miracles to happen? Shouldn't couples abstain from the flesh on church days? If you are having a weeklong revival then nights are open after church. What does "unclean" mean in OT terms? Doesn't unclean mean you cannot partake of the temple service?

Lev 15:2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When any man hath a running issue out of his flesh, [because of] his issue he [is] unclean.


And what does "a couple in the spirit" look like? What happens when the wife is having trouble with her hair and is running late and the husband is yelling at her to hurry up? Does that mean that if the kids are lolly gagging around and fussing you don't yell at them to hurry up so you aren't late? Does that mean you get in the car and the teen that borrowed it the night before didn't put gas in it so you have to stop on the way to church to get gas and while there someone cuts you off so they get to the pump before you and you stay cool?


More people fuss and argue before they get to church and that surely isn't "in the spirit", so I'm thinking maybe they need to have sex to start the day off lovingly and close - - you know, a spiritual experience before they go thank God for all they have.

Aquila 11-11-2010 07:02 AM

Re: Sex On Church Day

Originally Posted by rgcraig (Post 986235)

And was does "a couple in the spirit" look like? What happens when the wife is having trouble with her hair and is running late and the husband is yelling at her to hurry up? Does that mean that if the kids are lolly gagging around and fussing you don't yell at them to hurry up so you aren't late? Does that mean you get in the car and the teen that borrowed it the night before didn't put gas in it so you have to stop on the way to church to get gas and while there someone cuts you off so they get to the pump before you and you stay cool?


More people fuss and argue before they get to church and that surely isn't "in the spirit", so I'm thinking maybe they need to have sex to start the day off lovingly and close - - you know, a spiritual experience before they go thank God for all they have.

Great point. lol :thumbsup

rgcraig 11-11-2010 07:06 AM

Re: Sex On Church Day
And shouldn't we live in the spirit, walk in the spirit daily? What's so special about Sunday? This brings up one of my pet peeves - - - people that say things like, "boy, God really showed out today" or "God showed up" - - WHAT? God is in you, you bring him to the corporate worship - - he's already there - he's just waiting for you to shut up long enough for him to have a word in. :bliss

berkeley 11-11-2010 07:08 AM

Re: Sex On Church Day

Originally Posted by rgcraig (Post 986235)

And what does "a couple in the spirit" look like? What happens when the wife is having trouble with her hair and is running late and the husband is yelling at her to hurry up? Does that mean that if the kids are lolly gagging around and fussing you don't yell at them to hurry up so you aren't late? Does that mean you get in the car and the teen that borrowed it the night before didn't put gas in it so you have to stop on the way to church to get gas and while there someone cuts you off so they get to the pump before you and you stay cool?Please.

More people fuss and argue before they get to church and that surely isn't "in the spirit", so I'm thinking maybe they need to have sex to start the day off lovingly and close - - you know, a spiritual experience before they go thank God for all they have.

Just show up to church... put on a smile... and roll that tongue!! all that really matters anyway!!:bliss

acerrak 11-11-2010 07:26 AM

Re: Sex On Church Day

Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind (Post 986201)
We talked about this a few years ago, but I wanted to hear from our newer posters. Is it wrong to have sex before going to church? Some have agreed with me and others have mocked. Is sex within marriage a carnal act, a spiritual act or neutral? I believe that a couple should be "in the spirit" on the day of a church service. How can you engage in sex, then hours later expect to be in the presence of God, praying for a move of the spirit or for miracles to happen? Shouldn't couples abstain from the flesh on church days? If you are having a weeklong revival then nights are open after church. What does "unclean" mean in OT terms? Doesn't unclean mean you cannot partake of the temple service?

Lev 15:2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When any man hath a running issue out of his flesh, [because of] his issue he [is] unclean.

didnt God create sex/love for us so we would know how great it feels to be in a right relationship. Why do you think God is so strict on marriage. I see nothing wrong with it. The only time The Lord had a issue with it, was when she was having her time of month.

why not praise God for it? does that make you feel odd that we praise God for allowing us to have sex/love pick which ever term you like. i mean who do you think created it? isnt all good things from God?

Takes on a new meaning, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.
do we say Lord ok me and the mrs. is going to have some nice alone time, can you close your eyes?:toofunny

I know its not a open topic many discuss, but its just like everything else, sex cant lead your Life, God does.

notofworks 11-11-2010 07:28 AM

Re: Sex On Church Day

Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind (Post 986201)
We talked about this a few years ago, but I wanted to hear from our newer posters. Is it wrong to have sex before going to church? Some have agreed with me and others have mocked. Is sex within marriage a carnal act, a spiritual act or neutral? I believe that a couple should be "in the spirit" on the day of a church service. How can you engage in sex, then hours later expect to be in the presence of God, praying for a move of the spirit or for miracles to happen? Shouldn't couples abstain from the flesh on church days? If you are having a weeklong revival then nights are open after church. What does "unclean" mean in OT terms? Doesn't unclean mean you cannot partake of the temple service?

Lev 15:2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When any man hath a running issue out of his flesh, [because of] his issue he [is] unclean.

You're kidding. Right? I don't think I'm gonna mock but is this April Fools Day and my calendar is off?

You have to be kidding.

scotty 11-11-2010 07:31 AM

Re: Sex On Church Day

Originally Posted by Socialite (Post 986203)
Your presupposition is that sex is less than God's ideal for us, a product of the curse and not the blessing of the Lord itself.

I'm not sure I follow any of the rest of the logic in this particular argument.

I'm not an advocate for sex before gathering together, but I'm not even sure why we'd oppose it. If you feel it necessary to collect your thoughts and composure before gathering together, then go for it. That goes for radio, reading, jogging, watching TV, eating, etc.

Nothing can make a couple feel more perfectly united, together and one, than having sex on the Lord's day! :)




Originally Posted by jfrog (Post 986215)
If it keeps them from doing it in the church bathroom.... then I say go for it!

ROFL !!! Exactly !! In my experience, making love to my wife Sunday morning just makes the day better. It actually helps me have a better service focused on God instead of the urges to look at my wife sitting next to me and thinking "wow, I can't wait to get this beautiful woman home". :bliss
I don't know why in the world you started this thread, you give the impression that making love to my spouse is equivilant to stopping at the street corner for a quicky on the way to church.

berkeley 11-11-2010 07:41 AM

Re: Sex On Church Day

Originally Posted by rgcraig (Post 986237)
And shouldn't we live in the spirit, walk in the spirit daily? What's so special about Sunday? This brings up one of my pet peeves - - - people that say things like, "boy, God really showed out today" or "God showed up" - - WHAT? God is in you, you bring him to the corporate worship - - he's already there - he's just waiting for you to shut up long enough for him to have a word in. :bliss

: jumps outta the pew. stands to his feet. points index finger in an upward angle: :shouts: THAT'LL PREEAACH!!! :bliss

berkeley 11-11-2010 07:46 AM

Re: Sex On Church Day
1 Corinthians 7:3-5 (Amplified Bible)
3The husband should give to his wife her conjugal rights (goodwill, kindness, and what is due her as his wife), and likewise the wife to her husband.

4For the wife does not have [exclusive] authority and control over her own body, but the husband [has his rights]; likewise also the husband does not have [exclusive] authority and control over his body, but the wife [has her rights].

5Do not refuse and deprive and defraud each other [of your due marital rights], except perhaps by mutual consent for a time, so that you may devote yourselves unhindered to prayer. But afterwards resume marital relations, lest Satan tempt you [to sin] through your lack of restraint of sexual desire

berkeley 11-11-2010 07:47 AM

Re: Sex On Church Day
1 Corinthians 7:3-5 (New Living Translation)

3 The husband should fulfill his wife’s sexual needs, and the wife should fulfill her husband’s needs. 4 The wife gives authority over her body to her husband, and the husband gives authority over his body to his wife.

5 Do not deprive each other of sexual relations, unless you both agree to refrain from sexual intimacy for a limited time so you can give yourselves more completely to prayer. Afterward, you should come together again so that Satan won’t be able to tempt you because of your lack of self-control.

Truthseeker 11-11-2010 09:25 AM

Re: Sex On Church Day
I think we should have revival in ALL areas of our life!!!:bliss:bliss:bliss

Socialite 11-11-2010 09:59 AM

Re: Sex On Church Day

Originally Posted by Aquila (Post 986224)
Physical intimacy can be both very spiritual or just carnal... deepending on the frame of mind and objectives of the couple at the moment. Waking up at 6AM and waking your wife lovingly to make love to her isn't carnal. Many couples have actually prayed, thanked God, and worshipped while making love. It's loving. It's God's design. It's God's gift. It's God given joy and pleasure. However, there certain kinds of private "love play" that isn't really "loving" or "spiritual" that many if not most couples engage in on occasion. I'd say that if making love to your spouse on a "church day" hinders you personally, avoid it. Some feel more alive and blessed of God. On them, I'd lay no burden.

Is going potty #2 before church carnal? lol Making love is far more spiritual, tender, and holy.

The verse you offer is OT Law code. Abolished.

Also, there's a fundamental problem with the line of reasoning you offer. You know I'm an advocate of House Church. One thing I know and remember is that MANY, if not most, of those attending institutional churches view their Christianity in a way in which the day they attend service is their "day of worship". Biblically speaking... EVERY DAY is an equally sacred day of worship. Also, life in the home should be lived out just as sacredly as the few hours one might spend in an elaborate religious building on a given day. So the whole "church day" vs. "secular day" is just lost on me personally.

In my opinion, a couple should be able to worship, pray, have Bible study, grab a bite to eat, make love, and then worship God aftewards with hands raised and no shame should they choose. If they are centered on Jesus and happy, reveling in one another's love... I see no harm.

Howbeit, when engaged in prayer and fasting for a specific purpose... it is biblical to abstain from physical forms of intimacy.

Worshipped while making love?????? :toofunny

berkeley 11-11-2010 10:03 AM

Re: Sex On Church Day

Originally Posted by Socialite (Post 986317)
Worshipped while making love?????? :toofunny

I hope they weren't speaking in tongues. :blink

Socialite 11-11-2010 10:05 AM

Re: Sex On Church Day

Originally Posted by rgcraig (Post 986237)
And shouldn't we live in the spirit, walk in the spirit daily? What's so special about Sunday? This brings up one of my pet peeves - - - people that say things like, "boy, God really showed out today" or "God showed up" - - WHAT? God is in you, you bring him to the corporate worship - - he's already there - he's just waiting for you to shut up long enough for him to have a word in. :bliss


RandyWayne 11-11-2010 10:15 AM

Re: Sex On Church Day
I think I may have started this subject and even have a thread in the deep water section where I scanned in the hand outs that the pastor gave us before the lesson (it was a class for married couples held before the official church service). This is the class we sat through where we looked at each other at the end, walked out when it was done, and never returned.
Yes, there was to be NO sex on Sunday, or Saturday night OR Wed night. Also there was to be NO sex during that "time of the month" as well as the whole following "cleansing" week. That is a min of two weeks a month NOT counting Sundays and Wed nights. He also advocated the "sex for procreation ONLY" view and that we should be growing our church via way of breeding rather than winning souls.

Found it. Couldn't remember what I named the original thread......

Socialite 11-11-2010 10:28 AM

Re: Sex On Church Day

Originally Posted by RandyWayne (Post 986324)
I think I may have started this subject and even have a thread in the deep water section where I scanned in the hand outs that the pastor gave us before the lesson (it was a class for married couples held before the official church service). This is the class we sat through where we looked at each other at the end, walked out when it was done, and never returned.
Yes, there was to be NO sex on Sunday, or Saturday night OR Wed night. Also there was to be NO sex during that "time of the month" as well as the whole following "cleansing" week. That is a min of two weeks a month NOT counting Sundays and Wed nights. He also advocated the "sex for procreation ONLY" view and that we should be growing our church via way of breeding rather than winning souls.

Found it. Couldn't remember what I named the original thread......



MissBrattified 11-11-2010 10:46 AM

Re: Sex On Church Day

Originally Posted by rgcraig (Post 986235)

And what does "a couple in the spirit" look like? What happens when the wife is having trouble with her hair and is running late and the husband is yelling at her to hurry up? Does that mean that if the kids are lolly gagging around and fussing you don't yell at them to hurry up so you aren't late? Does that mean you get in the car and the teen that borrowed it the night before didn't put gas in it so you have to stop on the way to church to get gas and while there someone cuts you off so they get to the pump before you and you stay cool?


More people fuss and argue before they get to church and that surely isn't "in the spirit", so I'm thinking maybe they need to have sex to start the day off lovingly and close - - you know, a spiritual experience before they go thank God for all they have.

Good grief, yes! :rolleyes2 We almost always have to be early on Sunday mornings, and the rushed schedule has caused many miserable Sundays. Then you have to get to church and leave it all outside the door, which is often much easier said than done. :razz My parents had the same problem. I remember quite a few Sunday AM arguments.

MissBrattified 11-11-2010 10:47 AM

Re: Sex On Church Day

Originally Posted by Socialite (Post 986317)
Worshipped while making love?????? :toofunny

Ehhhhhh...I can't say that I've EVER had that experience. :blink :toofunny

RandyWayne 11-11-2010 10:48 AM

Re: Sex On Church Day

Originally Posted by MissBrattified (Post 986331)
Good grief, yes! :rolleyes2 We almost always have to be early on Sunday mornings, and the rushed schedule has caused many miserable Sundays. Then you have to get to church and leave it all outside the door, which is often much easier said than done. :razz My parents had the same problem. I remember quite a few Sunday AM arguments.

I have nearly zero good memories of Sunday morning church services exactly because of all the things mentioned (and more). This is also why I do not go since I am finally an adult capable of deciding on my own and not being quite literally forced to.

BeenThinkin 11-11-2010 10:51 AM

Re: Sex On Church Day
What's wrong with proclaiming "Oh, God!" before attending church on Sunday morning? :girlytantrum

I didn't say that!!!!! :ursofunny


Cindy 11-11-2010 10:53 AM

Re: Sex On Church Day
Is this serious?

BeenThinkin 11-11-2010 10:56 AM

Re: Sex On Church Day

Originally Posted by Cindy (Post 986335)
Is this serious?

I hope not! I didn't take it very serious, as you can see!


rgcraig 11-11-2010 10:59 AM

Re: Sex On Church Day

Originally Posted by BeenThinkin (Post 986334)
What's wrong with proclaiming "Oh, God!" before attending church on Sunday morning? :girlytantrum

I didn't say that!!!!! :ursofunny


You, are bad, but funny!

MissBrattified 11-11-2010 11:02 AM

Re: Sex On Church Day
The OT scripture is not addressing SEX, where an *issue* occurs during intercourse. It's addressing, well, something completely separate and *independent.* As far as I know, there are no stipulations regarding when a married couple can have sex, except in regard to a woman's menstrual period. In the NT, the only stipulations are that couples can set aside a time for prayer and fasting, but only with the permission of the spouse. That basically means that if you want to set aside Sundays to be without sex, you can only do that if your spouse agrees. e.g., obviously God doesn't have a problem with sex on Sundays, or He wouldn't have left it up to the couple to decide.

By the way, not to be gross, but it seems inevitable: The OT didn't forbid sex between a married couple at ANY time (that I'm aware of). It just puts guidelines in place for their separation and cleanliness, should it occur at an inconvenient time. It wasn't characterized as an "abomination" unto them OR unto the Lord.

There is nothing unclean about having sex with your spouse, and therefore no reason to abstain on any day of the week.

Furthermore, Jesus said:

Matthew 12:12 How much then is a man better than a sheep? Wherefore it is lawful to do well on the sabbath days.

I don't know how things work in anyone else's house, but in our house, sex falls into the category of "doing well."


rgcraig 11-11-2010 11:05 AM

Re: Sex On Church Day

Originally Posted by MissBrattified (Post 986339)
The OT scripture is not addressing SEX, where an *issue* occurs during intercourse. It's addressing, well, something completely separate and *independent.* As far as I know, there are no stipulations regarding when a married couple can have sex, except in regard to a woman's menstrual period. In the NT, the only stipulations are that couples can set aside a time for prayer and fasting, but only with the permission of the spouse. That basically means that if you want to set aside Sundays to be without sex, you can only do that if your spouse agrees. e.g., obviously God doesn't have a problem with sex on Sundays, or He wouldn't have left it up to the couple to decide.

By the way, not to be gross, but it seems inevitable: The OT didn't forbid sex between a married couple at ANY time (that I'm aware of). It just puts guidelines in place for their separation and cleanliness, should it occur at an inconvenient time. It wasn't characterized as an "abomination" unto them OR unto the Lord.

There is nothing unclean about having sex with your spouse, and therefore no reason to abstain on any day of the week.

Furthermore, Jesus said:

Matthew 12:12 How much then is a man better than a sheep? Wherefore it is lawful to do well on the sabbath days.

I don't know how things work in anyone else's house, but in our house, sex falls into the category of "doing well."


Amen! Some of the sour looks on people's faces might be changed if they'd "do well" before they come to church!

Last Sunday I sat behind a lady that looked so mad at the world - - I wanted to ask her what in the world was wrong with her.

MissBrattified 11-11-2010 11:06 AM

Re: Sex On Church Day

Originally Posted by RandyWayne (Post 986333)
I have nearly zero good memories of Sunday morning church services exactly because of all the things mentioned (and more). This is also why I do not go since I am finally an adult capable of deciding on my own and not being quite literally forced to.

A little over a year ago, I actually *took back* Sunday mornings in our house, and I made up my mind that there would be no more miserable Sundays. I always make sure the kids have breakfast before they leave (YES, we have gone out the door without breakfast hundreds of times, and had to make a quick stop at McDonald's or the gas station for something unhealthy), and I refuse to get upset if we're running late. My kids (and my husband) having a good experience on Sundays is way more important than whether other people are annoyed with me for being late.

It should have been that way from the beginning, but unfortunately when we get wrapped up in *service*, we can sometimes get our priorities twisted.

Dedicated Mind 11-11-2010 11:19 AM

Re: Sex On Church Day
why is no one addressing Lev. 15:2? What does it mean to be unclean? Do you think priests were allowed to be unclean and partake in temple service? I think all of this sex before church is why people don't experience or know what the presence of God is.

rgcraig 11-11-2010 11:22 AM

Re: Sex On Church Day

Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind (Post 986346)
why is no one addressing Lev. 15:2? What does it mean to be unclean? Do you think priests were allowed to be unclean and partake in temple service? I think all of this sex before church is why people don't experience or know what the presence of God is.

Because it has nothing to do with sex on Sunday?

Dedicated Mind 11-11-2010 11:22 AM

Re: Sex On Church Day

Originally Posted by MissBrattified (Post 986339)
The OT scripture is not addressing SEX, where an *issue* occurs during intercourse. It's addressing, well, something completely separate and *independent.* As far as I know, there are no stipulations regarding when a married couple can have sex, except in regard to a woman's menstrual period. In the NT, the only stipulations are that couples can set aside a time for prayer and fasting, but only with the permission of the spouse. That basically means that if you want to set aside Sundays to be without sex, you can only do that if your spouse agrees. e.g., obviously God doesn't have a problem with sex on Sundays, or He wouldn't have left it up to the couple to decide.

By the way, not to be gross, but it seems inevitable: The OT didn't forbid sex between a married couple at ANY time (that I'm aware of). It just puts guidelines in place for their separation and cleanliness, should it occur at an inconvenient time. It wasn't characterized as an "abomination" unto them OR unto the Lord.

There is nothing unclean about having sex with your spouse, and therefore no reason to abstain on any day of the week.

Furthermore, Jesus said:

Matthew 12:12 How much then is a man better than a sheep? Wherefore it is lawful to do well on the sabbath days.

I don't know how things work in anyone else's house, but in our house, sex falls into the category of "doing well."


doesn't "issue" mean semen? if it does then it could mean sex also.

rgcraig 11-11-2010 11:23 AM

Re: Sex On Church Day

Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind (Post 986346)
why is no one addressing Lev. 15:2? What does it mean to be unclean? Do you think priests were allowed to be unclean and partake in temple service? I think all of this sex before church is why people don't experience or know what the presence of God is.

DM - - are you filled with the Holy Ghost?

If so, you are always in the presence of God -- he abides within you. He's right there with you and your wife in the bed on Sat. night, Sunday afternoon or Wednesday morning.

MissBrattified 11-11-2010 11:24 AM

Re: Sex On Church Day

Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind (Post 986346)
why is no one addressing Lev. 15:2? What does it mean to be unclean? Do you think priests were allowed to be unclean and partake in temple service? I think all of this sex before church is why people don't experience or know what the presence of God is.


First of all, "unclean" is used in the sense of "ceremonially unclean"; NOT in the sense of being in a sinful state. Women who were menstruating or who had recently given birth also were declared unclean, but no one is suggesting they shouldn't menstruate or give birth on Sundays. That would be ridiculous. Nor does anyone suggest that women who have recently given birth or who are presently menstruating should stay home from church. Using your logic, (and following ceremonial law), women could only attend church about two weeks out of the month. You would also have to refrain from having sex with your wife for an additional week each month, in keeping with ceremonial law.

Secondly, Leviticus 15:2 is NOT referring to an "issue" that occurs during intercourse; it is referring to that which occurs outside the body, whereas the man or the woman comes in contact with the issue outside of intercourse. Do you understand or do we really need to be more explicit than that?

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kristian's_mom 11-11-2010 11:25 AM

Re: Sex On Church Day

Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind (Post 986346)
why is no one addressing Lev. 15:2? What does it mean to be unclean? Do you think priests were allowed to be unclean and partake in temple service? I think all of this sex before church is why people don't experience or know what the presence of God is.

We don't have temple services anymore- you should go all the way and start sacrificing animals during church.

Dedicated Mind 11-11-2010 11:25 AM

Re: Sex On Church Day

Originally Posted by rgcraig (Post 986347)
Because it has nothing to do with sex on Sunday?

alright Renda, if Lev 15:2 has nothing to do with sex, what does it mean. Can we have some scholarly exegesis, please?

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