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-   -   QUESTION: DId only 72 or 225 join WPF??????? (https://www.apostolicfriendsforum.com/showthread.php?t=12169)

StMark 02-04-2008 10:49 PM

QUESTION: DId only 72 or 225 join WPF???????
If this is not so please state what the real numbers are.

Disclaimer: I am NOT stating this as fact but rather asking the Question.

I heard from an official's wife and another pastor today that only 72 have joined WPF ?????

Now, if that is NOT true, I can assure you that is the word that is going around the UPC.

Pastor G 02-04-2008 10:59 PM

Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by StMark (Post 379820)
If this is not so please state what the real numbers are.

Disclaimer: I am NOT stating this as fact but rather asking the Question.

I heard from an official's wife and another pastor today that only 72 have joined WPF ?????

Now, if that is NOT true, I can assure you that is the word that is going around the UPC.

They gonna have a hard time paying the bills with 72... I am sure 900 more will join real soon...

embonpoint 02-04-2008 11:03 PM

Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by StMark (Post 379820)
If this is not so please state what the real numbers are.

Disclaimer: I am NOT stating this as fact but rather asking the Question.

I heard from an official's wife and another pastor today that only 72 have joined WPF ?????

Now, if that is NOT true, I can assure you that is the word that is going around the UPC.

Elder Epley posted this a while back


Originally Posted by Steve Epley (Post 367856)
At Baker when the AMF formed if I remember correctly about 72 men crossed the line to form and that doubled within months then in about 4 years it had jumped to about 250 remember this was 68.

Either this is the ultimate irony or perhaps someone has confused somewhat ancient history with current happenings.

George 02-04-2008 11:08 PM

Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 join WPF???????
A pastor friend told me there was only about 70 that signed up. I find that believeable because most went to to Tulsa with a "wait and see" mindset. Another ultra-con elder who went to Tulsa thinking he would join has made the statement they have a long ways to go to be an organization.

StMark 02-04-2008 11:09 PM

Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by embonpoint (Post 379835)
Elder Epley posted this a while back

Either this is the ultimate irony or perhaps someone has confused somewhat ancient history with current happenings.

He was talking about the AMF sister.

StMark 02-04-2008 11:10 PM

Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by George (Post 379840)
A pastor friend told me there was only about 70 that signed up. I find that believeable because most went to to Tulsa with a "wait and see" mindset. Another ultra-con elder who went to Tulsa thinking he would join has made the statement they have a long ways to go to be an organization.

I understand that the Majority of those in attendance were independant and not UPC???????

NW Pastor 02-04-2008 11:10 PM

Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 join WPF???????
If there had been hundreds, as was enthusiatically postulated to me, I would think we would have heard about it.

The silence may be significant.

PastorD 02-04-2008 11:13 PM

Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by NW Pastor (Post 379845)
If there had been hundreds, as was enthusiatically postulated to me, I would think we would have heard about it.

The silence may be significant.

Steadfasts' or The Dean's report (I get them confused) was that the leaders had to schedule Sunday speakers to stay over and process all of the applications.


embonpoint 02-04-2008 11:14 PM

Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by StMark (Post 379841)
He was talking about the AMF sister.

I know, that is what would it make ironic and a little hard to believe if they both started with exactly the same number of members. The odds of that would be pretty staggering.

Pastor G 02-04-2008 11:15 PM

Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by PastorD (Post 379848)
Steadfasts' or The Dean's report (I get them confused) was that the leaders had to schedule Sunday speakers to stay over and process all of the applications.


That must have been one looonnnnnngggggg application for 6 guys to have to stay all weekend to go through 70 of them...

Pastor G 02-04-2008 11:17 PM

Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by embonpoint (Post 379849)
I know, that is what would it make ironic and a little hard to believe if they both started with exactly the same number of members. The odds of that would be pretty staggering.

perhaps their fate the same as well if the wpe can make it that long

PastorD 02-04-2008 11:17 PM

Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by Pastor G (Post 379851)
That must have been one looonnnnnngggggg application for 6 guys to have to stay all weekend to go through 70 of them...

72, G! Keep the story straight.

NW Pastor 02-04-2008 11:17 PM

Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by PastorD (Post 379848)
Steadfasts' or The Dean's report (I get them confused) was that the leaders had to schedule Sunday speakers to stay over and process all of the applications.


That's probably it. There were so many they are still counting.

ogatt 02-04-2008 11:18 PM

Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 join WPF???????
i was fixin to join till they wouldnt let me preach. I told them since we are against stuff lets lay our cards out on the table and get on with it.

if i cant hear it strong then i dont want to hear it. I wouldnt even let my young people go to tulsa...either of them.

60 dollars will buy a lot of why i do not have a television tracts

Pastor G 02-04-2008 11:18 PM

Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by PastorD (Post 379853)
72, G! Keep the story straight.

Sorry D... I guess those other 2 were very involved...

embonpoint 02-04-2008 11:20 PM

Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by Pastor G (Post 379828)
They gonna have a hard time paying the bills with 72... I am sure 900 more will join real soon...

The SS letter said they raised about $100k on Friday night. If they get another 72 like that they should be fine.

Pastor G 02-04-2008 11:23 PM

Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by embonpoint (Post 379858)
The SS letter said they raised about $100k on Friday night. If they get another 72 like that they should be fine.

He said this; she said this; they said this..... oh my goodness what to believe??

NW Pastor 02-04-2008 11:31 PM

Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 join WPF???????
I wonder how they screen applicants? How do they know the WPF is clean, and there are no "leakers" getting past the gates?

How is doctrinal purity ascertained? What if the Executive Council members have no idea who an applicants three mentors are?

It probably is a huge task, regardless of the number of applications.

Pastor G 02-04-2008 11:33 PM

Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by NW Pastor (Post 379871)
I wonder how they screen applicants? How do they know the WPF is clean, and there are no "leakers" getting past the gates?

How is doctrinal purity ascertained? What if the Executive Council members have no idea who an applicants three mentors are?

It probably is a huge task, regardless of the number of applications.

It just occured to me what took them so long to process 72 applications... They hooked each one of them up and gave them a polygraph test... No leakers there...

Pastor G 02-04-2008 11:37 PM

Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by Pastor G (Post 379873)
It just occured to me what took them so long to process 72 applications... They hooked each one of them up and gave them a polygraph test... No leakers there...

Actually 200 filled out apps, but only 72 passed the polygraph... The question most failed:::: Have you watched TV since Tampa, or any Wild, Wild West videos on your laptop...

ogatt 02-04-2008 11:38 PM

Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by embonpoint (Post 379858)
The SS letter said they raised about $100k on Friday night. If they get another 72 like that they should be fine.

if the orginazational thing dont work out, they could have a great investment club and i just happen to have the perfect thing to invest in.

Pastor G 02-04-2008 11:38 PM

Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by ogatt (Post 379878)
if the orginazational thing dont work out, they could have a great investment club and i just happen to have the perfect thing to invest in.

Flat Screens?

NW Pastor 02-04-2008 11:41 PM

Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by Pastor G (Post 379879)
Flat Screens?

The correct word is "monitors".

StMark 02-04-2008 11:42 PM

Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 join WPF???????
wow you guys are a trip

NW Pastor 02-04-2008 11:47 PM

Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 join WPF???????
We couldn't get any real news, so why not have a little fun?

ogatt 02-04-2008 11:47 PM

Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 join WPF???????
they got ipod, iphone, ithis and ithat. Im working on ispy. Slip ir into a prayer cloth or in the coats in the coat rack and bingo! you can keep up with saints.

I figure this will go over great. TV's, Video machines, glass front washing machines, christmas trees and tylenol. It will have to be audio only as i dont believe in any moving pictures.

i take away the temptation on the computer cause i only have 14.4 dialup and im on a party line with my saints

Rev 02-04-2008 11:49 PM

Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by ogatt (Post 379889)
they got ipod, iphone, ithis and ithat. Im working on ispy. Slip ir into a prayer cloth or in the coats in the coat rack and bingo! you can keep up with saints.

I figure this will go over great. TV's, Video machines, glass front washing machines, christmas trees and tylenol. It will have to be audio only as i dont believe in any moving pictures.

i take away the temptation on the computer cause i only have 14.4 dialup and im on a party line with my saints

What's the latest going on on the party line?

NW Pastor 02-04-2008 11:49 PM

Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 join WPF???????
That must be some party!

Pastor G 02-04-2008 11:51 PM

Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by NW Pastor (Post 379891)
That must be some party!

They are having virtual foot washing

Rev 02-04-2008 11:52 PM

Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by NW Pastor (Post 379891)
That must be some party!

Yes and a very small church! All one one party line! :happydance

Pastor G 02-04-2008 11:56 PM

Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by NW Pastor (Post 379871)
I wonder how they screen applicants? How do they know the WPF is clean, and there are no "leakers" getting past the gates?

How is doctrinal purity ascertained? What if the Executive Council members have no idea who an applicants three mentors are?

It probably is a huge task, regardless of the number of applications.

72 members with an average age of 70 yrs old you are probably not going to able to keep from having some "leakers."

ogatt 02-04-2008 11:58 PM

Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by Rev (Post 379893)
Yes and a very small church! All one one party line! :happydance

ever since our 7 day y2k training campout we have stayed close to the church and each other.
im working on a book. 2000 reasons why y2k will happen again.

publishing house aint intersted but maybe wpf book people will print it and sell it for me.

Rev 02-04-2008 11:58 PM

Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by Pastor G (Post 379879)
Flat Screens?

No, sheep!

Rev 02-05-2008 12:00 AM

Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by ogatt (Post 379900)
ever since our 7 day y2k training campout we have stayed close to the church and each other.
im working on a book. 2000 reasons why y2k will happen again.

publishing house aint intersted but maybe wpf book people will print it and sell it for me.

Did yall fast or eat a lot of beans?

StMark 02-05-2008 12:02 AM

Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by ogatt (Post 379900)
ever since our 7 day y2k training campout we have stayed close to the church and each other.
im working on a book. 2000 reasons why y2k will happen again.

publishing house aint intersted but maybe wpf book people will print it and sell it for me.

Speaking of Y2K, we had a church in CA. where the pastor instructed all his members to buy guns to hunt and live off the land. He told them all to buy tents and survival gear. they were planning to flee to the woods and live up in the mountains.

his wife wrote a cook book on how to kill and cook wild game. one of her recipes was "Possumm stew". she even told how to marinate it to get the "wild taste out of it LOL


ogatt 02-05-2008 12:03 AM

Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by Rev (Post 379903)
Did yall fast or eat a lot of beans?

we got by. we live near a river and caught us some carp.
You don need a lot of money to get by.

wife wanted to go to niagra falls for our anniversry but we didnt have the money so we took a slow drive thru a car wash.

Rev 02-05-2008 12:07 AM

Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by ogatt (Post 379909)
we got by. we live near a river and caught us some carp.
You don need a lot of money to get by.

wife wanted to go to niagra falls for our anniversry but we didnt have the money so we took a slow drive thru a car wash.

I almost swallowed my gum on that one.

I hope it was a hard top.

ogatt 02-05-2008 12:09 AM

Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by Rev (Post 379914)
I almost swallowed my gum on that one.

I hope it was a hard top.

1972 ford station wagon woody

Rev 02-05-2008 12:11 AM

Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by ogatt (Post 379916)
1972 ford station wagon woody

You know high as gas is and with you loosing saints I think I would get something smaller. Like maybe a tricycle!

Pastor G 02-05-2008 12:12 AM

Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 join WPF???????
ogatt check your pm's

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