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rdp 01-08-2010 08:55 AM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by Sister Alvear (Post 861965)
I donīt think any Godly lady would want to rule over her husband...

Just curious, I personally know a lady preacher who gets up & spits & sputters, hollering & screaming while her husband sits out there tending to their little girl [talk about role reversals!?]. She says it's the "anointing," but, sorry, God does not "anoint" women to act like men.

I personally have only seen her testify, & it made me nauseated [as well as others], as I will not sit in a room where a woman gets up to "teach/preach" to men. But, let's just say I know this woman verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry well, since I used to pastor her.

What are your thoughts about women who acts like this? Do you not think this is improper behaviour? I have my own responses from a biblical perspective, but this thought just occurred to me.

Have to respond later, gotta' rum for now.

Sister Alvear 01-08-2010 09:21 AM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?
yes, she needs to be sat down...a lady must be a lady at all times...I think a lady can give a message from God in a lady like manner...call it preaching,testifying or whatever...

It makesme shiver and sweat at the same time to see a lady act man like...I feel horrible around ladies like that...

Sister Alvear 01-08-2010 09:22 AM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?
I have seen my husband sit down ladies....

Sister Alvear 01-08-2010 09:22 AM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?
and I have seen him sit down men...

Sister Alvear 01-08-2010 09:33 AM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?
Personally when I feel something from the Lord I talk to him (my husband ,my pastor, my leader) and see how he feels...If he gives me the go ahead I share with the church. We work together BUT he is my leader and I respect him for that...something else a godly woman keeps her house clean, her body clean...Her husbandīs clothes are clean and ironed...
The husbandīs appearance refects on the wife....(well just my thoughts)

My husband is such a kind person so he does not fit in groups that are mean to their wives...

Sister Alvear 01-08-2010 09:47 AM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by rdp (Post 862129)
Sis Alvear, this is wonderful & I whole-heartedly agree that EVERYONE should be soul-winners. By God's Grace I've personally baptized more than I can remember in Jesus' Name & seen many, many come to the knowledge of the truth in my ministry...all by God's Mercy of course. I can think of nothing in this world more rewarding than seeing souls converted to the truth out of the falseties of trinitarianism, & other erroneous doctrines.

However, I Tim. 2 & I Cor. 14 are dealing w/ the public assembly of SAINTS...not home Bible studies to the lost. That's been my point all along. When a woman gets up to "preach" in the church, she's out of her God-alloted place. But, certainly everyone should witness for the cause of Christ.

Sometimes our culture causes us to see through different eyes...I personally founded this work in Brazil as a young single girl...and had churches when we married. I do not like positions and slowly worked myself out of many jobs...today I do what I always dreamed of doing...type Bible studies...however there was a time I had to do about everything...It is MY opinion that a wise woman would never want to push a man aside...she is wise when she knows how to step back in the shadows...

The burden has nothing to do with the platform...people that love to be seen and heard are usually those that do nothing....

Sister Alvear 01-08-2010 09:50 AM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?
talking about a woman her family KNOWS what she really is...

Sister Alvear 01-08-2010 10:13 AM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?
and I do not feel called to pastor....

rdp 01-08-2010 11:39 AM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by Sister Alvear (Post 862201)
and I do not feel called to pastor....

Just wanted to point out that the term "elder" is always in the masculine, never feminie, in the Bible. Some appeal to the term "office" [as in "office of a bishop"] which is in the feminie, yet the one who fills this office is invariable ALWAYS in the Masculine. This is the same word used for Judas's office in Acts 1, the day of Christ's visitation, etc. who were clearly men, not women. So, the noun 'office' is feminie, but the one who fills this position is always masculine.

I agree about platforms & those who love to be in the spotlight. You can sense it at camp-meetings. Most of the preachers lust after the platform & pulpit. I honestly feel like the Lord allowed me to see that the American ministers are very thirsty for the accolaids & esteem of other men, while parading about in masks of "humility." Oh, & if you're not in the pentecostal "click" [which you usually have to be born into] forget ever preaching a camp-meeting. Makes me wonder if God only speaks to His people thru these same voices each year, or is someone not seeking God's face for the right man, whoever that might be???

Sister Alvear 01-08-2010 12:13 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?
My greatest desire is to be a mother in Israel...

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