Jito463 |
11-16-2017 11:23 AM |
Re: Christmas is pagan
Originally Posted by votivesoul
(Post 1509919)
Does this mean that before you and your family were "convicted years ago" you, your wife, and your children, were spiritually fornicating harlots and adulterers against the Savior, who practiced demonic heathen customs that put you all in fellowship with demons, making you all cut off from the Lord's table and fellowship with Christ, who couldn't be saved while you were fellowshipping with demons, darkness, and idolatry?
Originally Posted by Esaias
(Post 1509921)
Yes, and I thank the Lord for saving us from the vain conversation inherited by tradition from our ancestors.
It's amazing you were ever saved when practicing such vile, evil idolatry. :nah
Here's what it boils down to Esaias. I have no issue with you taking exception to the celebration of Christmas/Easter/etc. I've already stated that I have no interest in such things myself, so I can certainly relate to the sentiment even if I don't necessarily agree with your argument. Having said that, we're commanded to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling.
We must each individually check our spirits against God's and determine for ourselves if we're in His will or not. Don't be so quick to condemn your fellow brethren to hell for not being where you are. Paul stated that what is sin to some is not sin to others. There is such a thing as context.