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AreYouReady? 06-26-2012 10:55 AM

Re: This Week's Encounters with Legalism

Originally Posted by Bro. Robbins (Post 1170606)
However, we are to strive, every moment of every life to live as Christ would have us... and when we see one within the body fall (as we all do) short in their efforts, we are to admonish, encourage, and assist that one in seeing the stumble, so that they may be aware and we all can strive to not stumble over the same thing over, and over, and over.

Aren't you doing what you are admonishing tv1a of doing? And doing it publicly on these forums instead of privately?

tv1a 06-26-2012 11:14 AM

Re: This Week's Encounters with Legalism
Interesting dialogue. More people are interested with the back story than they are with the main story. Background sets the stage for the present story. I'm not hurt. I don't have hard feelings. I'm not upset mom didn't want me to pray for her healing.

Bro. Robbins 06-26-2012 11:17 AM

Re: This Week's Encounters with Legalism

Originally Posted by AreYouReady? (Post 1170621)
Aren't you doing what you are admonishing tv1a of doing? And doing it publicly on these forums instead of privately?

not at all... providing admonishment and encouragement of him to walk in the Word regarding his mother instead of letting his flesh have it's way. But I take your insight and agree I could have sent a PM first. Guilty, but not of the same thing... and for that I am in the wrong.

Bro. Robbins 06-26-2012 11:19 AM

Re: This Week's Encounters with Legalism

Originally Posted by tv1a (Post 1170623)
Interesting dialogue. More people are interested with the back story than they are with the main story. Background sets the stage for the present story. I'm not hurt. I don't have hard feelings. I'm not upset mom didn't want me to pray for her healing.

That's just it... I'm not interested at all with any back story. So many think the details of a situation then somehow determine the actions that are acceptable or not. I don't. No matter what the backstory, no matter what was done, or even what happened in the hospital room... my concern is your outright disrespect of your mom in your original post... and frankly the self-aggrandizement tone of the original post.

CC1 06-26-2012 12:28 PM

Re: This Week's Encounters with Legalism

Originally Posted by OnTheFritz (Post 1170579)
Serious question. Bbyrd09. Are you high? Your posts are just so ... out there and nonsensical that I'm starting to wonder. I think I remember you posting in another thread about smoking weed. It would just explain a lot ;) No offense intended, by the way. :)

I have been wondering the same thing and while, like you, no offense is intended I really don't mind if it is taken if in fact it is true.

MawMaw 06-26-2012 01:23 PM

Re: This Week's Encounters with Legalism
TV I think you ought to buy your mama some roses and hand deliver
them to her! :)

RandyWayne 06-26-2012 01:25 PM

Re: This Week's Encounters with Legalism

Originally Posted by OnTheFritz (Post 1170579)
Serious question. Bbyrd09. Are you high? Your posts are just so ... out there and nonsensical that I'm starting to wonder. I think I remember you posting in another thread about smoking weed. It would just explain a lot ;) No offense intended, by the way. :)

Ya, I'm often humming the song "White Rabbit" when scanning through some of his posts.

The sad thing is is that occasionally his musings will be more lucid than normal and I sense a really good guy under the haze... Occasionally.

CC1 06-26-2012 05:24 PM

Re: This Week's Encounters with Legalism

Originally Posted by RandyWayne (Post 1170679)
Ya, I'm often humming the song "White Rabbit" when scanning through some of his posts.

The sad thing is is that occasionally his musings will be more lucid than normal and I sense a really good guy under the haze... Occasionally.

Interesting thought........I hope you are right!

UnTraditional 06-27-2012 04:06 AM

Re: This Week's Encounters with Legalism
I have seen God move in the supernatural among non-believers as much as believers. I have seen trinitarians and oneness healed and delivered. I have seen legalism being destroyed, and seen grace abound more and more in and through Christ. One brother said it best, that legalism is death, and the reason so many in legalism stay sick for so long is that their neck is stiff and their heart is hard. If I am sick and in need for prayer, I will accept prayer from anyone with faith in the name of Jesus for my healing.

In the past two years, my faith in the Apostolic Doctrine has not waivered as it has in the past. But, as time has passed, I find myself more and more tolerant of those who disagree with me on issues of doctrine. A while back, this thought popped into my head when thinking about the issues between oneness and the trinity, "Can man figure out God?" They move according to their understanding, and I will move according to mine. I do not waiver in mine, nor they in their's, but I will no longer condemn them for not agreeing with me. The reasoning, God moves in their circles as He moves in my life, according to faith in His name Jesus.

tv1a, I will be praying for your Mom that the religious spirit would flee from her mind. It will take the Holy Ghost to do the work. You be encouraged and blessed.

acerrak 06-27-2012 04:32 AM

Re: This Week's Encounters with Legalism

Originally Posted by Bro. Robbins (Post 1170606)

We are to emulate Him in every way... I would that you not sin, but if you do sin we have an advocate.... there is a constant striving for walking perfectly in Him... and when we mess up... those that are spiritual (meaning those that see it) are to help that person stumbling to see it (done in love, but truth), and hopefully we all learn from it.

striving for perfection is totally different than being perfected in christ. and we wont reach perfection until this happends according to Paul

1 corinthians 15:54
So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.


and when we mess up...
when we willful sin... we have a advocate with the Father



Interesting dialogue. More people are interested with the back story than they are with the main story. Background sets the stage for the present story. I'm not hurt. I don't have hard feelings. I'm not upset mom didn't want me to pray for her healing.
its because we are all like shrinks and we want to start at the beginning, but usually its because of the back story that similiar situations happen and when the back story is open many can relate to it more.

I mean there has to be a reason you want to distance yourself, things like that doesnt happen over night.

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