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Sister Alvear 01-05-2010 03:24 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?
The Greek, the word “propheteuo” means “to proclaim God’s message,” “to preach,” and “to speak God’s message intelligibly”

rdp 01-05-2010 03:25 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by Jeffrey (Post 859602)
And I'm juuuuuuuuust as shocked! Tell me Jeffrey, what does history have to do w/ literal word definitons, or Greek syntax for example????? Not saying at all that culture plays a part in the text, but I'm speaking strict exegesis of the actual text, not loose exegesis. Culture will not judge us in eternity, but His Word will. Perhaps YOU need to do a little more scholarly work

I respected you as a scholar for the anti-women pastor position. I've just lost some respect for you. Greek syntax is only one part of the process of exegeting from the Text. One part. It's multi-dimensional. The meaning of the text goes through several layers of tests and responds to many questions of the exegete. Strict and loose? What are you even talking about? There's no such thing. You are hijacking terms of scholars, but you're an empty suit at this point. Nothing you've said above shows you know anything about hermeneutics. What is your experience in learning hermeneutics?

Not looking for the respect of men. You're reading something into my statement not intended. I even said above that that culture & history play a part, but really have nothing to do w/ actual word definitions & syntax. Moreover, in a practical sense, church records from the 1st century are so scanty [outside of the canon] that it's very hard to state anything in concrete terms regarding eclessiology. Thus, history/culture are not to be used as interprative lenses to the literal text. Apparently you deny this. I'd say, you're the one who needs to quit "posing" around here!

You have raised good points to consider in the argument. I'm just sad on this particular aspect, you are really just parroting points (which is okay to be honest) but posing as a scholar in the process.

Whatever you say..........................

Sister Alvear 01-05-2010 03:26 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by Trouvere (Post 859609)
To Sister Alvear
I just want you to know that many in ministry greatly respect and love you.
I told Brother Holmes all the good things you said about his church. He really does love you and your family. Thanks for the kindness you have shown our family. We had a great time there and were treated like royalty. Brother Holmes even invited us to his table for dinner so before we hit the highway again we were treated to Chinese food. He also loaded us up with books and cd's. Thanks again.

Please read this:

11Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.

12But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

13For Adam was first formed, then Eve.

14And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.

15Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.

We don't need to flinch at these passages nor do we have to apply custom to them.
This is speaking of the husband and wife relationship clearly.
The word should be correctly translated from the greek wife not woman
and husband not man. A wife is not to usurp authority over her husband. She is not to teach him though they may share things and he may be open to her bible understanding. He is clearly the leader in the home. It is a very nice thing to have a home in biblical order.
Going back to the Adam and Eve relationship is the clue here is the clue.
Adam and Eve were the first couple. Then the word goes on to speak of childbearing. Women are not saved from sin by childbearing. They are promised a promise if they stay in the Biblical order of creation and has faith and love and holiness in her life. Lets be fair about the passage.


Did you get to meet Mother Holmes? I grew up listening to her preach...awesome lady God.

rdp 01-05-2010 03:26 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by Sister Alvear (Post 859614)
The Greek, the word “propheteuo” means “to proclaim God’s message,” “to preach,” and “to speak God’s message intelligibly”

So you're gonna' just entirely ignore the primary definition of "to foretell"???? C'mon Sis. Alvear...........................why not quote from Strong's or Vine's??

Jeffrey 01-05-2010 03:27 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by rdp (Post 859615)
Whatever you say..........................

Not looking for the respect of men. You're reading something into my statement not intended. I even said above that that culture & history play a part, but really have nothing to do w/ actual word definitions & syntax. Moreover, in a practical sense, church records from the 1st century are so scanty [outside of the canon] that it's very hard to state anything in concrete terms regarding eclessiology. Thus, history/culture are not to be used as interprative lenses to the literal text. Apparently you deny this. I'd say, you're the one who needs to quit "posing" around here!

What am I reading into it? Re-read your comments. Now your back-pedaling. You said exegeting. That's not exclusive to language and syntax, nor is that the lone tool used to exegete the texts on women pastors. Why would you even suggest that?

And the bolded part, you just lost your badge as adjunct AFF scholar. No posing here. I'll ask again: what's your training in hermeneutics? You are being called on the carpet. Just admit your throwing words out that you don't understand. Your argument is still a good one without the posing.

rdp 01-05-2010 03:33 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by Jeffrey (Post 859608)
I'm saying that's not a hermeneutical principle as you suggested. You're making things up.

You very obviously need to do some homework. Besides, does one have to quote someone else for something to be true?? Or, can we simply observe things in the Biblical record [though I have read this before]???

It's not implicit vs. explicit in exegeting the Text. That's not even the question (and it doesn't matter if you use 100 question marks). The texts are against each other in some great wrestling match. Some things that are explicit need to be understood what they are explicitly regarding.

Never said any of this. Go back & re-read & get back to me.

Someone like you surely believes in implicit over explicit. How else do you explain that someone must speak in tongues to be saved :)

I see, so we receive the Holy Spirit today in a different manner in which those initial recipients did in Acts 2 [not to mention Acts 10, Paul, Acts 19, etc.]? Ever heard of the "Law of First Mention"? Let me guess? "Not a hemenutical principle"...right?

I'd say I'm the one losing respect for your "scholarship" & fast!

rdp 01-05-2010 03:39 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by Jeffrey (Post 859619)
Not looking for the respect of men. You're reading something into my statement not intended. I even said above that that culture & history play a part, but really have nothing to do w/ actual word definitions & syntax. Moreover, in a practical sense, church records from the 1st century are so scanty [outside of the canon] that it's very hard to state anything in concrete terms regarding eclessiology. Thus, history/culture are not to be used as interprative lenses to the literal text. Apparently you deny this. I'd say, you're the one who needs to quit "posing" around here!

What am I reading into it? Re-read your comments. Now your back-pedaling. You said exegeting. That's not exclusive to language and syntax, nor is that the lone tool used to exegete the texts on women pastors. Why would you even suggest that?

Oh brother. If you think I'm gonna' allow you to put me in a corner & play defense all the time, think again. Been at it tooooooo many years to fall for that ol' apologetical trick. Do you deny that word definitions & syntax are the PRIMARY factors in exegesis? Or, do you put culture/history right alongside Scripture???

And the bolded part, you just lost your badge as adjunct AFF scholar. No posing here. I'll ask again: what's your training in hermeneutics? You are being called on the carpet. Just admit your throwing words out that you don't understand. Your argument is still a good one without the posing.

Oh please! Like I'm fallin' for this..............Funny that NONE of the apostles attended Beth-Hillel ot Beth Shalom! I anticipate your response, but will wait before I answer. Besides, what are YOUR credentials? And this is relevant to women preacher's........HOW?????

Jeffrey 01-05-2010 03:39 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?

You very obviously need to do some homework. Besides, does one have to quote someone else for something to be true?? Or, can we simply observe things in the Biblical record [though I have read this before]???

It's not implicit vs. explicit in exegeting the Text. That's not even the question (and it doesn't matter if you use 100 question marks). The texts are against each other in some great wrestling match. Some things that are explicit need to be understood what they are explicitly regarding.
Never said any of this. Go back & re-read & get back to me.

Someone like you surely believes in implicit over explicit. How else do you explain that someone must speak in tongues to be saved

I see, so we receive the Holy Spirit today in a different manner in which those initial recipients did in Acts 2 [not to mention Acts 10, Paul, Acts 19, etc.]? Ever heard of the "Law of First Mention"? Let me guess? "Not a hemenutical principle"...right?
Wow. Where do I start. What is it I need to do my homework on exactly, rdp? I ask again, where did you get your training in hermeneutics? I doubt you've had any. Simply observe from the Biblical record? Yeah, pretty much you flunked hermeneutics 101. Come again.

Then you answer my other response to your implicit/explicit argument by telling me to go back and read what you said? Could you not proctor a response?

Ok, Scholar. Now apply the Law of First Mention to tongues. I am all ears. To do that (remember) you will have to understand what Law of First Mention is all about, how it can be used, etc. Secondly, do you have anything explicit to indicate one must speak in tongues? The other camp has plenty of explicit passages saying how to be saved otherwise. Just turning your own flawed argument on you.

Jeffrey 01-05-2010 03:43 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Oh brother. If you think I'm gonna' allow you to put me in a corner & play defense all the time, think again. Been at it tooooooo many years to fall for that ol' apologetical trick. Do you deny that word definitions & syntax are the PRIMARY factors in exegesis? Or, do you put culture/history right alongside Scripture???

And the bolded part, you just lost your badge as adjunct AFF scholar. No posing here. I'll ask again: what's your training in hermeneutics? You are being called on the carpet. Just admit your throwing words out that you don't understand. Your argument is still a good one without the posing.
Oh please! Like I'm fallin' for this..............Funny that NONE of the apostles attended Beth-Hillel ot Beth Shalom! I anticipate your response, but will wait before I answer. Besides, what are YOUR credentials? And this is relevant to women preacher's........HOW?????
Apologetic trick? Hahaha. There you go again using words that lack any sense to the conversation. Yes, I deny that word definitions and syntax are the primary factor in exegesis. Please refer me to a source otherwise. I'll be happy to reconsider. Historical-cultural context does not battle with scripture, it helps us understand it's meaning. All the tools work together. They aren't in competition. There's only a Hermeneutic or there's not. No "full" and "light."

I'll be nice. But you're making this more comical when you don't admit you're just making things up.

rdp 01-05-2010 03:43 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by Jeffrey (Post 859597)
Even the Pharisees were appalled at Jesus for breaking the literal law by healing on the Sabbath :)

Just food for thought. We have a job to do. And a job in a 21st Century where attitudes toward women are much different. Even the most conservative of families still recognize the leadership of a man-led home, but there is a respect for a human being that is moved on by the Spirit to minister to others, which includes teaching. It doesn't rub anyone the wrong way today, except those still clinging to the letter of the law, and missing the whole spirit of it. That said, I think the jury is still out on what Paul was correcting: a universal prohibition of women teaching/preaching, or a unique situation where women were usurping authority within the church?

Not at all! Did only the women that Paul was talking about in I Tim. have to dress modestly? The epistle was written "so that you may know how to behave yourself in the house of God, which IS THE CHURCH.........." It still goes for today: "I do not allow a woman to speak, or to excercise authority over a man." Is the God-called ministry in a position of authority w/in the church? Of course it is [Heb. 13]. This is what Paul explicitly forbids.

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