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Sister Alvear 01-05-2010 02:30 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?
rdp why donīt you use your real name?

rdp 01-05-2010 02:35 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by Sister Alvear (Post 859164)
dear ones we have someone who knows everything....lol...maybe he will tell us how a woman can prophecy and be in silence..since prophecy is for the church....

I treat you w/ respect, yet you're continuously scornful. Is this what you "teach" your converts???

But to answer your question [again!]: I have given the lexical definition of "prophecy" till I could pass out, yet you just say the same thing as if it's not there!?!?!?

The Greek word "Lal-eh-o" in vs. 34 is translated as "Preach" [& is also one definiton of the word] at least 6x's in the NT, thus the context is forbidding women to "preach," not to entirely zip their lips! Or, would have us to believe that she cannot pray in church????

But, I'm sure you'll just whip out your eraser on this one too.....

rdp 01-05-2010 02:39 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by Sister Alvear (Post 859172)
The word "prophet" derives from the Greek word "to announce."

And how do these last 4 posts invalidate Paul's clear teachings in I Tim. 2 or I Cor. 14:34?? Ever heard of the "Neglected Aspect Fallacy"???

Besides, of course Prophecy is to announce...no one has ever denied that. But, "to announce" what? "To foretell, or to speak BY INSPIRATION [i.e., spontaneously...not premeditated sermons to men!]. Sheeeesh, how many times do I have to say this?????

Sister Alvear 01-05-2010 02:41 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?
Every time you breathe, a poor lost, untold, heathen soul struggles for his last breath, and sinks into eternal darkness, alone without hope and without God. Every minute many, many souls go out into eternity. Billions have never heard the sound of church bells. Every time the pendulum of your clock swings, someone that is ignorant of Christ's redemption grasps in hopeless despair as the curtains of death enshroud another heathen soul, taking him into eternity without God..

and you say let them die and go to hell becase I am awomen....

that is to your shame....and will be remembered at Judgement...

Sister Alvear 01-05-2010 02:44 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by rdp (Post 859549)
I treat you w/ respect, yet you're continuously scornful. Is this what you "teach" your converts???

But to answer your question [again!]: I have given the lexical definition of "prophecy" till I could pass out, yet you just say the same thing as if it's not there!?!?!?

The Greek word "Lal-eh-o" in vs. 34 is translated as "Preach" [& is also one definiton of the word] at least 6x's in the NT, thus the context is forbidding women to "preach," not to entirely zip their lips! Or, would have us to believe that she cannot pray in church????

But, I'm sure you'll just whip out your eraser on this one too.....

You erase not me...I bear in my body the marks of a missionary...scars from spider bits, scars from scoripon bits, weakness in my system because of drinking bad water over and over again...and on and on...

Dear One...to be a missionary has cost dearly however I will gladly give and give and give again...

rdp 01-05-2010 02:46 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by Sister Alvear (Post 859517)
The danger of founding a doctrine on a single text, without comparing it with hundreds of other texts that speak of the same theme, cannot be emphasized enough in the light of eternity...

Now we're getting somewhere! Proper hermeneutics neccessitates that we go to Scriptures that explicitly address a given topic for the express reason of addressing it [such as women in the ministry in I Tim. 2 & I Cor. 14]. Then, we're to find passages that the same subject flows into implicitly [I Cor. 11, Rom. 16, etc., since Paul is specifically addressing women's role's in the church] & harmonize them together.

Here's the catch: The implicit NEVER overrides the explicit teachings....this is exactly the hermeneutical flaw of women preacher advocates.

Sister Alvear 01-05-2010 02:47 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?
Do you honestly think the Lord will say "well done" to us, and then cast millions into hell because we did not do our job of evangelizing the world? The task is so urgent, for night cometh, when no man can work. As Jeremiah cried, "Alas, for the day declines, the evening shadow lengthen." (Jer. 6:4 Amp.) Many are the excuses people make for not working for God, but no excuse will defend us on judgment day .
An old man walked past me in a dilapidated bus station in the inland of Brazil. Hi clothes no doubt had been given to him, as apparently they were not his size. Probably months had gone by since he had taken a bath. He was fumbling with his hands in a worn out tote bag. One eye was blind. He brought out a bent tin cup; in it was his days wages from begging. What was lefts of his hands trembled.
He was a leper, and the fingers of his left hand had fallen off. There were traces of leprosy in his face. I got up from the backless concrete bench where we were sitting to give him some money to buy bread, and then I gave him a tract. He did his best to fold it, as he like millions of people in Brazil, especially in the backlands of Bahia do not know how to read . Someone tapped me on my shoulder, the scene was repeated.
They were not the first beggars that we had given money, that day. In Bahia, begging is a common sight. Millions of souls in our world today that perish because of lack of spiritual bread and living water. On and on we penetrated into the arid and remote interior of Bahia. We were seeking and searching for lost souls.
One day we rented a jeep to take us into an area where our driver told us we would have to walk the rest of the way. The first house we came upon was little mud hovel with a thatch roof. Out walked and old lady. She must have been eighty years old, or older. She was all bent over, her face was full of wrinkles, and her skin was dirty. "Who are you all?" She called out. As I reached out to clasp her hand, I said "Grandmother, we are messengers from God" "Messengers from God," she repeated. Looking at us she exclaimed, "Never before have messengers of God come to my house." We walked into her mud hovel. There was no furniture, only a split log for us to sit on, some rocks, and sticks in a dug out place in one corner serving as a stove.
She had none of this world's goods, not even the things we deem necessary. With such interest she listened to the story we all know so well. Tears fell from her eyes. Her heart's door that had been closed for over eighty years was slowly being opened by the invisible hand of God. The Great Unknown presence had made Himself know through the message of His servants. The long, long night of paganism was passing; the new day was dawning. She had grown old waiting for a messenger from God.
We told her we were looking for a family that lived across the mountain, but at evening time we would be back. We were gone all day. Evening shadows were falling by the time we returned.
As we came up the trail we could see the old grandmother outside, waiting for us. We told her we must go on our way. "I have a present for you, Messenger of God," she said, as she looked at me. She handed me a bag, and in the bag was three eggs. "Why don't you keep your eggs?" I said, "We are going back where there are plenty of eggs." "This is a present for you Messenger of God," she repeated. "Never has anyone ever brought me a message from God before. Before it was over, she gave me both the eggs and the hen.
As I started to leave she pulled at my blouse. I turned to see what she wanted. She said: "Will you ever be back Messenger from God? Will God ever have a message for me?" Her only earthly possessions she gave to me.
The mystery is how can we read such words and still sit like Jonah in our little booths, comfortable and content to let earth's Ninevehs--millions without Christ in every land--sink into eternity, yes sink and forever be lost, not because God did not choose to save them, but because we denied them deliverance.

Sister Alvear 01-05-2010 02:49 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?
1 Cor. 14: 34-35 does not say anything about women preachers. If Paul intended this verse as a general rule to bar all women from speaking in church, then they cannot teach Sunday School, testify, pray, prophesy, sing, or even get saved, and this would contradict the rest of the Bible (Acts 2:4; Acts 2:16-18).

Sister Alvear 01-05-2010 02:53 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?
In 1 Tim. 2:12 Paul is dealing with more of a home problem than a church problem. I have no problem obeying and helping Brother Alvear...lol...neither am I trying to boss him...

rdp 01-05-2010 02:53 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by Sister Alvear (Post 859553)
Every time you breathe, a poor lost, untold, heathen soul struggles for his last breath, and sinks into eternal darkness, alone without hope and without God. Every minute many, many souls go out into eternity. Billions have never heard the sound of church bells. Every time the pendulum of your clock swings, someone that is ignorant of Christ's redemption grasps in hopeless despair as the curtains of death enshroud another heathen soul, taking him into eternity without God..

and you say let them die and go to hell becase I am awomen....

that is to your shame....and will be remembered at Judgement...

You're attacking me based upon your misconceptions again. I've told you until I could pass out that I believe that EVERYONE should witness, but I Tim. 2 & I Cor. 14 is dealing w/ church settings...not outreaching!

Where have I ever "said let them die & go to hell":__________? Sis. you can't just put words in my mouth...esp. when I don't even believe that in the 1st place!

We'll be judged by the written Word [along w/ motives] at Judgement...which will NEVER support "women preachers IN THE CHURCH."

I've even said that it's POSSIBLE that God sent you where a man refused to go, but even if this is the case [as I can only speculate], this would be an anomaly, not the norm. Regardless, there's more men preachers today than ever [in America at least], so there's ABSOLUTELY NO NEED for "women preachers" in the American church....not to mention a direct violation of Scripture.

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