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Carpenter 06-19-2008 02:17 PM

Re: What's your Definition of a Liberal UPC'er....

Originally Posted by 1Corinth2v4 (Post 502282)
I thank God I'm a Christian.........and more Apostolic than ye all! :D

Here you go 1Corbinth, thought you might need this.


Oneness Man 06-19-2008 05:03 PM

Re: What's your Definition of a Liberal UPC'er....

Originally Posted by COOPER (Post 13300)
I am so sick of these UPC bashing threads!!!!:killinme


As long as there are people on AFF, there will always be UPC bashing.

harleypreacher 06-20-2008 11:15 AM

Re: What's your Definition of a Liberal UPC'er....
God gave us all the same label, SINNERS. When God looks at us he doesn’t see conservatives or liberals, he see sinners and sinners saved by grace.

Religion loves to give people labels, so they can isolate themselves from the other party. If I'm one labeled group and you're in another labeled group, that means I can go behind your back and tear down your ministry, ignore you at conferences and never attend any event held at your church.

Labeling goes against all Bible commandments and principles. We have forgotten the two greatest commandments in the Bible, and its not hair, pants and makeup. It's about love.

Most people in the UPC label my church very liberal; I'm labeled Charismatic and liberal. The funny thing is when I go to other churches outside of the UPC; my church is very conservative to their standards. So I'm confused, I don't know what I am and really don't care. I'm a God pleaser and not a man pleaser and it makes life a whole lot easier.

So if you worry about what they label you, you will be trying to please the liberal camp or conservative camp or the UC camp.

If we will get out of the UPC manual and get into the Bible, we might find God don't have labels. The manual will divide us, but the Bible will unite us.

I propose we sent a resolution to the floor of conference this year to take the U out of UPC.

SavedLou 06-20-2008 04:18 PM

Re: What's your Definition of a Liberal UPC'er....

Originally Posted by harleypreacher (Post 503492)
God gave us all the same label, SINNERS. When God looks at us he doesn’t see conservatives or liberals, he see sinners and sinners saved by grace.

Religion loves to give people labels, so they can isolate themselves from the other party. If I'm one labeled group and you're in another labeled group, that means I can go behind your back and tear down your ministry, ignore you at conferences and never attend any event held at your church.

Labeling goes against all Bible commandments and principles. We have forgotten the two greatest commandments in the Bible, and its not hair, pants and makeup. It's about love.

Most people in the UPC label my church very liberal; I'm labeled Charismatic and liberal. The funny thing is when I go to other churches outside of the UPC; my church is very conservative to their standards. So I'm confused, I don't know what I am and really don't care. I'm a God pleaser and not a man pleaser and it makes life a whole lot easier.
So if you worry about what they label you, you will be trying to please the liberal camp or conservative camp or the UC camp.

If we will get out of the UPC manual and get into the Bible, we might find God don't have labels. The manual will divide us, but the Bible will unite us.
I propose we sent a resolution to the floor of conference this year to take the U out of UPC.

:amen nuff said! excellent post! especially the bolded parts.

Tim Wiggins 06-20-2008 05:15 PM

Re: What's your Definition of a Liberal UPC'er....
One thing that it is important to note is that often times we are using "secular political terms" to try to describe the spiritual body of Christ. Conservative is not a Biblical word and while Liberal is used in scripture, it has a totally different context than the way we use it today. Many discussions about conservatives and libs are actually just political discussions masquerading as spiritual discussions.

I have known men that were "conservatives" and "liberals" that were actually quite carnal and worldly minded. On the other hand I have known "conservative" and "not so conservative" men that were very spiritual and lead very separated lives.

In the eyes of God, there are only, "Righteous" and "Unrighteous". He does not see Conserv and lib.


Sister Alvear 06-20-2008 05:58 PM

Re: What's your Definition of a Liberal UPC'er....
ditto ...

chaotic_resolve 06-23-2008 09:11 AM

Re: What's your Definition of a Liberal UPC'er....

Originally Posted by Tim Wiggins (Post 504093)
One thing that it is important to note is that often times we are using "secular political terms" to try to describe the spiritual body of Christ. Conservative is not a Biblical word and while Liberal is used in scripture, it has a totally different context than the way we use it today. Many discussions about conservatives and libs are actually just political discussions masquerading as spiritual discussions.

I have known men that were "conservatives" and "liberals" that were actually quite carnal and worldly minded. On the other hand I have known "conservative" and "not so conservative" men that were very spiritual and lead very separated lives.

In the eyes of God, there are only, "Righteous" and "Unrighteous". He does not see Conserv and lib.


Great post, TW. :thumbsup

Cindy 06-23-2008 09:18 AM

Re: What's your Definition of a Liberal UPC'er....

Originally Posted by Tim Wiggins (Post 504093)
One thing that it is important to note is that often times we are using "secular political terms" to try to describe the spiritual body of Christ. Conservative is not a Biblical word and while Liberal is used in scripture, it has a totally different context than the way we use it today. Many discussions about conservatives and libs are actually just political discussions masquerading as spiritual discussions.

I have known men that were "conservatives" and "liberals" that were actually quite carnal and worldly minded. On the other hand I have known "conservative" and "not so conservative" men that were very spiritual and lead very separated lives.

In the eyes of God, there are only, "Righteous" and "Unrighteous". He does not see Conserv and lib.


Amen!!!!!!!! Tell your wife hi. She is a very sweet lady.

rgcraig 06-23-2008 09:24 AM

Re: What's your Definition of a Liberal UPC'er....

Originally Posted by harleypreacher (Post 503492)
God gave us all the same label, SINNERS. When God looks at us he doesn’t see conservatives or liberals, he see sinners and sinners saved by grace.

Religion loves to give people labels, so they can isolate themselves from the other party. If I'm one labeled group and you're in another labeled group, that means I can go behind your back and tear down your ministry, ignore you at conferences and never attend any event held at your church.

Labeling goes against all Bible commandments and principles. We have forgotten the two greatest commandments in the Bible, and its not hair, pants and makeup. It's about love.

Most people in the UPC label my church very liberal; I'm labeled Charismatic and liberal. The funny thing is when I go to other churches outside of the UPC; my church is very conservative to their standards. So I'm confused, I don't know what I am and really don't care. I'm a God pleaser and not a man pleaser and it makes life a whole lot easier.

So if you worry about what they label you, you will be trying to please the liberal camp or conservative camp or the UC camp.

If we will get out of the UPC manual and get into the Bible, we might find God don't have labels. The manual will divide us, but the Bible will unite us.

I propose we sent a resolution to the floor of conference this year to take the U out of UPC.


Originally Posted by Tim Wiggins (Post 504093)
One thing that it is important to note is that often times we are using "secular political terms" to try to describe the spiritual body of Christ. Conservative is not a Biblical word and while Liberal is used in scripture, it has a totally different context than the way we use it today. Many discussions about conservatives and libs are actually just political discussions masquerading as spiritual discussions.

I have known men that were "conservatives" and "liberals" that were actually quite carnal and worldly minded. On the other hand I have known "conservative" and "not so conservative" men that were very spiritual and lead very separated lives.

In the eyes of God, there are only, "Righteous" and "Unrighteous". He does not see Conserv and lib.


Both good posts!

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