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Steve Epley 02-26-2013 04:16 PM

Re: Anyone know this Preacher or EX Preacher
I just quoted what David said and believe it because it is inspired I am NOT calling anyone personally a fool. If you say there is NO God the Bible calls you a fool not I. If the glove fits............................you know the rest.:)

Evang.Benincasa 02-26-2013 04:18 PM

Re: Anyone know this Preacher or EX Preacher

Originally Posted by Steve Epley (Post 1228352)
I just quoted what David said and believe it because it is inspired I am NOT calling anyone personally a fool. If you say there is NO God the Bible calls you a fool not I. If the glove fits............................you know the rest.:)

Amen! :highfive

Jack Shephard 03-04-2013 03:02 PM

Re: Anyone know this Preacher or EX Preacher
Boy am I getting to this thread late. But I have doubted before. Called myself a believer, but not a worshiper too. But that took me a while to get there and now it has taken a while for me to get back. I have asked questions that were so tough for me to even speak, but I knew if I didn't then I would die with questions, without answers & without restoration.

I am different. If someone doesn't believe it is not my job to throw a scripture at them calling them fools. It's my job to love them all the same. The Message translation says in 1 Corinthians, "If I give everything I own to the poor and even go to the stake to be burned as a martyr, but I don’t love, I’ve gotten nowhere. So, no matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I’m bankrupt without love." I'd rather not be bankrupt, still keep them as my friends, attempt to have them see Him through me & restore their beliefs. If they do not have their beliefs restored I will STILL love them.

Jack Shephard 03-04-2013 03:09 PM

Re: Anyone know this Preacher or EX Preacher

Originally Posted by Steve Epley (Post 1228352)
I just quoted what David said and believe it because it is inspired I am NOT calling anyone personally a fool. If you say there is NO God the Bible calls you a fool not I. If the glove fits............................you know the rest.:)


Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa (Post 1228354)
Amen! :highfive

So, Elder Epley, you are saying David that Giant-killing, adulterer, sheep-loving, King to call this man & others a fool for not believing. But you say, "I am NOT calling anyone personally a fool" so you are using scripture as a club to clobber "fools" with, but you aren't going to own that you ARE calling them a fool. How nice of you sir - well played.

Benincasa, you would "AMEN!" Elder Epley if he had posted, "Ackew! Pardon me for sneezing." You are a "yes man" or an "Amen man". Typical.

:yourock x2

Steve Epley 03-04-2013 06:56 PM

Re: Anyone know this Preacher or EX Preacher

Originally Posted by Jack Shephard (Post 1230232)
So, Elder Epley, you are saying David that Giant-killing, adulterer, sheep-loving, King to call this man & others a fool for not believing. But you say, "I am NOT calling anyone personally a fool" so you are using scripture as a club to clobber "fools" with, but you aren't going to own that you ARE calling them a fool. How nice of you sir - well played.

Benincasa, you would "AMEN!" Elder Epley if he had posted, "Ackew! Pardon me for sneezing." You are a "yes man" or an "Amen man". Typical.

:yourock x2

If the shoe fits wear it. The Bible is right and somebody is wrong the song says. Defame David and defend atheist makes sense to me.

Evenuntodeath 03-04-2013 09:05 PM

Re: Anyone know this Preacher or EX Preacher

Originally Posted by CC1 (Post 1168045)
I agree this is a very sad situation. It blows my mind that someone who ministered for so many years could end up an unbeliever.

Many preachers fail but almost all do not renounce God as they recognize the failure is in themselves. I have a feeling there is a lot of stuff going on in his personal life involved with this seismic shift in belief.

If you ministered for 25 years and enjoyed the presence and blessings of God that much how could you all of a sudden declare there is no God?

Actually it doesn't surprise me. If a person is part of a 'dead' chruch, no healings, no prophecies, no casting out of demons for their entire life its no wonder how they become an unbeliever. To read about all these miraculous things in the bible, but never see it manifest in your own life, is very sad.

And contrary to popular belief, there are 'dead ' pentecostal churches too.

Jack Shephard 03-05-2013 07:22 AM

Re: Anyone know this Preacher or EX Preacher

Originally Posted by Steve Epley (Post 1230300)
If the shoe fits wear it. The Bible is right and somebody is wrong the song says. Defame David and defend atheist makes sense to me.

Glad you understand me. LOL.

I wasn't defaming or defending exactly. What I was saying that is the UC / OP stance to ALWAYS take a portion of scripture and attempt to condemn and perhaps convict with the statements, but then say, "Well I am not saying...but so-and-so said..." It's bogus. I believe the Bible is valid, but also believe the Old Testament MUST be viewed through the looking glass of the New Testament. OT is no longer valid unless it's for historical teaching of the creation, early times of war, reign, trying to figure it out all on our own, etc. But the NT is for us today to as the Audioslave song says, "Show Me How To Live."

It's ALL about love. I'd say your response may be, "It's about TRUTH!!!!!" Which is right. God is love. God is also truth. So, yes it is about "TRUTH" but it is not about what is perceived as truth but what is truth, God / love!

Jermyn Davidson 03-05-2013 07:09 PM

Re: Anyone know this Preacher or EX Preacher

Originally Posted by Jack Shephard (Post 1230437)
Glad you understand me. LOL.

I wasn't defaming or defending exactly. What I was saying that is the UC / OP stance to ALWAYS take a portion of scripture and attempt to condemn and perhaps convict with the statements, but then say, "Well I am not saying...but so-and-so said..." It's bogus. I believe the Bible is valid, but also believe the Old Testament MUST be viewed through the looking glass of the New Testament. OT is no longer valid unless it's for historical teaching of the creation, early times of war, reign, trying to figure it out all on our own, etc. But the NT is for us today to as the Audioslave song says, "Show Me How To Live."

It's ALL about love. I'd say your response may be, "It's about TRUTH!!!!!" Which is right. God is love. God is also truth. So, yes it is about "TRUTH" but it is not about what is perceived as truth but what is truth, God / love!

Now here I am thinking that all I have to do is go and deliver the foreskins of a hundred Phillistines and then I too would be given a wife!

Jack Shephard 03-06-2013 02:18 PM

Re: Anyone know this Preacher or EX Preacher

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson (Post 1230668)
Now here I am thinking that all I have to do is go and deliver the foreskins of a hundred Phillistines and then I too would be given a wife!

Then it is a good thing you read my post so you don't have to continue to touch the foreskins of others to just obtain a wife.


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