Felicity |
07-21-2007 12:05 PM |
Originally Posted by Monkeyman
(Post 192787)
I might get in trouble with the Canucks around here but I will say it anyway...Quebec City is the best city I have ever visited in Canada. I have seen nothing like it across North America. If it is true that there is NOT a oneness church in that wonderful city, that is a shame!
I love Quebec City too. We were seriously considering going there to start a work back around '79 but God totally changed our direction.
Although we may not have seen what we're believing for in regard to churches being planted and revival in Quebec, I believe that God is working there. There has been so much intercession, burden, sacrifice, and giving through the years. God has not turned a blind eye or a deaf ear. There are times and seasons in the plan of God and a harvest WILL be reaped .... IS in fact being reaped.
Even though God may not have placed US in that part of the world harvest field, we can "go" there anyhow through praying in the Holy Ghost and great things can be achieved in the Spirit that way.
I do know of one man who is not in a Oneness organization but is Oneness personally in his own theology who has planted several churches and been successful in establishing works there.
Some ground is more difficult to work than other places. The environment is different as well. In Quebec there has been a Roman Catholic hold on the minds and hearts of the people for hundreds of years and even though most RCs don't adhere to their faith or even attend church or believe anymore, culturally they're still bound. Spiritually they're empty.
Reminds me a bit of like it has been in China where due to the fact that everything the Chinese believed in regard to religion was ripped from them (cultural revolution), it created a situation where they had nothing to fill the void. Spiritually, they too were "empty". But God has moved in such a mighty and powerful way in China.
The same thing can happen in Quebec. Any why not? :)