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returnman 03-16-2021 09:55 AM

Re: Sons Inheriting Churches from Fathers $$$

Originally Posted by loran adkins (Post 1601894)
Wow this whole thread sounds out of left field by left coast. I don't know personally Jessy Parker, but I do know very personally his brother Joe Parker. Both of them started a church with UPCI and both have left the UPCI for different reasons. The fact remains that one thing that is very wrong is that until just the last ten years both of the Parkers churches were not rich and most of the church finances were because the pastor worked and the tithe went into running the church and not into the pastors pocket.

I would go as far as to say that that is the case still today. And even if Jessie has been full time in ministry I would go as far as to say he is in no way rich. Yes he may live in a nice house but who paid for it him, with his tree cutting business or the church?

Regardless the pastor does have the right to put up anyone he wants as pastor to take over the church he spent to much time and money putting together.

I can appreciate your loyalty to whomever you serve under and also a man's labor should be recognized and rewarded but principles are either followed or not. Are we building earthly kingdoms or heavenly? The way some of this operates you'd very likely have these churches stay in single family control for 150 years.

returnman 03-16-2021 10:00 AM

Re: Sons Inheriting Churches from Fathers $$$

Originally Posted by aegsm76 (Post 1601896)
There is a theory in Apostolic circles that you show your reverence to God by showing reverence to your pastor.
While this is not a bad thing, it has sometimes led to pastor worship.
I am old enough to remember when the prominent UPCI Bible School taught that as a pastor, you should not have the best house/car/clothes in the church.
As it would hinder your ministry.

J.T. Pugh preached a lesson series titled "Wisdom of the cross Principle"
It dealt a lot with the way Pastors and church leadership conduct themselves and the effects on the church body as a whole. He was a wise man.

Dordrecht 03-16-2021 05:44 PM

Re: Sons Inheriting Churches from Fathers $$$
Is there a board?

Lol, I know two UPC without a local board.

leftcoast1 03-16-2021 09:56 PM

Re: Sons Inheriting Churches from Fathers $$$

Originally Posted by votivesoul (Post 1601838)
Brethren, please change the course of this thread to more generically discuss the merits or lack thereof regarding pastoral nepotism, and leave off the specifics and personal names of the church in question, or I will lock the thread.

Please delete this thread. I think its run its course.

Originalist 03-17-2021 05:49 AM

Re: Sons Inheriting Churches from Fathers $$$

Originally Posted by leftcoast1 (Post 1601904)
Please delete this thread. I think its run its course.

Why? Nepotism is a great topic. Specific names do not have to be mentioned.

aegsm76 03-17-2021 07:52 AM

Re: Sons Inheriting Churches from Fathers $$$

Originally Posted by Originalist (Post 1601907)
Why? Nepotism is a great topic. Specific names do not have to be mentioned.

I know of many men who I would consider great men of God, who have blinders on when dealing with their own family.
I do wonder, where is Paul or Nathan who will speak the word of the Lord to them?

Tithesmeister 03-17-2021 10:41 AM

Re: Sons Inheriting Churches from Fathers $$$

Originally Posted by leftcoast1 (Post 1601904)
Please delete this thread. I think its run its course.



That ship has sailed.

The horse is out of the barn.

You have opened Pandora’ Box.

You let the genie out of the bottle.

The bell is rung.

Now we have to go on for one hundred and fifty pages and consider all the possibilities. It is our obligation and responsibility. And we will be diligent in our pursuit of truth and justice.

Gather the tar and feathers, just in case they’re needed.

votivesoul 03-17-2021 10:03 PM

Re: Sons Inheriting Churches from Fathers $$$

Originally Posted by leftcoast1 (Post 1601904)
Please delete this thread. I think its run its course.

I didn't threaten to delete it, just lock it. I think the conversation has moved away from the specifics well enough to leave it alone and allow it to continue under the proviso I gave earlier.

As a rule, I don't tend to delete threads unless they are spam.

leftcoast1 03-17-2021 10:30 PM

Re: Sons Inheriting Churches from Fathers $$$

Originally Posted by aegsm76 (Post 1601909)
I know of many men who I would consider great men of God, who have blinders on when dealing with their own family.
I do wonder, where is Paul or Nathan who will speak the word of the Lord to them?

Many of the right wingers put pastors on such a high pedestal to where the individual saints will not have a word to say for themselves in judgement. Only the pastor will "give an account."

There was a fairly recent sermon preached by a now unnamed individual who said "there is a not a place in the Bible where the people chose their pastor."


This is a strange doctrine even within the UPCI ranks.

Some of these folks will point to the election of Judas' replacement and how the apostilles cast lots. This pretty much confirms that other Bishops will vote among themselves for the pastoral replacement at another church?

When did the church become the House of Representatives to where the average person does not have a voice? The is the primary issue with unlearned men joining the clergy and correlates to my original point. Various offshoots of the UPCI have become a good ole boys club void of true leadership.

Praxeas 03-18-2021 12:07 AM

Re: Sons Inheriting Churches from Fathers $$$

Originally Posted by TJJJ (Post 1601765)
And how dare Jess give it to someone else and not you! C'mon man, if it's not of God then it won't matter, if God is in it then it will. Period. That church has a board of elders who had to approve it, apparently they didn't see it like you. Roll on and find another place to Pastor so you can do the same thing when you retire.

Many "boards" in Pentecostal churches are nothing but yes men who do as the Pastor tells them

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