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Originalist 11-05-2020 03:41 AM

Re: I'll be the first to say it
There is a good chance that my prediction is coming to pass.

Evang.Benincasa 11-05-2020 06:59 PM

Re: I'll be the first to say it

Originally Posted by Originalist (Post 1593857)
You believe that all elections have been fake. Good grief.

My brother did you expect this outcome which we have today?

coksiw 11-05-2020 07:23 PM

Re: I'll be the first to say it
At this pace, Trump may win Arizona, and Biden may win PA. Nevada is giving more votes to Biden, and Ga seems to be barely there.

It seems that Biden may win. President Trump just had a press conferences and put out there a lot of distrust for the election process. He mentioned a lot of things that should have been addressed a while ago, but bringing them now it is like the worst time in history, right during such an ideological divide in this country.

I'm already hearing some people on youtube and twitter saying they are ready for a civil war. Add to that, that if Biden wins, the economy is going to tank badly, as they believe that an increase in nationwide restrictions is the solution, ignoring the fact that EU already tried that and they are being hit hard with covid anyways, and their economy tanking even more.

The Western world is falling, and quickly. Add to that the fact that China, already over most of the covid, seems to be getting ahead economically at the expense of other needing supplies quickly to fight covid or to keep the economy afloat while printing money and living in isolation.

shag 11-05-2020 07:29 PM

Re: I'll be the first to say it

Originally Posted by Esaias (Post 1594734)
What is 25% of 6?

Anyway, it's already been proven beyond any possibility of dispute that nobody has any possible way of knowing if any election result is valid.

Further, it has been proven over and over again that BOTH parties routinely commit election fraud, along with the complicit lame stream media.

Further, it has been proven that modern elections using electronic vote machines are ridiculously easy to hack, subvert, reverse, twist, tweak, and remote control.

Further, it is documented and proven that both parties are controlled by very wealthy and very powerful and totally amoral people.

Further it is well documented that wealthy, powerful, amoral people are prone to fraud and crime to further their various agendas.

What is the Assault Triangle for 300, Alex?

Motive, Ability, and Opportunity. If a person has motive, opportunity, and ability to commit a crime, it is almost certain they will commit a crime.

There are no such things as real, bona fide, free, fair elections in the western world.

"If voting worked it would be illegal." - Unknown author.

Do you believe that not only does it not work with electing a president, but as well as voting for local officials in not only state, but like those running for different offices in a county? Or say a school board?

Meaning, how do you know what is “rigged” and what isn’t?

Esaias 11-05-2020 09:47 PM

Re: I'll be the first to say it

Originally Posted by shag (Post 1595484)
Do you believe that not only does it not work with electing a president, but as well as voting for local officials in not only state, but like those running for different offices in a county? Or say a school board?

Meaning, how do you know what is “rigged” and what isn’t?

I've been a precinct committee chairman. They had it rigged down to the local dog catcher.

Had an interesting conversation with a former sheriff. About how local elections work.

Short story is you simply buy votes. And you don't necessarily buy them from "voters".

KeptByTheWord 11-05-2020 11:30 PM

Re: I'll be the first to say it
Makes you wonder though, how Trump ever got elected in the first place 4 years ago. I think he caught them off guard. They probably figured Hillary had it wrapped up and they didn't think that Trump could pull it off. This time around, they pulled out all the stops, and went for every kind of election fraud they could scheme. Only this time, Trump is not backing down from the fight.

We are watching a democratic coup take place, and civil war may just be the next storm on the horizon.

coksiw 11-06-2020 06:50 AM

Re: I'll be the first to say it
...and Georgia just flipped to Biden. PA on that path as well.

Jito463 11-06-2020 07:04 AM

Re: I'll be the first to say it

Originally Posted by Esaias (Post 1595491)
I've been a precinct committee chairman. They had it rigged down to the local dog catcher.

Had an interesting conversation with a former sheriff. About how local elections work.

Short story is you simply buy votes. And you don't necessarily buy them from "voters".

Fraud does occur, there's no denying that, but I don't believe it's all fraudulent. For example, Doomburg dumped over 1 million dollars into defeating McConnell, yet he still won his reelection campaign. A million bucks down the drain, all for bupkis. If it were the doom and gloom scenario that you and EB portray, then McConnell should have been ousted easily.

Esaias 11-09-2020 10:18 AM

Re: I'll be the first to say it

Originally Posted by Jito463 (Post 1595507)
Fraud does occur, there's no denying that, but I don't believe it's all fraudulent. For example, Doomburg dumped over 1 million dollars into defeating McConnell, yet he still won his reelection campaign. A million bucks down the drain, all for bupkis. If it were the doom and gloom scenario that you and EB portray, then McConnell should have been ousted easily.

You think election fraud is just a democrat specialty?


Not by a long shot.

Bloomberg spends money on ad campaigns and bribes.

Bloomberg doesn't control the software that controls the machines.

Bloomberg isn't really in charge of anything, he's just a money laundering front, a bag man, for others who actually make decisions.

This is way beyond "R vs D" kabuki theater.

Jito463 11-09-2020 06:17 PM

Re: I'll be the first to say it

Originally Posted by Esaias (Post 1595693)
You think election fraud is just a democrat specialty?

It does tend to favor Democrats. A lot.


Originally Posted by Esaias (Post 1595693)
Bloomberg spends money on ad campaigns and bribes.

Bloomberg doesn't control the software that controls the machines.

Bloomberg isn't really in charge of anything, he's just a money laundering front, a bag man, for others who actually make decisions.



Originally Posted by Esaias (Post 1595693)
This is way beyond "R vs D" kabuki theater.

You think everything in politics is fake, so whatever.

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