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bbyrd009 06-25-2012 04:48 PM

Re: This Week's Encounters with Legalism

Originally Posted by RandyWayne (Post 1170399)
Ya know, there is a whacked out homeless man near where my wife works who's opinion I respect more (and who's ramblings are easier to understand).

Ok, are we talking about me now, or the shoulder-slapper? I was agreeing with you there, btw. Which doesn't mean I deserve any more respect, if you meant me; unless...lol.

bbyrd009 06-25-2012 04:50 PM

Re: This Week's Encounters with Legalism
ah, ya--I fixed it, sorry.

tv1a 06-25-2012 04:52 PM

Re: This Week's Encounters with Legalism
I deliberately left out a lot of details which would make people sick. Everything - mentioned is related to recent events. The facts are she had the same opportunity to experience a dramatic healing and she declined. The legalist missionary stood as rigid as a pillar of salt when God was healing people and people were responding to God's presence in the building.


Originally Posted by Bro. Robbins (Post 1170322)
The Poster states in the original post..... "My mother is the classic legalist. She knows her standards better than she knows her Bible." Whether that be true or not, doesn't matter. Because it is the poster's mother, a much higher level of respect is deserved than that level of trashing.. NO MATTER WHAT MOM HAS DONE.

There is no exhorting, helpful, or praise worthy outcome that is reached by adding sentences like that into the narrative... all it does is tear the woman down... and no matter what she's done, that's not Biblical to do so.

Furthermore, the poster gives details to that the mom contacts a sister hours away instead of the poster.... again, taking the image of mom down so that the poster's image is raised some.

It's just not appropriate according to the direction of Scripture in how we not only talk/treat our parents, but anyone that we might have ought with. The Scriptures teach us to provide grace back for those that don't even deserve it.... this was just someone venting about how wronged they felt they had been... and someone tell me how that in any way helps in lifting up Jesus????

tv1a 06-25-2012 05:01 PM

Re: This Week's Encounters with Legalism
My personal policy is to hold the person's hand. I don't want anyone accuse me of pushing someone over. I have eliminated virtually all tongue talking when I pray with someone. I took a lot of principles I developed praying with people who wanted the baptism of the Holy Spirit and incorporated them into praying for people to be healed. My goal is to eliminate the spook out of healing as well as I eliminated the spook out of being baptized in the Spirit.


Originally Posted by RandyWayne (Post 1170393)
I have to say that I probably don't want anyone/everyone to pray for me, in a physical sort of way, either. Feel free to pray for me from afar but you better not come up and slap your hand on my shoulder or especially my head and start yodeling in tongues over me lest I use my newly acquired CCW on you. OK, I jest. I wouldn't use my conceal carry weapon, but I MAY use my pepper spray, which would not be a good thing for any others nearby.

Cindy 06-25-2012 05:06 PM

Re: This Week's Encounters with Legalism

Originally Posted by tv1a (Post 1170403)
I deliberately left out a lot of details which would make people sick. Everything - mentioned is related to recent events. The facts are she had the same opportunity to experience a dramatic healing and she declined. The legalist missionary stood as rigid as a pillar of salt when God was healing people and people were responding to God's presence in the building.

So, she refuses prayers from everyone because she's a legalist? Or just from you?

RandyWayne 06-25-2012 05:11 PM

Re: This Week's Encounters with Legalism

Originally Posted by tv1a (Post 1170407)
My personal policy is to hold the person's hand. I don't want anyone accuse me of pushing someone over. I have eliminated virtually all tongue talking when I pray with someone. I took a lot of principles I developed praying with people who wanted the baptism of the Holy Spirit and incorporated them into praying for people to be healed. My goal is to eliminate the spook out of healing as well as I eliminated the spook out of being baptized in the Spirit.

In this situation, that is totally acceptable, and I would not be reaching for my pepper spray, although I would still expect them to get my permission. :)

Margies3 06-25-2012 05:17 PM

Re: This Week's Encounters with Legalism
"then she'll be getting all the grace she deserves from you"

BBYRD, this is my problem with what you have been saying - see that word "deserves"? None of us DESERVES grace. I know I don't. I know you don't either. But if what TV has is so much better than what his mom has, then he has to be an example of the grace of God that he has received from God. How else can he be an example if not by demonstrating that grace as he extends it to his mother? No, she doesn't deserve it. And it may be immensely hard to extend it to her. I understand that. And I am convinced that there is much more to this story than any of us know. I am truly not trying to pin TV up against a wall and slap him silly. That's not my point at all. My point is to try to get him to look at this situation from his mother's point of view and then even tho he doesn't agree, at least to love her with the love of the Lord that He's talked about. And if he does love her, it will show in the way that he treats her.

tv1a 06-25-2012 05:21 PM

Re: This Week's Encounters with Legalism
The Bible says following Christ can cause division. Jesus said don't be suprised if parents turn on kids and kids turn on parents.


Originally Posted by CC1 (Post 1170352)
I really hope you are jesting and you didn't mean this the way it comes across. If so how do you dismiss the scriptures about honoring your parents?

Do you honestly think God's attitude is that it is ok to "blow your mother off" based on Jesus' dealings with his mother in that scripture? Still praying you wrote this in jest. Otherwise you are a ........er...I can't say it on this forum or I would have to ban myself for name calling.

tv1a 06-25-2012 05:30 PM

Re: This Week's Encounters with Legalism
Jesus says if a person rejects the peace you bring, you are supposed to shake the dirt off your shoes and move on. If the parent rejects Godly counsel, no need to hang around. Jesus didn't beg for people to get healed. He let those with unbelief stay sick. The way some people think is Jesus made everyone well whether they wanted it or not. Jesus loved people enough to let them make stupid decisions.

CC1 06-25-2012 05:33 PM

Re: This Week's Encounters with Legalism

Originally Posted by RandyWayne (Post 1170393)
I have to say that I probably don't want anyone/everyone to pray for me, in a physical sort of way, either. Feel free to pray for me from afar but you better not come up and slap your hand on my shoulder or especially my head and start yodeling in tongues over me lest I use my newly acquired CCW on you. OK, I jest. I wouldn't use my conceal carry weapon, but I MAY use my pepper spray, which would not be a good thing for any others nearby.

Rats! I was hoping to grasp you by the shoulders with both my hands and shake you until you got a blessing!:happydance:icecream

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